5 Weeks Postpartum with First Pregnancy (Anonymous)

On Nov 6, 2008, I was blessed with a beautiful daughter. She is amazing to me because it is the first person in my life I can look at and see some resemblance of myself. I was adopted as a newborn, and always stuck out like a sore thumb with my light brown hair, blue eyes, and tall stature. It has always been very important to me have a child of my own. My daughter is the most precious gift I have ever received, and even on my worst days, she is the light that brightens my day. At 5 weeks pp, I am watching the changes in my body take place slowly. I gained 45 pounds during my pregnancy. I have lost 28 of it thus far. At 5’10”, I was a 165 pounds (a size 8), with an athletic body. Now I am good size 12, with 38E chest, and sagging belly. Sometimes it is difficult for me to understand how my husband can still find me sexually attractive. Clothed, I am for the most part comfortable with myself. I can cover the layers of skin & fat with a shirt & pants. Naked, I cringe if I look in the mirror. All I see is my sagging breasts, stretch marks, wider hips, and baby belly. As much I disagree with him that I am still beautiful, his words mean more to me than I can express. I know that beauty comes from within, and the confidence of finding yourself beautiful outweighs any outwardly appearance. I must to learn to love my stretch marks, bigger curves, and pudgy belly. I am slowly coming to terms that my body may never be the same as before, and now I am beautiful in a new type of way: a motherly way.

I Need Encouragement (Anonymous)

My beautiful, rewarding, amazing son was born ten months ago. I wanted him, but had no idea how much my life, including my body would change. Most of the changes are awesome. Sometimes I wonder if I suffer from post part em depression. I see this site and think I am being heartless and selfish for complaining about the way I look. I am just having a difficult time coping. I feel like I do not have the time or motivation to work out. My husband is big into fitness and is always at the gym and eating right. I try to watch what I eat, but sometimes I just give up and feel like I am always going to look like this. My boobs fell, my nipples are enormous, my butt fell,my arms wave that “thing” with the slightest motion, and I still have about fifteen pounds of baby fat left. I am only 22 and when I get the chance to go visit old friends and we are getting dressed for the evening, looking at them hurts. I remember looking like that and I envy their bodies. I want to love my body, but the truth is I don’t…I obsess over my naked body and how I wish it looked. The women on this site are amazing and I hope to gain the kind of hope and confidence they possess. My husband tells me Im beautiful all the time and that he loves how I look. I just get so jealous and hurt even when a Victoria’s Secret commercial comes on. I am secretly hoping he does not notice because I do not want him to see them and wish I looked like that..my son is so worth this pain I feel, I just feel like I am in a slump that I can’t get out of..all i want to do is sleep all day. I love my life, I just don’t enjoy shopping anymore or getting ready to go out..am I cold? Is this normal? Almost a year..I just want to loose the 15 pounds or so..advice please!

Accepting the “mom” figure (Anonymous)

Before my pregnancy I was 115 lbs and stood at 5’8. When I found out I was pregnant I was scared. I was 17 at the time and my boyfriend and I were having problems. When I saw those two pink lines on the pregnancy test I knew my life would never be the same. I broke up with my boyfriend, transfered to a new school and graduated high school on my 18th birthday (5 months ahead of everyone). Having gained 53 lbs and endured 7 hours of labor, on February 20th 2008 at 5:06 I gave birth to my daughter Haylie. 8 lbs 7 0z and 21 1/2 beautiful inches. I credit her with being my saving grace. Since her birth we have moved out of my parents house to a new town where I attend college for Dental Assisting. Haylie is now almost 8 months old and she’s my pride and joy.
I see my stretch marks and while they bother me I’m so thankful my body was able to nourish and carry a beautiful child to full term. I have accepted my “mom” figure, even the good and bad.
I am now 118 lbs and proud of my body.

My Journey to Accepting My Body (Anonymous)

Before and During Pregnancy
I have always been rather slender. I am very petite; the heaviest I have been is 113 pounds and I am 4’11.” I should also note that I have never had an eating disorder and have never been on a diet. Sure, there were times I was out of shape and a little heavier than I should have been, but for the most part I have been a normal, average, healthy size.

In the year preceding my pregnancy, I was in the best shape of my life, working out regularly, wearing a size 0-1, and I was a healthy 90 lbs. Needless to say, I am a very disciplined person. During my pregnancy, I maintained my workouts for the most part, except I modified how I did abdominal exercises so that I wasn’t lying supine. I also listened to my body and stopped when I started to get overtired. During the last 4-6 weeks of my pregnancy, I hardly ever exercised because I was too tired. As far as my pregnancy diet is concerned, I didn’t change anything about my normal way of eating. That is to say, I ate moderately: I ate when I was hungry, and stopped when I was full. I had a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, vitamins, nutrients, and other healthy stuff. I avoided caffeine and too many sweets. I gained about 30 pounds during my pregnancy, it was my 1st baby (1st pregnancy also), and I was 25. I gave birth vaginally at 37 weeks without any problems to a healthy child.

After Pregnancy
I was in my pre-pregnancy clothes and wearing a size 0-1 again by 3-4 weeks after delivery, although I wasn’t nearly as toned and as tight as I was pre-pregnancy. I also breastfed my baby for 9-10 months (exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months).

I didn’t start working out again consistently until my baby was about 7 months old. I wanted to, but at first I wasn’t motivated, then I was too busy (I returned to work when baby was 3 months old). By the time my baby was between 5-7 months, my post partum depression had reached a peak. I certainly didn’t feel like working out at that point. Consequently, I wasn’t feeling very confident about my figure, even if it looked good according to most people’s standards.

But I did start working out again, like I said when my baby was 7 months old. I started off slowly, only 3 days a week with light weights, and I gradually built up to my current (and former) routine of 4-6 days a week, doing cardio and weights (3-10 lbs), and occasionally running outdoors 2.5 to 3 miles at a time. Exercise definitely helped me combat my depression, and coupled with good friends and a supportive & loving husband, I was able to beat depression completely without medication. I now work out consistently as if my life depends on it — because the quality of my life really does depend on it. I feel better, I look better, I’m more emotionally stable, and I have more energy to submit to my family and my friends.

My baby is now 17 months old (I am now 26), and for the most part, I am content with my body right now. I didn’t get any stretch marks, and I felt like I took very good care of myself to avoid excessive weight gain, but also to maintain a healthy diet for my baby. I have worked very hard to get my body back after giving birth, and since I am a perfectionist, I will always have more goals to attain concerning my body. I never got back down to 90 pounds, but I am at 94-95 pounds and I look just as great (possibly even better) than I did pre-pregnancy. Be encouraged – it is possible!

Despite meeting my personal goals, I have battled with my self-image for a long time. For the first few months after weaning, I didn’t like my breasts at all. They were (and still are) so small. I was a perky 32B/34B pre-pregnancy, and with my small frame they were the perfect size for me! While nursing I went up to a beautiful 34C and I loved it! Now, 6 months after weaning my baby, my little pancake breasts hang at a 32A. For a long time I was extremely dissatisfied with them. When I first came across this site about 3 months ago, I was amazed at the gracious self acceptance I saw, and I wanted to be able to say(like many women here) that I love my breasts and that the way they look is a testimony to how I’ve nourished my child. I have never regretted breastfeeding at all, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. But I admit that I am a little saddened to see how they look now. I don’t, as other women do, truly consider them a “badge” or “mark” of honor. For a long time I just saw how small and flat they look. I struggled with this daily for several months. I even considered getting plastic surgery to make them perky and just a little bit bigger, but all I ever really wanted was to just accept them and change the way I think about them. My husband has always abhorred the idea of plastic surgery, and he insisted that I was focusing too much on my breasts. He would tell me that I am beautiful and that my breasts nourished our sweet baby, which is what they were always meant to do. He loves my breasts because of that reason. “And besides,” he would tell me, “they work wonderfully for their sexual purposes as well.”

After some self examination, I can finally say that I kind of like my breasts. Sure, I still wish they were perky and a little bit bigger, but I have finally taken a step and at least accepted them. I am glad they are natural and soft flesh, instead of silicone or saline implants. Okay so they’re not my idea of perfect, but I can accept them today, and appreciate them as a gift. I am still on a journey to accepting and loving my body and breasts just the way they are. Part of that journey is to share my story here. I feel like this will help me admit my struggle publicly and I know that this is part of my process of acceptance. Thank you for allowing me to share my story anonymously.

Lastly, here are all current photos of myself, taken at 16 months post-baby.

Bringing Sexy Back with a New Body (Anonymous)

In high school, I was always a slender and athletic girl. At 6 feet tall, it was easy to put on 5 or 10 pounds without anyone noticing. I played a sport every season and enjoyed food.

When I went to college, I was the cliché: about 15 pounds, but lost it quickly, before my wedding. I got married after finishing my freshman year, to my high school boyfriend, and weighed 153 the day we got married. I was a size 10.

The summer before my senior year of college, we discovered that I was pregnant. It wasn’t what we had planned, but we adjusted and were very excited to meet our baby in the spring of 2004. I put on 61 pounds, including 12 pounds in the last week of the pregnancy. My body was so swollen and puffy.

My daughter was born 9 days before her due date and weighed 10 pounds and was 21 inches long. Within two days of delivering her, I could see my ankle bones again and was down 25 pounds.

Luckily, I enjoy walking and other forms of exercise, so I was able to continue losing most of the remaining weight in a healthful way. The stretch marks (which were so shocking at the beginning) faded to a silvery pink and don’t really bother me much.

We conceived our second child in June 2005. I had put on 50 pounds by my 35 week of pregnancy when I stopped feeling the baby move. We went in for a routine appointment to discover that our daughter had died. I delivered her two days later, in February 2006.

It was hard for so many reasons, but one of the least expected problems I experienced was coping with the post-pregnancy body without a baby to show for it. I wanted to scream, “This is baby fat–I just had a baby, but she’s dead!”

Support of friends, a precious husband, and a healthy workout pattern at the local Y helped me through those early weeks, and I lost 40 of the 50 pounds I had gained before embarking on our third pregnancy in April 2006.

We were blessed with a beautiful baby in December 2006, just 10 1/2 months after our second baby was stillborn. I was pregnant or breastfeeding 57 out of 59 months (through May of this year). My body was hardly mine!

Since then, I have been relishing the freedom to appreciate and use my body for myself instead of always setting aside my own needs for my children’s. I adore them, passionately and without reservations. But I am glad to have my body back, even though it’s not the one I started out with on this journey.

I currently fluctuate between a size 12 and 14, and weigh about 180 pounds. I work out 4-6 times per week, and will be running my first post-baby 5K later this fall.

Since having babies (all girls), I am more committed to appreciating the myriad ways our bodies are formed. The love handles, stretch marks, baby apron, and mis-matched breasts have their own beauty and give me a feeling of accomplishment.

I revel in the beauty I see on this site and all around me, and hope that our daughters (and their partners) will have an easier time of loving the female form than we have.

Carrying a Piece of Art (Anonymous)

I’m 20 years old, 36 weeks pregnant, and pretty content with most parts of my body. I’ve sported stretch marks on my stomach since about 13. I wasn’t “fat” by any means, but nature decided I’d be growing a little early. I was of course mortified by them for a long time, until I became pregnant. Along with that I had small, uneven, and “saggy” breasts. I read a lot of stories on here about those who are and are not okay with their bodies, some sporting stretch marks and other pregnancy battle scars, some were a clean canvas, no show of pregnancy whatsoever. I was skeptical about posting my story and my pictures in fear of someone I know seeing them, and then I remembered that this is me, nothing will change that. Brad was in love with my body and the miracle of life it was holding and t wasn’t until I read a few stories, on this site and others as well, of people who have lost children, cannot carry children themselves, etc. that i realized these marks i bear are a blessing. I have come to love my mama stripes and the breasts that will soon nourish my child. I love running my fingers down my belly and look for the constantly changing patterns of faded to the growing and glowing pink. I try and remember which ones I had pre-pregnancy and look for the most recent addition on my sides. I recently noticed I also have vertical ones as well, small, but casually marching themselves over the other ones. When sporting the bare belly to family members they are mortified…I think I am more annoyed with them than my stretch marks. I must say pregnancy itself is very uncomfortable, and I have yet to endure childbirth, but I know it’s all going to be worth it in the end. And I’m glad I’ll be able to walk away saying that I’m proud of the body pregnancy gave me, no matter how unattractive it may seem.

12 Months Postpartum (After 2 cesareans/girls) (Anonymous)

I was originally told I could not have any children. One thing I could never accept. After 7 years of trying, I finally succeeded in falling pregnant naturally (2004). My first little girl was born exactly 8pounds via caeser because she was breech. I developed pre-eclampsia with this one and managed to put on a successful (?) 28kg!!! I started at a comfortable 57kg. I again fell pregnant in 2006 with my second girl who was born 7 pound. This time round I was very, very sick. In/out of hospital. Went into labour at 26 weeks and for 3 days off/on laboured. Thankfully both girls came at 38 weeks. They were and are both very healthy. I put on 4kg (yes, only 4kg) with my 2nd. After a week post partum, I was 69kg. However!! Like my first, the angel was no angel. I seeked refuge all things sugary and fattening…. ate packets and packets of chocolate biscuits!!! Put on weight (more than I weight full term) … I am almost happy to say that I am on the road to slimming down… I am hovering over 68-69kg and would like to lose another 8kg. This site is a wonderful tool in showing other mum’s that it is ok to have stretch marks, to have saggy breasts, less than perfectly smooth skin on your tummy… you are, after all, the creator and carrier of life. You have been given the cherished role of all…. I try to live by saying “my body is evidence of the miracle of my girls”. Good luck everyone…. xo


I have posted a pic on here before, but it was only of my stomach, no boobs and no bum…that is the last picture incase nobody can figure out what the hell it is!! I put on 30kg while pregnant and have worked my butt off loosing 20kg of it to help prepare for the next time (we are trying to concieve number two now)

I am proud of my weightloss but unfortunatley, like pregnancy, it has done nothing to help my body, the more weight i loose, the more skin that sags and this is what has happened to my bum, the skin from my back overhangs..

I am still comming to terms with my new body, but i dont have any regrets and sites like this make that journey so much better.

My son is now 11months and as i said we are trying to concieve, im wonder alot what the next pregnancy will do to my body, will i stretch again and so have more skin or will i just fill in all the skin here now so stay the same?! time will tell and i cant wait :)