I’ve read so many posts on here from woman with body issues, of which i too can join the group, it makes me so sad to realise that its the scars we cause ourselves inside with constant self critizism that does us the real damage, not the surface ones our beautiful babes leave behind. I am 16weeks into my second pregnancy now, and each day when I check this site I feel a little more confident, a little more proud, this site truely does change lives. I so want to be proud of my body, because I should be. This pregnancy is a little difficult because of the weight left from my last one, and the saggy skin which hides my beautiful babe showing. I can’t wait until my ‘bump’ protrudes out into the world for all to see, heres to the beginning of this journey, and heres to this site, my sincerest gratitude goes out to you.

I think you look great! And in the top picture, you can definitely see that you’ve got a baby in there!
I think you’re beautiful..of course this site is outdated…hollywood images are designed to make us hate ourselves…don’t believe the hype! Hope you are enjoying a little person and learning every day!