Exactly one month ago my son was born via c-section, and my abdomen looks a total mess! Although I still feel as though I didn’t actually give birth to him (it seems the doctors did), I’m thankful that we both came out of it healthy. Because I am so petite, (5ft tall) and my baby so big (9lbs 3oz) I had tiger-pattern stretch marks all over my huge belly. I still felt beautiful, though, until after I gave birth: I have tons of hanging stretched-out skin, and my abdominal muscles had separated completely during the ninth month, leaving me with a weird “hanging” gut now. Every time I look in the mirror I wonder if I will ever go back to a semblance of normal. Where will all this extra skin go? the first pic is me lying down. the second is what I look like standing up.

Your abdominal muscles will tighten up a little bit over the next few months, but you probably won’t get rid of the extra skin (unless you have a tummy tuck). I do think you look great for one month. I am also petite, at 5’1″ and my belly got REALLY big. Unfortunately, when you’re short, there is nowhere for it to grow except for OUT!!!!! I wouldn’t advise plastic surgery, I think you are beautiful and that the post partum body is unique and special.
Wow! What courage, thank you for sharing!
It does get better but it takes time.
I admire your courage as well.
BTW, it is possible to tighten up the loose skin with dry skin brushing. I’ve been doing that and it has helped a lot. Stretch marks are still there and the skin is still loose but looks better. Just wanted to let you know there is hope.
But whether you decide to do anything or not, your body is a mother’s body and it’s already beautiful.
it does get better slowly. but the skin which is stretched doesnt go back. its just one thing we deal with as mothers. sadly the only “cure” so to speak is surgery…which is too risky for me. that took courage to post im sure but you got a blessing out of it!
OMG I feel I’m looking in the mirror when I look at your pictures! I’ve also posted on this site in July archives you wil find my belly pictures there. I’m also a little over 5 feet, and my son was almost 9 lbs. I also posted in the March 07 Archives after losing my 3rd baby. But Wow, When I lay dow I have that same looking belly. Your not alone! The muscles will tighten after exercising, but the skin will not. There is nothing wrong if you decide to get plastic surgery. I think it is an option I might consider after we are done having children. Thank you for sharing your pictures and congratulations on your big baby!
Wow thats one whopper of a baby for your tiny body! Congratulations on your healthy baby. I also had a huge baby (9lbs 13 oz) and I thought my belly would never recover, I also had separated abdominal muscles. I would suggest pilates, it worked for me! It takes a while to build up the strength again but it is sooo worth it! I started when I was 6 weeks post partum and my stomach got completely flat within 6 months. The other bonus: I am 7 months along with my second (my first is 17 months) and I have virtually no back pain. Hang in there, it will get better, I promise!
I know how you feel, I’m also 5 ft. my baby was big too 8 p. 2 oz. 21 1/2″, by the seventh month of my pregnancy I was huge, everybody was asking me if I was having twins or more. I ended up having c-section wich didn’t let me do any diet or exercise after the baby. Now, after almost two years I still having the stretch marks and the extra skin, I eat normal, don’t drink sodas, not diet, not starving.Don’t worry, it wont be like before, but it’s gonna get better, believe me, much better and you’ll forget all that when your baby pull up your shirt and kiss your belly making fun of the extra skin, it’s the most wonderfull thing, and by the way: you are not alone
You are courageous and beautiful! Congratulations on a beautiful and healthy baby!!!
Another belly twin here! I have a short upper body (though I’m fairly tall at 5’9″) and carried all out front with both my pregnancies and the second time around my stomach muscles separated too, so I have a large amount of excess skin on my belly as well. As others have said, it DOES get better, you can work on your abdominal muscles and get your stomach to look flatter again. The skin thing….well, it never goes away. I haven’t tried dry brushing though, like someone else suggested, who knows, that might help? Congratulations on your darling baby, you should be VERY proud of your body and all it’s done!!! :)
OMGOSH, I feel your pain. Just recently I’ve given birth to an 11 pound 7 ounce baby and it left my stomach like that. I absoultely hate and I want the stretched skin gone. I don’t feel pretty anymore. Although I love my son dearly, I wish I hadn’t gotten the stretched skin. My grandmother says try vitamin E and gurdles but I don’t think it’ll work to get rid of the stretching of the skin. It’ll help tighten my muscles back but the extra skin, I don’t think so. But like the other women said before, you aren’t alone.
I also know how you feel. Everyone is telling you that there is nothing that you can do and that is absolutely not true. Of course diet and exercise are number one. There are many vitamin rich foods that help collagen formation. Loose skin on your tummy is the same as loose skin on your face…. Wrinkles! This is the same as fighting wrinkles. It can be done. Skin is the largest organ that we have. Our bodies are built to repair damage. Stay out of the sun, don’t smoke, drink plenty of water, exercise and most importantly eat healthy. Leafy green vegetables are loaded with antioxidants that help with cell renewal. You will want to exfoliate the skin as much as you can. This will help dramatically. I have had a significant difference in my appearance because of this. I research wrinkle and natural skin treatments on the internet as much as I can and follow them. You could also get a professional micro dermabrasion such as a Deep Sea peel. This is not a chemical peel. Or simply get a micro dermabrasion kit over the counter. Research as much as you about skin and you will learn so much. There is hope. I am living proof of it. Not only is my skin dramatically tighter, my stretch marks are now almost invisible. I have only changed my life style with in the last 6 months. I can only imagine what the difference will be in a year! .
I was wondering how you are doing since you posted over 6 months ago. I was just researching to see what I could do to tighten the split in my stomach muscles and came across your posting. I had twins 17 months ago and I looked the same if not worse than you. Everyone seemed to tell you that the excess skin doesn’t tighten but it does, significantly after the first year. I still notice mine shrinking every couple of months. Suprisingly I’m almost back to normal except for the split in my stomach muscles and a small pudge. My belly button still sinks in when I lay down. Hope that helps. It seems like a very long process but I think after another year I should be back to pre-baby.