
Hi there i had a baby 11 months ago and i still havent got back to how i would like at the moment i hate my body and cant bear to see myself naked i am 23 and this is my first child and pregnancy, birth and motherhood was and is the best experience ever i love my daughter more than anything but at the moment i am so down about my body i hate it just talking about it makes me wanna cry i have my partner seeing my naked and i hate going to events as trying to find somthing to wear is so stressful then when i do find somthing i see pictures after the event and i hate seeing pictures of myself, i dont know how to cope with the way my body has changed, i was pregnant at the same time a 2 friends and they both look fantastic in there size 8 cloths and it makes me envious of them i hate being around them because of how i look next to them can someone please give me some advice on how to get loosing the baby weight and get a flat tummy and get my confiedence back because at the moment i dont have any thanks elisha

3 thoughts on “Elisha

  • Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 9:13 am

    Elisha, congrats on the birth of a beautiful blessed daughter. Your body has provided life for another being. Your body gave birth to a healthy lil girl that can be a life changer. You are only 23 years old, your life is not over, instead it is only beginning. Confidence will come from having a PLAN, realistic goals, and expectations. You were able to give birth so there’s no reason to believe you can’t give birth also to the new Elisha. What is your biggest obstacle, no meal plan, no fitness plan? I do challenge you to recognize and realize your worth and use that steam to propel you in this new segment of your life. Would love to assist you in anyway, billboardz360@gmail.com. You can and will do it Elisha.

  • Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 10:35 pm

    Noboy knows your size but you. Don’t stress.
    when you partner sees you naked the sacrafiece you made is apparent and should be apperciated.
    That is his child.
    A real man sees through eyes unkown to her. You are still his #1 sexy girl.
    You still have many in the outside wold that see a young woman with a baby, thay say how pretty she/he is and do not judge you but compliment your effort, dedication, to make a wonderful life.

  • Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 5:59 pm

    Who cares about the size number? I see women on here who say they’re a size 10, but they’re 10lb heavier than me, and I’m a size 14! LOL.
    The best thing I did to get in shape was babywearing. As baby grows, so does your strenght. Wearing a baby on your back as you go hiking, or power walking up hills….awesome workout and great for baby. Just wear baby on your back and go up and down the stairs a few times, several times a day. Mind your posture, keep your booty tucked in and back straight (or else baby will be unhappy and you won’t be targeting the right areas). You can do ab tucks anytime, anywhere, just like Kegels, LOL. I swear, babywearing was a great, full body workout that baby also loved!

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