6 Months Later (Anonymous)

It is now six months, One week, and 4 days since my daughter was born. She arrived March, 13 2008. This time last year, We were about to find out what the sex of our new arrival would be. I had too many emotions to name, but I was so excited. .I wrote her letters, stared at her ultrasound pictures, and filled out every thing in the pregnancy section of the baby book. All this time taking weekly pictures of my growing belly. Every picture seem to reveal more and more stretch marks, but I secretly liked them. I liked them because I knew that was a sign she was growing and would be here soon. Around 33 weeks into my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. My Doctor ordered a very controlled diet. Gestational Diabetes would be the reason for setting up an induction at 38 weeks. The Induction day was on March 12, 2008 @ 2:00pm. The Dr. started with Cervadil then later Pitocin. Contractions started around 8pm they lasted until about 5pm on March 13, 2008. They were back to back, and I should have been dilating, but I wasn’t. The Doctor came to check on me around 5pm. I had a very high fever. They prepped me for an emergency c-section and a spinal block. I remember every tug and painful pull to get my daughter out, but once I heard her cry it was a feeling I will never forget. I spent that next week in the hospital recovering from a Uterine Infection. She was fine, and healthy from day one, and that is all I could have asked for. I’ve never been ashamed of my stretch marks, because if I didn’t have them, I wouldn’t have my daughter. Being her mother is the best thing in the world.

In the first photo I was 35 weeks pregnant
In the second I was 36 weeks
In the third photo I was 2 months postpartum
The last two photos are 6months postpartum

How Fast Things Change (Anonymous)

It’s amazing how fast your life can change. It can be a matter of minutes, hours, days, or like in my case a matter of 3 months. In may of 2005 I graduated high school, in June I turned 18, and in July I was married. Two weeks after I was married I found out we were pregnant. The first few weeks were fine, then I developed abnormal bleeding that required weekly visit to the hospital for blood work to make sure my HCG levels were rising normally. Around six weeks along, I had my first occurrence of morning sickness. To call it morning sickness is a joke, I had in morning, noon, and night; Everyday for three months. My fourth month the morning sickness vanished and in it’s place I had lots of energy. I felt great. The only problem I had now was family members assuring me, that since I had not gained what they thought was “normal” to be that far along, I should see my doctor to make sure I was still pregnant. They were not satisfied with the answer that I was visiting the doctor and received ultrasounds at all appointments. My sixth month I started having ringing in my ears , things would go black if I stood up to fast, and I was so swollen it was painful. My doctor didn’t think anything about this at first and it wasn’t until about 6 1/2 months that he noticed my blood pressure was abnormally high. I was admitted into the hospital and stayed for two weeks. I then convinced my doctor that with medicine and my husband by my side I would be more comfortable at home in my own bed. I was released with blood pressure med’s, orders to check my blood pressure 3 times a day, and complete bed rest. My doctor also explained to me at that time that I had protein build up in my urine and that my organs were not functioning the way they should anymore. He told me that to let the pregnancy progress any farther would be a danger to the baby and my health. I was scheduled for a cesarean that would come two weeks later. The day of the surgery/birth I was terrified. I was going to the hospital childless and pregnant and coming home not pregnant and with a child. The cesarean was one of the easiest things I had to deal with the whole pregnancy. I was taken back at 10 that morning and was up by 9 that night. At 6 the next morning I was walking around the hospital and could use the bathroom on my own. The nurses told me before that my daughter would probably be NICU. That was not the case, she came out small but healthy and screaming her arrival. When we were released 3 day later, the doctor told me she was in better health than me. I however was in denial about the weight from the pregnancy itself and having toxemia. I gained right at 100 lbs. I was shocked, to go from people saying they couldn’t believe I was pregnant to later being so swollen the nurses were giving me looks of pity. Two days after walking out of the hospital I had lost 50 lbs, and lost more slowly the following weeks…..I gained almost all of it back. I went from 130 lbs to 230 on delivery day, to and now I average around 165 -170 depending on the week of the month. I am not happy with it ( I still have a lot of body image issues!!!), but I am learning I can change it and accept myself at the same time ( I just tuck that loose skin in my jeans, LOL :P ). Here are pics of me now (standing up and laying down)2 years after, one around a month ( about 7 months along) before the delivery ( white shirt), and one at 4 weeks pregnant (red shirt). I have stretch marks from shoulders down, loose skin, and a beautiful daughter! When I first had my daughter I would think to myself, for all the stretch marks I have, my daughter has beautiful smooth baby soft skin. I think it was a even trade.

Not just stretch marks… (Anonymous)

Notice the deep bruising along the bottom of my belly? These bruises (and the red marks) are from the anticoagulant injections I must take while pregnant to prevent blood clots. I’ve always been envious of those who can show their bare belly (even an inch of it) during pregnancy. This was a good, low-bruise day for me… and I was on the “good” medication (Lovenox) instead of the “less good” (heparin — which I take more frequently AND produces worse bruises).

12 Months Postpartum (After 2 cesareans/girls) (Anonymous)

I was originally told I could not have any children. One thing I could never accept. After 7 years of trying, I finally succeeded in falling pregnant naturally (2004). My first little girl was born exactly 8pounds via caeser because she was breech. I developed pre-eclampsia with this one and managed to put on a successful (?) 28kg!!! I started at a comfortable 57kg. I again fell pregnant in 2006 with my second girl who was born 7 pound. This time round I was very, very sick. In/out of hospital. Went into labour at 26 weeks and for 3 days off/on laboured. Thankfully both girls came at 38 weeks. They were and are both very healthy. I put on 4kg (yes, only 4kg) with my 2nd. After a week post partum, I was 69kg. However!! Like my first, the angel was no angel. I seeked refuge all things sugary and fattening…. ate packets and packets of chocolate biscuits!!! Put on weight (more than I weight full term) … I am almost happy to say that I am on the road to slimming down… I am hovering over 68-69kg and would like to lose another 8kg. This site is a wonderful tool in showing other mum’s that it is ok to have stretch marks, to have saggy breasts, less than perfectly smooth skin on your tummy… you are, after all, the creator and carrier of life. You have been given the cherished role of all…. I try to live by saying “my body is evidence of the miracle of my girls”. Good luck everyone…. xo

4 weeks pp – angry at my body (Anonymous)

Four weeks ago I delivered my son prematurely by c-section. The fear, stress, and worry were undescribable. Jack was born at 35 weeks weighing only 3lbs. He spent 17 days in the NICU and had surgery to repair bilateral inguinal hernias, then came home with us. I am furious with my body for causing problems during my pregnancy that resulted in a premature baby. It was my job to grow my baby safely and help him to be big and strong — and my body failed at that. So far our son isn’t showing any problems, but if he does in the future, I know who I’ll hold responsible. I gained 30lbs during my pregnancy, and probably would have gained more if Jack had gone to term. In four weeks I have lost 25 of my 30lbs, and am back into my regular clothes. I’m not exactly thrilled about it – I have some serious muffin top, and I’m sure my hips have gotten wider. My ribcage looks much smaller than it was before I was pregnant. The skin on my belly looks like cement and when I run I can feel it jiggle. I’ve got a ‘seam’ of skin, that’s folded along my abdomen from hip to hip. I’m happy to have lost 25lbs, but know that I have at least that much more to lose before I can stop obsessively staring at my belly in the mirror and weighing myself. If my body had helped my son to be a healthy full term baby maybe I could forgive it for looking so abused after bearing a child… but with all my body’s shortcomings on the inside, its ugly outside is just another drop in the bucket.

Updated here and here.