I was in a restaurant this weekend and opened the door to the restroom as another woman was coming out…she was mid-t-shirt-tug…and I saw her Mama tummy as she exited by me. A year ago, I would have thought “ew” or “poor her”, “gross”, “thank god I don’t have stretch marks like that”. But this weekend? After a year of reading this site? I admired her, applauded her, honored her…as I now admire instead of judge myself for my own “faults”. Thank you SO MUCH for this site. At forty, I truly feel I am at my best…emotionally, spiritually AND physically. I know what is important; I have a beautiful 4 year old daughter, an amazing husband, my family, my friends, my health. All of you are wonderful and thank you SO MUCH for the stories and photos you share. And I REALLY admire your photography abilities! It’s so hard to get a shot of yourself!!!

You look just fantastic, and your daughter is beautiful–she’s just a little you! I think four year olds are great. They are quite grown up and independent in many ways, but not too big to climb onto your lap for a cuddle.
You look gorgeous and so does your daughter! Thank you for applauding us mothers… we should give each other a pat on the shoulder once in a while. ;)
If you didnt’ say you were 40, by looking at your body i would have said you were in your 20’s….congrats on looking and feeling so great!
WOW, Oh my GOODNESS, you look FANTASTIC!!!!!! You are hotter than most 20 year olds, you husband is a lucky man!
I also would have guessed you to be about 20 (and without kids) by looking at the shot of you body!
Thank you for your amazing comments! The post happened to come out the day after my 40th bday and you girls MADE MY DAY!!! xoxoxo