The 20th of March 2008 i became the mother of a beautiful son. I had an emergency cesarean. When i came home and took a look in the mirror i was shocked.. I hoped it would go away.. But it didn’t change much.. Now 8 months later I’m trying to accept the new me. It’s weird, when i look in the mirror.. One day i couldn’t care less and the other day i don’t recognize that belly as my own.

I know my stretch marks were not that dark, largely because I a very fair, but they took more than a year to fade. They also did not ever get that bad again with two more pregnancies, and even now I still have to look to actually see them. There is hope!
Wow, twins!!! Congratulations! I’m sure this is not what you expected. Personally, I think your tummy looks really cool – all of the lines have a beautiful flowing rhythm to them. Be proud, Mama. You are such a strong beautiful woman.
I think you are beautiful. You are only 8 months PP. Not even a year! Even two years later, my body is still changing! Congratulations on your new baby!!! And God bless!!!
My stomach looked almost exactly the same after my first pregnancy except my were hot pink instead of the darker pigment like yours. They do fade a lot after while and I didn’t get any new ones with my subsequent pregnancy. So be encouraged I think u look great for 8 mos PP!
Bonnie, I think Liz’ comment on this submission might have been ment for the previous submission.or Liz mistakenly misread the submission. I don’t believe she mentioned twins.
Yes, she probably got the post title mixed up. Sorry about that!
you look lovely. i agree that they have a beautiful pattern. they will fade, mine were very similar and now three years later, they are very pale pink/white. my body is still changing. enjoy your boy!
I’m so sorry, I in no way meant any disrespect when I wrote that comment. In my head I got the titles mixed up with your post and the one before yours. I think you look great and I’m sorry if my comment caused you any distress because I meant to compliment you.
I no exactly how you feel because I put on a lot of weight and got stretch marks all over my tummy and they were bright red/purple i thought they would never fade but they have. The best advice I could give is try rubbing vitamin E oil or BIO OIL and if you can start exercising it will make a big difference, I Started the gym 3 months ago and my tummy has improved alot just try it and see
give it time they will fade
the benefits of what u have is its not a “flap” it might have some marks but i am a teen mother of two my strech marks faded but i have a flap that hangs over it all even if i tuck it in pants it looks like a pouch in my jeans even after my first it was like that .. eventually they will probably become lighter and look way better but ever body is diffrent it might take longer or less but they will eventually fade but i love that u have no skin pouch