My son was born by unplanned caesarean three years ago. It was a terrible birth – induction and lots of intervention eventually requiring a caesarean. After such a terrible birth, there was no way I was going to give up on breastfeeding. My son breastfed until he was almost three years old, so I am very proud of my body for providing such amazing nourishment for those years. I did gain a lot of weight while pregnant, so I have quite a few stretchmarks, but I consider them to be marks of honour. They are a reminder of the amazing job our bodies do as women and givers of life.

Wow. My first thought was that you had great boobs, not “post-breastfeeding boobs”…. You look beautiful! Hey, and great job nursing your son for 3 years! :) I’m already 14 months into nursing my beautiful daughter! :D
Hey, that’s what I look like! And I’m 21 years old, no kids ;) You’re gorgeous, girl!
I think you look great! The boobs are awesome and with a little adjustment to your diet that belly could be back to normal in a few months. Take a look at the Abs diet book…it will do the trick. I wish I looked half as good as you….
Its nice to hear someone be so proud of her body. I’ve been feeling awful about mine since I had my son who is now two. People say I look great, but compared to how fit and sexy my body was before I just can’t help feeling low sometimes. Its mostly my boobs, and its a bit worse as I’m now a single mum. But it is inspiring to find this website. Made me smile! Hopefully if I’m accepted to the blog i can post up some pics too :)
All I have to say is, “WOW!” There are many of us who would, and have, paid good money to have breasts like yours. I’m 31 and with every child my breasts gain “character”. You have a lovely figure.
Holy cow, in a non lesbian way, your boobs are great! I am 7 months into breastfeeding my son and my left breast is a size C and my right one a size A. I nursed him equally from each, but thats just how they are. Yours are perfect, they don’t even look like you ever nursed! Amazing!