
I got pregnant shortly after my 21st birthday. My husband and I had been trying for a year. After we received our new mortgage amount and realized that because our taxes went up so much, our mortgage had increased by almost two hundred dollars, we decided that we were going to wait another year and try again in another year, when it was affordable. Of course, that was when I got pregnant. I wanted a waterbirth from the start and fought our local hospital on it until they agreed to give waterbirth a 90 day probationary period. I was the first woman to give birth in the water in a hospital setting in southwest Florida. I panicked about the weight I gained. I spent a lot of time obsessing about what my body would look like after pregnancy. I searched this website up and down to find girls my age around my body type to see what they looked like postpartum. I was looking for hope that the weight wouldn’t stay there forever. I now know that all that worrying was for nothing, and I hope that other young, shallow girls like me will see my pictures and take a big sigh of relief. :) I am 5’5, and weighed 120 pounds when I got pregnant. When I delivered my daughter, I weighed 178 pounds. My daughter was two months old on the 12th, and I’m now down to 130 pounds. I am nursing her. However, I did not work out or do any strenuous physical activity. I don’t walk every day, I don’t do exercise tapes, I stay at home with my daughter and play video games when she’s sleeping. This is what I look like without having ever hit the gym. I have stretchmarks that will never go away, but my daughter was completely worth it. :)

3 thoughts on “Anonymous

  • Monday, March 3, 2008 at 9:31 pm

    Hey :) Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! It is an amazing journey, and one to certainly be proud of!

    I smiled at the picture of your feet…thats what my feet looked like too…after about a week-two weeks, I thought I was anorexic…I actually had legs, ankles, etc. The flip flops I wore during pregnancy are a full size too big :o(

    Enjoy your little one!

  • Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 11:00 am

    Oh that picture of the feet sure does look familiar! You look awesome! Breastfeeding sure makes a big difference, doesn’t it?! :)

  • Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 8:43 pm

    You look great! We are exactly the same height, same pre-pregnancy weight and weighed the exact same at delivery. There is one big difference though. My son is 5 and I weigh 157. Since he’s 5 I can no longer get away with saying “baby weight” :)

    For the first time in my life, I’m dieting and going to the gym. I would love to be 130. I’m covered in stretch marks so I’m still working up the courage to make a post on here.

    Best wishes!

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