This is a photo of the day after I had my daughter, Abby. My husband took the photo to show me how much my belly had shrunken so quickly, and at the time, I was so pleased that I was so much smaller than I was before. A few months later, I looked at this photo and was appalled at how giant I still was. But now I see it as a badge of honour, that I was still going through so much to bring my baby girl into this world. I am happy now when I see this photo, because what it represents to me now is my new attitude about my post-baby body, but it took me a long while to get there. I’m hoping that by sharing it, others will be prepared to still be a little inflated and see that as the (small) price you pay to gain so much.
~Your Age: 31
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 7 months

Haha! I remember getting that picture taken for me and feeling so skinny and light after giving birth! It was such a wonderful feeling!! And I, like you, went back later and said,”Oh my gosh!”
You look beautiful Mama! You have such a glow about you in this photo! Congratulations on your daughter.
I took a picture the day after I gave birth, too. It’s actually kind of fun and shows how far you’ve come. :D
I’m 4 days postpartum and this has really helped me see that there is nothing wrong with me & that I’m not alone. Thanks.