I haven’t seen too many African-American women post on this site so I decided to add my own voice. I have struggled with my fair share of eating disorders and body image issues, but now that I have a young daughter, I am acutely aware of how I view myself, and of the messages I want to send to her. I gained 50lbs during my pregnancy, and the first picture was taken when I was 9 months pregnant. My daughter is now 16 months old, and the next two pictures are how I look today. I have a few stretch marks on either side of my hips and under my breasts. Doing pilates both before I got pregnant and after I gave birth, really helped me get back into shape. Thank you for this beautiful site, and thank you to all the women who have had the courage to share their amazing stories!

Wow, you look great!!! Congrats!!
Wow you look so amazing….if you don’t mind saying, how much do you weigh in your post partum pics ??
Wow – you look great! I am pregnant with my first and have been working out through the whole pregnancy and so far I feel great. I’m hoping that this will help me to bounce back too – so I am happy to hear the pilates worked for you too.
you look unbelieveable!
you are the perfect MILF!! LOL you’ve inspired me to look into pilates classes now… thank you! (& you’re right, there are not many women of color on here)
You look awesome! Congratulations!
My sister is AA as well, and has her old body back…a little big bigger, but still looking great!
you look great both pregnant and not. i’m jealous! haha
Thank you so much for all the really nice comments! It prompted me to add my name ;) I currently weigh 130lbs, which was the same weight I was at when I took the pics a few weeks ago. My pre-pregnancy weight was 132lbs.
you do look amazing!!!! thank you for sharing =)
Wow – Impressive!!! Do most African American women bounce back this easily? Your body is spectacular post-partum!
U look great! Thanx 4 addin some diversity 2 the site:) All my stretch marks R on my hips, thighs & breasts, also.
Wow! You look gorgeous! Maybe I should try pilates ?
I’m not sure about most African American women bouncing back easily, LOL! I think everyone’s story and experience is different regardless of their race. A lot of my friends are still working on getting back into shape so it just depends. I should’ve mentioned in my original post that I also breastfed for 14 months, and that definitely helped too!
You look awesome! I can’t believe how you snapped back! Lucky you; I wish my belly was as flawless!
Wow!!! You look absolutely amazing, both during your pregnancy and post partum!!! I can’t believe that flat tummy, you look like a teenager! Way to go hot mama!
Yay for BFing for 14 months mama!
You look fabulous! Your pics are inspiring me to get back to yoga more.
LOL!!! I think EVERYONE here wants to try pilates now!!! You should be on an advertisment for a gym or something!! If Pilates makes you look like that, then sign me up!!
You are beautiful- well done! Do you remember how long it took you to get back your figure? I am looking forward to having my old figure back :-)
You look great, congratulations
Gorgeous! You only did pilates?
I’m AA, 33 y/o, and expecting my first child in a few weeks. Your pics are very inspirational. I’ve been hearing that breastfeeding really helps you to lose weight fast. I hope to get back in shape through breastfeeding, healthy diet and exercise. Seems to be the right formula.
You look fantastic i have to lose 60 pounds i hope i look like you. You go girl.
impressive! i am breathing a sigh of relief to know that even moms who aren’t celebrities can look amazing after having children. i am pregnant for the first time and fear the aftermath of pregnancy on my body. i am working out regularly but have not done pilates. can u do pilates in ur 2nd trimester since u can’t lie flat on ur back? please let me know. thanks!
You are amazing! I do not have children yet, and to be honest I am a little bit worried about what will happen to my body. I guess that the day I will hold my baby in my arms I will not care much though, but still it feels nice to see someone who had a very cute tummy during the pregnancy and after. Thank you for your pictures! Be proud, you look great!
Thank you again ladies for all of your nice comments. :-) Hoang, I actually did not do pilates in my second trimester for the very reason you mentioned. You may want to check with your doctor. I started up again after 6 weeks. During my pregnancy I just walked a lot, and I’m sure that helped too!
‘Newmommy,’ it took about a year to get my figure back! Wish you all the best!
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it.
You look amazing. My sister is like that too, 3 babies and stomach as flat as a board w no stretch marks on her belly. Gosh I hate it, lol. But in ur 9 mos pic that is how big I would have been at 6 mos and while I think the pilates helped it might also be that you didn’t get too big. My sis also looked about that size at 9 mos. Me on the other hand my belly was really out there like a huge watermelon as opposed to your basketball, lol. But you look awesome. Pilates for me :D