My boys are now 6 months old and I think that I look amazing :) Here is a picture of my belly at 6wks post partum and a picture of me now (6 months postpartum). Then here are my twin boys :)
My boys are now 6 months old and I think that I look amazing :) Here is a picture of my belly at 6wks post partum and a picture of me now (6 months postpartum). Then here are my twin boys :)
You DO look amazing. You are gorgeous and your boys, too! Those eyelashes!!
You look sexy and beautiful! Oh my gosh your little boys are so beautiful! You are so lucky!!! What a total blessing! God has blessed you amazingly! Wow!
You look GREAT especially and for carrying twins. Did you use anything special on your stretch marks because they are hardly noticeable and also your skin seem to bounce back?
Let me know because I just recently had a baby and any tips or advice would be VERY HELPFUL on fading the stretch marks or tightening up your stomache.
By the way the boys are soooo CUTE!!
Great googly moogly how cute are those boys?!
Your boyos look just like you! Adorable!
Look at those cutie patooties! And look how great mommy looks =) even better because of her own opinion about herself! Congratulations and many Blessings!
they are so cute
You look absolutely amazing!!! and your little guys are adorable!
U look amazing!! Your boys are so cute! I’m 5 days away from having my boys via C section at 37wks and 3 days. I sure hope my tummy bounces back like that!