Hi all! I love this website as I have always been so curious to see what other pregnant bellies look like. It is so fascinating to see the many different ways we grow as women during our pregnancy journeys. I agree with the philosophy of the woman who created this site, that the changes motherhood bring should no longer be kept a secret, rather celebrated. It is also so refreshing to see women band together to support one another with kind words. This is my second pregnancy, I am 38 weeks pregnant in this photo and at the point of feeling like I’m ready to deliver. I live in a very hot hot hot climate so going outdoors has become a challenge- plus I have a 3 year old little monster to chase! I will include that I am 5’8” and prepreg. weight was 128-ish, now I’m 160. I will definitely include a postpartum update with photos. Good luck to all of you!
~Age: 33
~Number of pregnancies and births: second pregnancy
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: this is my second child, I have a 3 year old daughter

You are stunning! Wishes for a wonderful delivery.
You are beautiful. Blessings to you and your family! =)
I like your attitude, lady :) You look amazing, by the way! Kudos for gaining the normal amount of weight and being Ok with it!
Lovely breasts.
hello i am from Poland i can`t speak english well but i can see how do you looking now.you are beautiful woman with much beautiful body. I have got two children 11 and 2 years old.my body look like a body 90years old woman…this is my tragedy…dont know want to be a mother if i know how my body will be looking now
Nice tummy :) looks like a boy bump if I had to decide coming 1 week early … only joking. Funny how us Mums like to guess :)
Beautiful pic.
i think this is the first time i have looked at a pregnant body and thought it was really sexy, you look great. i am only 26 weeks i hope i look near as good in 12 weeks. my bum and thighs are much larger lol.
I’m pregnant right now and I so badly want to take a photo just like this. Nothing is more beautiful than a pregnant woman’s body. Nothing! You look so lovely!
Beautiful, smooth, organic curves! I will never have breasts like yours even if I had a hundred pregnancies. Thank you for sharing your wonderful picture.
wow you look great, what many here probably would love to look like during their preggers months.
Your breasts are amazing! Mine point south. But they always have, even before kids. You are gorgeous!
you look really beautiful
You look Soo good!!! :)