This summer may not be the one i don a cute bikini, but im telling myself i will wear one again next year. Regardless of these stretch marks because i love bikinis and if my scars were from a shark attack or car accident, no one would think anything of me showing them. Why should i cover up the rest of my life because i gave birth? I am 5’4″ and was 128lbs when i got pregnant. I weighed 167 the day i gave birth and my lil girl was 8lbs 13 oz. These pics were taken a few min ago, feb. 16, 2008 and im proud of my figure thusfar! This is me 2 months postpartum!

WOW! You look incredible! Iwould be running around in a bikini right NOW if I looked as amazing as you…omg I’m so jelous..haha. If i were you I would flaunt it you look like a super hot mama! I’m 7 months post pardom and nowhere even close to that.
I agree. You look wonderful. Make sure you wear a bikini this summer. You’ll make a lot of people smile. It will be inspiring!
Wow you look awesome!!! Wear that bikini! You go, girl!
You look amazing!!
I am 6 months pp and have stretch marks all over my tummy. I lost all the weight and then some so I’m definitely wearing a bikini this summer. Stretch Marks or no stretch marks and whatever shallow person has a problem with it can turn their head outta my direction! :)
You look really good! I’d say go for the bikini this summer! I wear one and my tummy is more stretched than yours, and my middle is flabby. You should show off your post baby body!
I agree with the others, you look fabulous. I love the “V” on your bellybutton. You have a great perspective and outlook. Thanks for sharing.
Im so happy you posted this!!! I was 160 before I got pregnant and then I was 211 pounds at the end of my pregnacy. Needless to say I got lots of strech marks. After she was born I was 170 and hated my body. Now at 9 1/2 months post partum Im only 129 pounds and I really wanted to wear a bikin. I felt robbed because I worked so hard for my body and I couldnt wear the cute bathing suit I always wanted to. Reading your post and the other people who posted made me make a decision that I was going to get one and wear it with pride!!!! My stretch marks have faded from the pictures on here tons and your right, if I had suregry and was left with a scar no one would care!!!
Thanks a bunch and I think you should wear a bikin now. You’s look great!
I was so pleased when I found these photos – I thought I was looking at my own stomach! I used to have my belly button pierced before I was pregnant and I have the same brown ‘V’ shape scar and stretch marks to boot. I can’t wait to get my bekini on this summer and flaunt it – who cares! A bit of sun will do it the world of good I reckon ;-) My daughter is now 5 months.