Hello My name is Nancy, I was so self concious about my body, then I came across this website. It has made me feel better about myself. I had two babies back to back they are 10 months apart! I love them so much, but my body went through heck! LOL. My youngest is going to be 2 in august 08. I weighed 115 in highschool and went up to 237 with my 2nd pregnancy, i am 25 now and these pics were taken today and i wiegh about 218 (i’m working on that) Thank you for all your pics and post they help me cope :D I really want to post better pictures but my digital camera is dead so these are taken with my camera phone, you can’t really see my stretch marks in these pictures to much but they are there, all over really, on my stomach, thighs, back and boobs :( The only thing I do hate is that I still can pass as 7 months pregnant, with my shirt down. I want to get a tummy tuck but I still want more children so thats gonna have to wait. SO for now I have to be asked if i am pregnant everywhere i go :(

Me too. But I just had the one.
Thanks for sharing your pics and your story!
I hear you–I had 2 children 13 months apart. My stomach looked a lot like yours but with time it flattened out (well, not completely but quite a bit.) Your breasts look great and not one bit droopy. You should be very proud of that.
Thanks, Nancy, for sharing. I haven’t had the courage yet.
Wow. I couldn’t imagine having two babies so close together. That is really hard on one’s body! You look really pretty with nice full breasts. I hope you have those other beautiful children! :)
First, you have the beautiful body of of a woman who has carried life into this world. I am a 36 year old mother of 6 daughters. I had my first three in my late teens early twenties. I had breast implants when my 3rd daughter was 4. When my 3rd daughter was seven I gave birth to my 4th dausghter with whom I gained 70 pounds. Losing weight I found out was much easier in my twenties. By the time I had daughter #6 I weighed 239.5 pounds. She is now 2 years and 3 months and I am 152 pounds. My implants are nowhere near where they used to be but I am happy that I haven’t done any plastic surgery since. With diet and exercise I am happy to say that I am OK with my body now. It is far from perfect but I feel great and I am proud of my “post pregnancy” body! Good luck to you! Never forget how amazing your body really is, not because of how it looks but because of what it has done.
Your body looks much like mine… It’s hard to see myself in the mirror, but knowing that my child was worth it makes it all okay.
I can see how you’d be frustrated about people still thinking you’re pregnant. Your body is beautiful the way it is, but I also understand how knowing that doesn’t always make you feel better.
When I’m feeling down about the shape of my stomach I’ll often wear shapewear under my clothing. You can get full-body slimmers or ones that just go up the tummy. They don’t make me look skinny, but they push me in enough that I feel a bit more confident.
I have to agree with Milk Mama, your breasts look lovely. They’re perkier than mine were before I got pregnant!
I hear ya…I’m the same, my oldest will be two in two weeks. We have the same body. My youngest will be 8 months, and i still look pregnant also. ;/ Although I don’t want more children, I’m scared to even consider a tummy tuck. I hope everything works out. I bet your children are little beautiful ones.
Congrats on having 2 babies so close together! You must be a really devoted mom! Your tummy will slim down in time. I know how much it hurts to have people ask if you are pregnant when you are not. When will people smarten up?? ANyway, your body will go back to “normal” with the right diet and some excerise, just give it time.
I am shocked at how perky your breasts are for their size. I am sure your man loves that!
Unfortunately it rarely goes back to normal “with the right diet and some exercise”. You can consider surgery, see examples at
Or go to a gym and ask a trainer they can give you specific stuff to do that’ll work (serious efforts needed). And the right strict diet of course.
When I read your post and looked at your pictures I can really relate to your story although I didnt have my boys so close they are 3 years apart but our bodies are identical. I struggle everyday with my weight and think oh things would be easier if I was thin but the truth is Im happy and my boys are happy so I dont have anything to complain about. Just wanted to let you know I totally relate!!!
I too was 115 in high school, got pregnant at about 199 & was at my higest (9 mo preg w/ baby #1) at 236. My body looks very similar to yours, even though my boys are almost 3 years apart!