hello! I am a 21 year old mother of two beautiful girls! I had a c-section with both of them. This is my stomach after a month of just giving birth! I still feel fat! But my Husband makes me feel so much better when he tells me that he doesn’t care about the stretch marks or that I gained weight. Those things happen when you have a baby! I working on losing the weight. I still have a few more weeks till I’m able to work out again! I still feel beautiful no matter what my body may look like!

Wow, you sound so courageous and strong! What a fantastic and wonderful attitude to have–especially with two young daughters who will look up to you and learn what REAL womanhood is through their mother!
Cheers!!! :)
your belly has a lovely medicine wheel effect there. i see lines radiating outward in the 4 cardinal directions, and the stretchmarks curve, creating a natural circle. quite beautiful!
I am 21 and am pregnant,37 weeks, with my second child, another girl, and my belly looks identical to yours! You sound like an amazing woman!