This is my body 11 weeks after the birth of my beautiful baby girl. She saved my life and lifted my soul out of the darkness. I have never seen anything more beautiful than my daughter and every time her tiny hand grasps mine, I see the reason why I am alive. There is no greater gift and love is not enough for how I feel for her. She is everything worth living for and all that is wonderful in this world. A baby is truly a miracle no one can describe. My body cradled her inside of me and now I cradle her in my arms. I will never look the way I did before. My body gave up parts of itself to create this beautiful being. I cry about the fact that I cant wear my old jeans….I feel unattractive and fat every day…..But I realize that these changes gave me HER. So I pick myself up and I put on my jogging pants and keep going. I would give my life for her so what’s a few extra pounds and sagging breasts? Women, you are ALL beautiful. No one is immune to pregnancy changes. Accept that a human body is not meant to be perfect. It is meant to be loved. And our children will love us no matter what we look like. That is the beauty of motherhood and the real beauty of being a woman.

that was a beautiful post….thank you!
you have a cute little girl!!! congratulations…enjoy her, before you know it she’ll be independent and wanting to do everything herself! mine’s 18months, is already showing too much independence for my liking ;)
Only 11 weeks! You look amazing! If you keep up in those jogging pants as you say, you’ll be back to yourself in no time. Only better, you’ll have an adorable daughter too boot.
Your post was beautiful.
You don’t look at all like you have had a child. You have very sexy legs and your breasts are perfect. Part of the reason that people push plastic surgey is jeolousy of natural beauty. To many woman are ruining there bodys and risking there lives and with nose jobs and breast augmentation and there are destroying there beauty. Then they sunbath to much and ruin there skin which ages men and women. Enjoy your youth, you are beautiful.
What you wrote is absolutely beautiful, just as you look right now. I specially love the part “Accept that a human body is not meant to be perfect. It is meant to be loved.” Nothing is more true for my husband and I, and my body came out much more “damaged” in the end. You’re little girl is really adorable.
Now that’s a figure. You had a child????
Yeah, you look amazing. I wish I looked as fit pre-pregnancy!
You look amazing, I personally think you look much sexier post-baby. Your little girl is super adorable!
11 weeks!? You look great! I wouldn’t woory about putting on those prepregnancy pants. It looks as if that will come very soon, and if not, it’ll be because your assets have reconfigured in a way every bit as attractive.
Congratulations on a beautiful baby.You did good ;-)
Thank you. Thats nice what you wrote. True they do love us no matter what :-)
your post made me cry it was so sweet and so true. and your daughter looks like an angel.
WOW! You look GREAT!
You really do look great! And your post meant alot to me. Very true what you said. Thank you