I am a woman reclaiming my body. (Anonymous)

Aged 33. 1 beautiful six year old boy. 1 plus size single mum.

What a fantastic website, have just taken a look and I love that women are taking the chance to say ‘hello, this is what real women look like’ and having their joy and pain witnessed.

Some women come through pregnancy and childbirth without any scars or wounds at all, but I wasn’t one of them. I was already vastly overweight and not in a place where I liked anything about my body, when I found out that I was pregnant. My partner had left me before I even found out I was pregnant, so was entering into motherhood totally alone. During childbirth I lost a lot of blood, and had to have a transfusion, and my son was delivered by ventouse, and I sustained a third degree tear. My body was already wrecked before pregnancy so I had no loss to grieve over.

Becoming a mum 6 years ago has changed my life, I knew that to give my son the best of me, I had to go on a journey of healing. I had counselling and therapy, to try and get to the bottom of some of my issues that keep in enslaved to food, and I am currently training to be a counsellor. I have been in long term therapy for a couple of years now and I am loving it. I am loving the journey, and I am loving the person that I am becoming, and I am learning to love me.

The added weight gained by pregnancy means that I am now about 10 stone overweight, I have stretch marks and saggy boobs, and marks under my breasts where skin rubs on skin, it is by no means pleasant. I would not be able to post a photo on here at the moment. It’s a step too far – but soon I hope I’m on my way.

I have been single since I found out I was pregnant, and that is working out great for me, I am learning for the first time what it means to be a woman, and what it means to be in a relationship with myself.

Two final things. I found great comfort and humour in the book ‘how to be a woman’ by Caitlin Moran, we are not alone in our body issues.

And lastly I wept when I read this piece of writing which I share with you in the hope that you too might print it out and enter into a vow with yourself every day.

I am a woman reclaiming my body…. (author unknown)

My body, at last, I claim you! I live here! I am not some discarnate spirit using just any vehicle to get around.
I live in the full, round, soft, juicy, wet, strong, agile, capable, spirit filled, nurturing, graceful, flowing, comforting,
lovely smooth, dancing, singing, playing, working, praying body of a woman!
For so many years I rejected my body because it isn’t perfect according to the standards of my culture.
I have been unfaithful to it, letting others opinions turn me against it, allowing others to use it without love, without tenderness.
Because I myself rejected my body, I didn’t protect it, didn’t demand that it be treated like the precious gift that it is.
My body, the temple of my soul, deserves better from me.
I reclaim this body. I re-claim these eyes and their vision; this mouth and its words; these arms and legs and their hugging and dancing.
I re-claim these breasts and their magnificent fullness; I re-claim these wide, round hips and strong fleshy thighs and their walking on earth.
I re-claim this vagina and all its secret folds and this womb and its bleeding. I re-claim all of my body parts, named and unnamed.
This body is a miracle; it is the first gift of the Creator to me – my birthday present.
I take this body to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to honor, love, and cherish until death do us part. I am a woman reclaiming my body!

I hope I will be back to post my photo soon.

My Story (Anonymous)

Age: 17
Pregnancies: 1
Son’s age: 18 months. His birthday is October 17, 2010.

First, I would like to say it’s great to find a website like this! There are so many people who don’t understand how mothers feel. My story starts when I was 14. The summer before freshmen year. I was 5’4″ 128 pounds perfect skin, in perfect shape. Had size 34-A boobs and wore a size 3 or 5 pants. I was perfectly happy with myself. When I was 14 my sister graduated from high school. I met my son’s father at her open house. I should have known from looking at him that he was trouble, but he was the first person to ever like me and not my best friend.
So in July of 2009 we started dating. By November he had convinced me to have sex with him for the first time. I was only 15 at the time, he was 16. So technically it was illegal but whatever that’s not the point.

In March of 2010 I realized I was pregnant. I was only a freshmen in high school! How could this happen to me! I was so confused and afraid of what would happen, I chose to hide it from everyone. In May we got our class rings. Mine didn’t fit right because my fingers were swollen. When school ended in June my mom had hee suspicions that I was pregnant. She asked me repeatedly through the summer, but everytime I told her no. In July my family went to numerous amusement parks. I went too and yes I rode rollercoasters and everything with no problem. Stupid!
In August my dad had to go to Iowa to help with the flood damages for work. I went along. I carried things that were over 100 pounds for two weeks straight. In Iowa my pants stopped fitting and I developed stretch marks on my stomach, hips, and boobs. When we got back home a couple weeks later all I wanted to do was sleep, so I did. My son’s father still had no clue I was pregnant and neither did my family.
At school on the first day of my Sophomore year everyone could tell I was pregnant. It was hard to believe my own family couldn’t tell I was but kids at school could. On Friday of the second week of school my mother once again asked if I was pregnant and I finally said yes. She got me into the OBGYN the following Monday. I found out I was almost 35 weeks along.

For the next three weeks I was kept under close watch. I still went to school, but every other day I had to go in for non-stress tests and once a week I had to have an ultrasound done. My son’s father and I were overwhelmed. We went on a whirlwind shopping trip with my mom when I was 36 weeks because I had nothing. That’s when I noticed the stretch marks on my legs.

I had my son Logan when I was 38 weeks pregnant and he was perfectly healthy. When he was three weeks old I went back to school and my mom and grandma watched him while I was gone. I started pilates at school when he was six weeks old. Before I was pregnant I weighed 128 pounds, during my pregnancy I got up to 157 pounds, after I finished pilates I was 115 pounds. When my son turned four months old I broke up with his dad. He was obssessive, had jealousy issues, and tried to control me. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I continued to let him go to his house every other weekend. The next month I learned something that shattered my whole world. My son’s father had been molesting his 13 year old step sister the ENTIRE time we dated. I was livid. He went to jail the next month. He was put in jail for three years. Now he only has two years left.

So, today. My body is… Not where I want it to be. I weigh 112 pounds. I wear a size three pants. My skin is horrible. I have the worst acne and it will not go away no matter what I use. My stretch marks will not go away. I may look skinny and everything, but I don’t see myself that way. I see thunderthighs and stretch marks. People tell me I look anorexic, but I eat all the time! I’m having a hard time right now emotionally. My son goes to his fathers mothers house every other weekend now and she takes him to see his dad every other Sunday. It breaks my heart to know he’s going there. He is 18 months old and has a mother who is a high school junior and a dead beat dad? What kind of life is that? Oh and to top it all off, my hair comes out for no reason when I brush it. I LOVE being a mother. I LOVE Logan. I just don’t love myself the way I am right now.

Scared to Gain Weight (Anonymous)

I’m 21 years old and I’ve struggled with both anorexia and bulimia since I was 17 years old. I was about 120 when I got pregnant with my first pregnancy I gained about 45 pounds throughout the nine months, and I hated being so big, but since I never ate before my body held on to everything I ate. so towards the end of my pregnancy my daughter remained in my ribs so underneath the bottom part of my stomach was the extra flabby skin, which made me so self conscious, as well as the horrible stretch marks I had. I had my daughter, and tried to lose the weight the healthy way, and that lasted for about a month, I lost all that baby weight and more so quick everyone around me was worried, I ended up weighing 100lb. ad soon after my daughters second birthday I was slowly gaining weight again, then lost it again. well I found out I was pregnant with my second baby a few weeks ago, I’m currently 11 weeks and I have put on about 15lbs since I’ve found out I was pregnant. the thing is I don’t wanna gain a huge amount of weight with this baby and I wanna be healthy throughout this pregnancy, but I constantly feel like I’m going to pass out if I’m not eating. I don’t know what to do. does anyone have any advise they would like to give me. thank you in advance.

2 pregnancies; 1 delivery
2year old little girl
I currently have no pictures to send in.

A Never-Ending Struggle (Anonymous)

Age: 20
Number of Births: 1
Child: 7 Months Old

i’ve posted before, but not on a topic as specific as this. so, no pictures this time– just a story that i’m hoping some other women can relate to. not exactly the happiest, but i’ve found that people find comfort in relating with others, regardless.

it took me weeks to figure out that something just wasn’t right after i had my son. it wasn’t him, it was myself. it was the way i was acting, my feelings, my stress levels. it just wasn’t normal. i didn’t think it was a problem until i did a little research and came to the conclusion that i might have post-partum depression. it took one morning of me feeling like i was going to snap, crying and begging my fiance to help me, to stay home from work just ONE day to give me a break, that i couldn’t take it anymore. my son had been up practically all night, he was screaming, nothing could console him. i was at the end of my rope, and he just left. nothing he’s ever done hurt me more than him doing that to me that day. i literally told him i was afraid that i was going to do something terrible, and he just left us. he told me it was because he “had a responsibility to be to work” and he “couldn’t just leave them short-staffed”. and, stupid me, here i was thinking, “you have a responsibility to protect your baby and to make sure your fiancee is OKAY.” i was not okay that morning, nor was i okay in the weeks that led up to that. he ignored it. i am still holding a grudge from that, and i’m aware of it. but as many times as i’ve tried to talk to him about it, he shuts down and just acts like it’s nothing he cares to hear. (don’t get the wrong impression of my fiance, though. he’s an amazing, loving, providing father and a good man.) so i stopped trying to talk to him about it. i made an appointment to go see my doctor that day. i got put on anti-depressants but it’s still lingering some days and there’s been times when i went without it longer than i should have…. i know now that i really do NEED those pills. it’s like i’m completely hopeless.

i don’t want to do anything some days. and by that, i mean all i want to do is just sit and do mind-numbing things like browse facebook and pinterest and watch shows. i don’t want to do laundry, i don’t want to clean the house, i don’t want to do the dishes, i don’t want to do anything productive. there’s even some days where i don’t want to interact with my son. it breaks my heart, because i know i should cherish every minute of it, but sometimes i just put a movie on and let him be. i’m so envious of the mothers who can fill their day with being super mom’s. it’s like they can do it all, with a smile on their face, and love every minute. that’s not me right now. i can barely force a smile on my face when something is funny. it’s just… fake. it’s not even a matter of me feeling sorry for myself as it is me just feeling hopeless about things.

my fiance acts like i’m doing all of this on purpose. he tells me “why don’t you make plans with your friends? why don’t you do this? why don’t you go somewhere?” i don’t want to interact with people. i have no desire. no energy. i don’t want to have to get myself ready to go anywhere. i don’t want to try and push out conversations when everything i want to say is negative and depressing. no one wants to be around someone like that. i never have a vehicle to leave the house, even if i wanted to. i don’t answer my phone 99% of the time because i don’t want to talk. even when i do try to reach out and talk to my friends, i have nothing to say. i do nothing all day, i have no news to share. i want to start working and go back to school, but i don’t want to be around anyone. a big part of that is that i gained so much weight from starting birth control, being home all winter with no way to exercise and “boredom eating”, and now my comfort and source of being not so bored is cooking and baking. it takes up time, it’s one of my hobbies, and i get to eat it after. my entertainment used to be going out, shopping, school, friends, and being too busy for much else. i literally will spend so much time some days just looking back through my old pictures and seeing how tiny i was, how beautiful and full of life i was. i was funny, i was fun, i was happy. now, i see a fat, very unhappy, very hopeless person and i just can’t see that light at the end of the tunnel. it’s not that i don’t want to, because i so desperately do, but i just don’t see a change happening in me.

i feel like i’m wasting my son’s memories (my memories of him, i mean) as a baby. i feel like i’m preventing him from learning, experiencing, and being a happy fulfilled baby because of myself. i feel like i don’t remember the past 6 months. i feel like it’s been a blur that i just slept through or got into such a routine that it became automatic and every day felt exactly the same. i feel so incredibly guilty, every day. i should be taking him outside, i should be rolling around on the floor playing with him, i should be reading to him so much every day, i should be doing so much more. i just don’t have it in me.

i don’t talk to anyone for entire days at a time. i bug my fiance at work all day asking him when he’ll be home, praying that he’ll be out earlier. i get so, so mad at him when he tells me a certain time and i practically wait at the window, watching for the car to pull in, and he doesn’t get home until two hours later because he had to stay later and didn’t tell me. instead of telling him that i’m upset because i was excited to see him, excited to have someone to talk to, i get mad at him for it because it feels so cruel to me. but he doesn’t know that i’m just desperate for adult interaction. i have no one to talk to, all day long. i have nothing to do, and it makes me feel worthless. i just wish he would understand that all i want is some support and for HIM to understand. i tell him “i wish you knew what it was like. i wish you could be in my place for a few weeks so you could understand how difficult it is. he doesn’t factor in my depression, because he acts like it’s non-existent. he gets mad and says “well i have to actually work” and makes me feel like me staying at home and mothering our child is a vacation while he’s doing all the “important” stuff. it makes me feel, again, worthless. and then when he tells me “well why don’t you get a job” in a degrading type of way, it makes me feel like i’m lazy, like i’m reliant on him for everything. but the fact is, no matter how badly i want to get back to the old me, i don’t want to be around people. it scares me. it makes me so unbelievably uncomfortable. and he doesn’t…get it. nor does he act like he cares to. it’s so hurtful to me and so frustrating and it’s the cause of so many of our fights. if he would just open up to me and TRY to understand, it would make things so much easier. i wouldn’t have to hide my feelings with anger and yelling and frustration. i could just TELL him, this is what’s wrong, and this is why. but i can’t. and it’s really making things a million times harder for me to have the one person i should be able to tell everything to not wanting to hear it. why don’t i deserve respect and support?

That Thing That No One Talks About (Christine)

Age: 27
Number of pregnancies/births: 1 of 1.
Months PP: Almost 5.

As I write this, I am really unsure of how to start or properly address the issue at hand. I suppose the best I can do is to start at the beginning and work my way to the present. It would probably be the best solution.

The story starts with my decision to stop taking birth control. I had been on various forms here and there for eight or more years and I felt it necessary to stop as I was no longer reaping any additional benefits. My periods were long and heavy. Oftentimes, painful. They were still eight days long. I felt that no matter which form I chose, I was still hormonally messed up. I hadn’t been really happy in eight years and at first, I had just attributed it to the stress of college, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it might be the BC, so I wanted to discontinue. Well, that was a big giant mistake from the get go.

My husband had been sent on an IA (independent augmentee) to Guantanamo Bay and I had not seen him for a year. Well, you can imagine what happens when soldiers come home from a long absence. Unfortunately, even though I had informed my husband of my decision and had told him that he needed to use back up contraceptives, he disregarded my wishes in his excitement and by the time I realized it, it was too late.

It was never in my life’s plan to have a child. Ever since I was 14, I can recall sitting in sex ed class and being mortified at the video they showed us. It was called “The Miracle of Life”. Miracle of life, my butt. All that video was was one giant, bloody and painful mess. There was no ‘miracle’ there in my eyes. So needless to say, I was scarred for life from that video and was very diligent all through my college career and up until I married to be sure to engage in safe sexual practices. And for 8 years, it never steered me wrong.

My unplanned (and unwanted) pregnancy could not have come at a worse time. Because my husband was returning from a year long absence, we were in the process of moving.. overseas.. to Japan. I was trying to organize our household goods to be shipped across the way and trying to get everything done to ensure that our two cats (my furry children) could come along. You would not believe all the rules, regulations and general crap you have to go through to get an animal into this country. Needless to say, I spent the next nine months of my life being miserable some days and okay the other days. The one thing that never changed (and still hasn’t changed) is how much I resent my husband, but I will get to that in a minute.

The earthquakes that happened here in Japan last year around the same time of year put a stop temporarily to our move.. and so we had to sit.. and wait. And because my husband was still part of a command, he had to travel 1600 miles back to Virginia Beach to go to work every day. And they didn’t compensate him one bit for any of that. So even though he was back stateside, we were still separated for the better part of a month.. me sitting alone and pregnant and wondering how we were going to do this and him being angry and resentful at his former command for all the crap they put us through (which I’m not going to go into).

Eventually, it worked itself out and we proceeded with the move. We finally got to Japan in late May of 2011 and I really started to enjoy my time here. It is actually a very nice place. His new command, unfortunately was a sea rotation command, so that meant he would be gone three months and back for a month, maybe two.. if I was lucky. When it was just me and the cats, I never really minded. I just went about my business like normal and found things to occupy my time. I was very independent.

I spent a lot of my pregnancy arguing with my husband because I was resentful and hateful of what he had done to me. I was conflicted on whether or not I could love this child like he deserved to be loved because of said resentment. It was a pretty vicious cycle.

Anyway, here in Japan because the military base lacks certain healthcare benefits, after 20 weeks into your pregnancy they send you out in town amongst the Japanese OBs to finish out your pregnancy. So at 20 weeks, I started seeing an OB that was a little ways from my home.. and boy, is it different there than here in the states. For one thing, you will wait for hours and it is normal. No one told me that I would be waiting two hours past my appointment time (after arriving thirty minutes early) on an empty stomach, slowly getting more and more vehement. No one told me that you pretty much take your own vitals and hand it over to the nurse or that the exam was so invasive and alienating. It’s pretty bad when you go in for your annual exam and the doctor is digging around down there with equipment and talking to you.. it’s even worse when they strap you into a chair straight out of a science fiction movie, that swivels around and spreads your legs apart while the bottom part of you is exposed and you can’t see your doctors because they are on the other side of a curtain. Oh, and did I mention that you can see inside yourself via the giant television monitor they have on your side of the curtain? Believe me, it was horrifying and I never felt so completely violated.

My appointments were pretty much clockwork up until 26 weeks. That’s when it went to hell. The Japanese doctor I was seeing stated that he could not visualize my son’s stomach at that point (and hadn’t been able to) and that I was retaining a lot of amniotic fluid. So he pronounced me with polyhydramnios and a possible EA for my son. And because of that diagnosis, I was forced to go back to the states.. away from my husband. Thankfully, I didn’t have to pay for it and I was able to stay with my father and some of my friends for five months, but at the end.. I was still separated from my husband and cats for five or more months.

So I get back stateside and see a specialist. He sees nothing wrong. There was never any problem with my son.. and he didn’t understand why they diagnosed me with severe polyhydramnios. So I came back for no reason.

I passed those five months by knitting and talking to my friends. I got out and about and went to festivals, the movies and shopping. I tried my best to stay active.. but by the end of my pregnancy, I had gained 45 lbs. That was devastating because I have never been of a regular weight for my height and prior to my pregnancy, I had worked very hard (to no avail) to lose weight. The lowest I have ever weighed at a height of 5’9″ is 165.. which is still overweight. So I was very unhappy that I gained so much weight. However, I was spared most of the problems ladies have during the last trimester. My back really never did hurt and I was able to walk around even though everyone kept thinking I was having twins (which just reinforced that I was fat in my mind). The only problem I really developed was that my hip started popping out of its socket when I would roll over to sleep. So I had to be very careful about turning over at night.

At 39 weeks, the OB (who was wonderful, by the way) stated that she would ‘rather me be not pregnant sooner rather than later” because apparently for the last two or three weeks of my pregnancy, I had been leaking amniotic fluid and had never noticed. So they sent me to be induced on 11/10/2011. My son was born the next day (11/11/11) at 11:26 AM. My labor was super fast once it showed up. I had severe pain for about two hours before he was born (those pesky contractions), but I managed the two hours without pain medications or an epidural. When he was born, he was kind of lethargic and not interested in eating, so that signaled something was up. Thankfully, it just turned out that he had a pretty bad bout of jaundice and since he was not ready to be birthed into the world, preferred to sleep.

I had nurses waking me up every three hours to go feed a baby that did not want to eat (who would want to when you have them hooked up to sugar water and under a nice warm heat lamp all day?), so I was severely sleep deprived. When I wasn’t doing that, I was constantly having to entertain my family. So needless to say, my sleep deprivation started early in.

What no one told me while I was pregnant (and what this post is really about) is that sometimes, you can be so overjoyed about the life you have helped to create (and decided to keep) and yet so miserable that you see no point in living. I was already upset about a pregnancy I didn’t want and well.. about three weeks after he was born I started imagining that he was out to get me. That he was waking up to make my life miserable. I never got to sleep because I couldn’t sleep when he was sleeping (my body just doesn’t work like that) and when I would try to sleep (at night) he was waking me up and crying inconsolably. I never could figure out what he wanted.. I was frustrated and alone. My husband never got to see my son being born. His command wouldn’t let him come home and there was no Skype available on ship.. and the hospital wouldn’t have allowed it anyway. So he never got to see the ONLY CHILD he is going to get being born.

The OB stuck me on Zoloft and apparently people noticed a difference, but I really didn’t. I just attributed it to finally having help (my husband came to get me a few weeks after he was born). But then we moved back here to Japan.. away from friends and family.. and because I left when I did, I never had a chance to establish any friends here. And I was okay when my husband was around. Still resentful and having difficulties, but it was manageable. Well, unfortunately, he got called away on ship one day before my 27th birthday and has been gone since. I cry inconsolably almost every day. I went to the doctor on base and they stuck me on Wellbutrin.. which just makes all the things I am experiencing 10 times worse. I have thoughts of committing suicide or harming my son. My anger is off the charts.. and it is over nothing. I haven’t slept decently in a week because of the Wellbutrin (which I stopped taking today). I know they meant well by giving me this anti-depressant, but it most definitely is not working. And I understand that some people have a paradoxical effect that occurs when they take certain anti-depressants.

Anyway, when I went to see the doctor about this issue (because I have no desire to hurt my son as he did nothing wrong and I hate that he is the only person I really have to communicate with), he suggested that I take the medication in conjunction with talking to someone about this because it is obvious that I am having a lot of difficulty adjusting to this change. He suggested FFSC (Fleet and Family Support Center), but when I called them up, they refused to see me because I had been diagnosed by three different doctors at that point with PPD. So I set up an appointment with the only psychologist on base (who is unfortunately a stand-in). I came away from that meeting knowing I would never be able to talk to her about the problems I am having. She strongly encouraged me to file an FAP against my husband (that’s a Family Advocacy Plan). That’s something you only do if you are in an abusive relationship.. or your military member is irresponsible with their money or habits. My husband is a good person. I wouldn’t have married him if he weren’t. I am the victim of rape and abuse by two different men, so I am quite aware of what those things are. While I do feel that my husband disregarded my wishes (which led to my son being born), I do not feel that he raped or abused me. So I walked away from her realizing I could never talk to her or open up to her.. which leaves me with no one to talk to about this issue. I have no support and no real friends to speak of here in Japan. And while I love being here, I hate what I have become.

I hate that I feel that I can’t leave my house because my son doesn’t have a consistent nap schedule.. and that he gets cranky really often when we go out. I don’t like that he can’t play by himself and that I don’t have the energy every day to play with and interact with him. I hate that I sit here alone and crying and that when I try to reach out for help, the military has proven itself completely useless. I hate that my being miserable is affecting my husband and his work. I hate that I resent my husband and sometimes my son, too. I hate being this weak, sniveling and completely dependent person when once upon a time I was independent and resilient. I hate that I cry at the stupidest things now. I hate so much about my life right now that it is really hard to keep going. And what I hate the most is that my son is taking the brunt of this problem because he is the only person I have to communicate with.

No one talks about what it is like to live with this kind of depression. Or tells you that it might last for months.. or years. No one tells you that the anti-depressants that are supposed to help you may actually hinder you because they react negatively with you. I don’t sleep (I wake up after only three hours of sleep and cannot go back to sleep.. and my son sleeps all night (12 hours)). I barely eat. I have lost 6 lbs since he left.. and most of it is because I haven’t eaten well. I don’t have time to cook because my son is kind of in a needy phase and I have no one to help out.

And what’s really sad is that most of you that come to this site (not all) complain about the weight you have to lose (I gained 45lbs and am still working on losing it.. I am about 6lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight.. which is still overweight) or how you are having difficulties coping with your new body. And I am not belittling those concerns or problems, because they most definitely contribute to a person’s well-being. I just find it so very funny that most of you complain about the stretch marks you have or the extra weight you gained.. and I know I should possibly care about those things (because I received a bunch of new stretchmarks from this pregnancy), but I find that I don’t have the energy to care. I could care less what I look like.. how much fat I have, etc. And that’s not because I didn’t care before (I am very obsessive about my weight and have been my entire life due to emotional abuse I sustained when I was younger), but it’s because I am so overwhelmingly depressed and cannot for the life of me get the help that I know I need that is creating this lack of concern for anything.

I feel I could sleep forever and not care. I wouldn’t care about whether or not my son needed me.. and I know that’s horrible, but it’s very true right now. I do love my son, but I find that this dark cloud (for lack of a better term) is so poisonous and so belittling that I can’t enjoy connecting with my son. I can’t enjoy what should be the most enjoyable part of our lives. Sure, I have some bright days where I connect really well with my son, but most of the time, I am a big ole’ ball of rage and resentment. And at this point, it really doesn’t seem like there is a silver lining or a bright spot.

Maybe one day, I will post a follow-up post with pictures of my weight loss (I am still losing and that’s great, although I would prefer it to be because I was exercising (like I was before)) and how I finally beat this thing, but right now.. I just feel like I’m going to get lost in the void. I want to crawl out.. I want to survive, but what do you do when you can’t get any help from programs that are supposed to be put in place to help you.. and the people and places that can help you are more than 3000 miles away??

How did you get comfortable with your new physical self? (MK)

I read about all of the women who have gone from being in shape, looking great and feeling good to looking like a “mother.” I read about how you are now comfortable and accepting of your new “beautiful” self. I am not as strong as you are. I want to be where you are mentally and I am looking to learn how you got to where you are.

I was a size 0; 119 lbs before the birth of my son 14 months ago. My hobby was going to the gym and working out. It was/is my stress reliever. I got back to my old size, yet I am left with stretch marks on my stomach, sagging/floppy boobs, huge nipples (I breast fed for 12 months) extra skin on my stomach and diastasis recti. The latter issue doesn’t bother me that much.

I am pregnant again–25 weeks along. I obviously look pregnant, like I should. In addition to me not being comfortable in my new skin, I also have dark, huge aerolas–which I think is pregnancy related! To me it is so unattractive.

I never had time to get use to my the new me because I am now pregnant again. But the issue lies here…

I don’t want to be touched or seen naked by my husband. In bed I have to be covered with a blanket. If I look down and see myself, I don’t find myself sexy and i get upset at what I see. I don’t want to be touched where the extra skin lies nor on my huge nipples! I get so upset and mad. I don’t feel like I deserve to feel good.

On tv and in movies, you never see people like “us” playing sexy roles and if you did it would ruin what the show is trying to capture. How can one find me/us attractive. I don’t get it?!!

There are boundaries in bed which I know isn’t good but I can’t get comfortable and accepting of the new me. Feeling good and feeling sexy is important for a good relationship.

I feel good in clothes and no matter how often others tell me I look good–I need to feel sexy and good with myself (naked). I know confidence is sexy, but I’m just not any longer. Even if I begin to feel cofident, I don’t feel I have the right to be. How did you do it? How did you begin to truly love your new self? Please help. I am miserable and my relationship with my husband isn’t where is should be.

~Your Age: 29
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2nd pregnancy
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 14 months and 1 on the way; due 11/3

Depressed (Anonymous)

3 months post-partem

I had been debating whether to post something on this site for awhile now, but when I woke up this morning I just had to talk to someone.

I have three beautiful children ages seven, six and three months. I am having an extremely difficult time dealing with my body. With my last two pregnancies, I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight after three months. After this last pregnancy I still have 20 pounds to lose, plus I was already considered “overweight” before I got pregnant. I honestly wish the weight was the only issue. I have hundreds of stretch marks everywhere, even behind my knees and my skin around by belly is very loose. I seriously remind myself of Freddie Crugar. I have had a hard time accepting and loving myself.

My father was never around. He even made up a story to his family that I was killed by a bus. My first boyfriend dumped me because I wouldn’t “put out”. I started dating my now husband at 16. He is a great man, don’t get me wrong, but I have a hard time letting go of his mistakes. While we were dating he once looked at dirty magazines. Now I know that is something guys are just drawn to, but with my history it was devastating. A few months before we got married I found out later that he went on a date with some girl. I have no idea who she is, but I’m sure she was gorgeous. I wasn’t bad looking myself either. I was 5’5″ and 120 pounds. Since we have been married there was a period of time again where pornography entered the equation.

Here’s my dilema. I truly feel like in a way I wasn’t good enough for him while we were dating, because of his actions. I was the prettiest and the skinniest back then. Now I’m fat and saggy and full of stretch marks and ten years older. So (this is just my thinking here) if I wasn’t good enough for him then, why would I be good enough for him now? I know I need to let go of the past, but it haunts me. I really need help letting this go. I feel like it’s preventing me from being the best I can be physically and mentally. I could really use your advice

Long Story Short: I need help with all this. (Elisabeth)

Age: 19
Pregnancies: 1
Births: Due February 17th 2012

OK, this is a long one, my apologies.

I first found out I was pregnant at the beginning of summer, I was 18 at the time. It was a complete shock and I was unbelievably scared. I felt like this wasn’t supposed to happen to me: I’m the youngest of four, had a terrible relationship with my Mom, had far too many self esteem and body issues, depression haunted me (still does). Felt like I could never tell my parents or family and I was incredibly selfish thinking “Why me?”

I told the guy I was seeing right away, he was just as shocked as I was. But he urged me to keep it. I was very undecided at the time, I mean who was I kidding? I only have my high school diploma, have no idea what I want to do with my life, barely have 3K saved up, was fighting with my Mom too much, had only been seeing this guy for 6 or so months, the list goes on and on.

I hate the idea of depending on others for things, I was raised differently. Gotta earn what you want kind of mentality, but my parents have done and are doing so so much for me, of which I am so grateful for. Anyways, I knew I would have to depend on, my now boyfriend, and/or my parents.
For some reason that petrified me.

When I first told my boyfriend that I was pregnant he was away for work (his job takes him away for 2 weeks or so at a time) he wanted to know if I was OK and what I was going to do. I didn’t have an answer for him for weeks even when he went with me to the Doctor’s to make sure and everything. He has honestly been amazing from day one, I am extremely fortunate.

He urged me to keep the baby even though I told him multiple times “I can’t do this”. He told me that if I thought I couldn’t do it that he would take the baby and raise it, just please let him know. I knew I had to but my mind was all over the place for so long.
I had thought to myself that the best solution would be to abort the baby- it was just way too much for me. I never thought I would be a Mom, nor did I want to be one to be completely honest. It really hurt my boyfriend when I told him this. I said I was going to call the clinics so I did and it made me feel 1000x’s worse. The websites said how understanding they were and how well cared for I would be, how compassionate they were, etc. Not the case- they were incredibly rude and made me feel like complete crap. I was even hung up on when I was asking questions. When I told my boyfriend about this-it enraged him. He thought it was completely ridiculous.

I’ve always been against abortion. When my Mom was pregnant with me Doctors told her that I was going to be mentally and physically disabled so she should just abort me. When I learned that I could only think of what was going through my Mom’s head- she is such a strong woman. I had also known how they perform abortions and the different types so when I started to think that that was the only option I was disgusted with myself. How selfish could I be?
And the fact that I have such a supportive boyfriend and family. That’s when I decided that I would keep it.

I managed to get through telling my family and all and same with his. I worked on my relationship with my parents and still am.
There have been multiple stresses in my life since then: work putting me on sick leave (only to go back 2 months later for 1 month), shady people in my life, people trying to break up my boyfriend and I, dealing with friends who have depression, my family having extreme health issues, etc. But it wasn’t anything that none of us couldn’t get through. I mean, there are so many more people with much, much worse situations. I have no room to complain.

My boyfriend bought a house and we moved in together, I felt like a complete mooch. This isn’t how I pictured any of this; I’m suppose to be independent not have to rely on him for so much. I help out as much as I can. But I feel like it isn’t enough.

And now that I am 36 weeks I am seeing more weight on the rest of my body and can see a few stretch marks starting to peek through. I hate it. Why is this happening again? I have always struggled with my weight and appearance. Having three older, skinnier sisters never helped. I constantly compared myself to them, still do.
When I hit puberty my legs were stretchmark city as well as a few on my sides and boobs. I would work out a lot and try to eat well. It would work sometimes and I would feel better for a little bit but then I would see skinnier people and hate myself and eat to feel better. Vicious cylce I am still going through.
I know that I should be happy with my body and proud that I am able to grow such a miracle in me. But I hate me.

Kick in the depression. I feel horrible about myself- like I’m not good enough for my boyfriend, like I am going to let down my baby and him and our families. I hate my body, I feel like no one could like my body or me. I just don’t want my baby to come into this world with me thinking that way.

I could go on forever about all this. But how can I feel better about myself for my baby, boyfriend and family’s sake?
It’s hard on all of them. None of them deserve this.

Struggling (Nicola)

Nicola, age 26
1 Pregnancy, 1 Birth
1 Year PP

When I was pregnant, I really believed that I was going to enjoy motherhood. I was sure that I had prepared myself as much as one can. When my baby was born, of course it was difficult from the start. Not only was I recovering from a forceps birth with episiotomy, but I was trying to adjust to life with a newborn. I kept telling myself it would get easier, and believing that it would was the only thing really carrying me through.

It has been a year since my baby’s birth and I sometimes wonder if I might be depressed. I try so hard to be a good mom, but I still don’t feel like the mother I would like to be. My baby has been slowly cutting teeth, one after the other for over six months. She was actually a better sleeper at 8 weeks old. My heart sinks when she wakes up from a nap sooner than I’d like, because all I can think of is how tired I am and how I don’t know how to fill the rest of our day. She is so clingy and gets upset if I leave the room. She hardly ever plays by herself. I can’t even prepare a meal in the kitchen without her hanging off my legs. We have not taken a family vacation since she was born and I have no plans to return to work. My husband works in another state and is home for maybe one week out of the month. He is not on a set schedule so we never really know when he’ll get to come home. If I got a job I would see even less of him than I already do. I feel useless because I don’t make any money of my own.

My mother is of help to me, but she oversteps boundaries all the time. She acts like my baby’s mom sometimes which drives me crazy. I feel resentful and annoyed and yet, I hardly see any of my friends… so if I get lonely enough, I’ll pack up the baby and go to her house. I feel like I only go to her house, the grocery store, and once a week playgroup. I really need to do something for myself, but at the end of my day, I just have a cry, finish up housework, shower, and go to sleep. Then my baby wakes up a few times throughout the night. She doesn’t eat at night, and I don’t go in unless I sense something is wrong… and yet she still wakes up.

I am at the point of exhaustion. I can’t tell my husband how I really feel because he makes me feel guilty. My mom downplays my emotions so I try not to complain around her. I just feel like being a mother has consisted of a lot of shitty days, and not very many good ones. I started out with such high hopes and a good attitude but lately these things have wavered. Before my daughter was born, all I could think of was the kind of mother I would be, and how I could protect my child from at least some of the things that I went through. Now I wonder if I will ever be able to pick myself up and do right by her.

I don’t tell any of my friends about this. To them, I have a great life and a lot of knowledge to share. I was lucky and went back to my old shape after a month. I know that a lot of them are jealous that I don’t have to go back to work… I know how it must look. We have a pretty nice house and my husband brings in an exceptional income. If I see something for my baby, I don’t think, I just buy. So you see, we have it pretty good. This could be why I don’t feel like I can complain. I’ve watched Teen Mom and I can see how dire a Mother’s situation can become, but I still feel down and sorry for myself a lot of the time. I think if I had a hobby, or a part time job, ate better, and got a better quality of sleep, I could have my good attitude back and be a better mom. At the moment, I can’t pick myself up! It sucks big time! And yet, I reach ovulation every month and all I can think about is how badly I want to get pregnant again! What a mind-fuck. That would be the worst thing we could do right now. And yet those silly hormones make me believe I could manage with two. As if.

Giving birth was the biggest event of my life, and I’ve sort of felt this… let down ever since.

5 Years Later (Dolly)

It has been 5 years since the worst day of my life. I lost my daughter . My children at home ( then 3 and 4) were never the same. Since that day I had 2 miscarriages. When I found out I was pregnant again my youngest , Jacob (then 7) would ask every day, “mom do you think this baby will come home with us?” I had to believe, I had to trust and I had to allow him to heal. My oldest, Sarah, was not as worried, (then 8) or so it seemed. She never asked, it was not until the baby was born that she seemed to release the fears. She cried and hugged her new sister and told me how she was so afraid to think that this baby may not breath. I never told them I felt that way too. I never told them that I would do kick counts several times a day, that I would cry and talk to her in my womb. I never told them that I had bad dreams.

My greatest fear besides death was that I would call my new daughter Chelsea (her sister in Heaven). I did and often .

With prayer and as Savanna ( born 6-4-11) became part of my daily life, I stopped calling her Chelsea.

Today I am happy to say that Savanna is dearly loved for herself, that my children no longer fear loosing her and that we all cherish her.

Thank you Chelsea, your death made me see so much more clearly how sweet every breath is, how wonderful every smile and how precious every moment is with ALL my children. You served a great calling for such a little person.

We all love you and Savanna will hear about you when she is older.

I love you my sweet baby.

You can read more of my story with my original post and update. And here is her web page.

Thank you for letting me share my story… again

I am currently 40 , I have 3 children 9, 8, and 6 months
I have had 1 stilbirth and 2 miscarriages.