Changing Shape at 21 (Anonymous)

Getting here was a tough road, in more ways than one. Although I am a young mother, my boyfriend and I planned for this baby. We had previously lost two little angels, the first was an early miscarriage while the second loss was discovered at 17 weeks. We were devastated, but it helped us to realize that we were ready to begin this journey together.

Six months after my D&C, we finally conceived our son. For years I had battled with my body, hating it, always trying to improve it, trying to learn to love it. When I got pregnant all of that faded away. I loved my curves, and I often complained about not being big enough to fill out my maternity clothes the “right” way. At 36 weeks I finally developed stretch marks. I had always hoped that I would be one of the “lucky ones” but despite genetics not being on my side, I secretly loved them, too. On May 28th, right on his due date, and after 33 hours of labor, our beautiful bundle appeared and the real journey began.

A friend of mine had her baby about 8 months prior. She was back in her pre-pregnancy clothes, looking great, at three weeks. Being the same age as she, and also breastfeeding, I was sure I would be the lucky one this time around. After having the baby I developed stretch marks on my inner thighs. Thats right, *after* the baby. I no longer loved those little marks. Try as I might, I could not picture them as my battle scars. After a month I still could not even think of fitting into my pre-pregnancy jeans. I was about to return to school, and I frantically bought what I called my “suck in underwear,” horrible afraid that when I walked around campus everyone would see my excess skin start to jiggle.

Along with that, I got post partum [depression?] which took a heavy toll on my relationship with both my son and my boyfriend. I was miserable. I cried every day. Breastfeeding was far more difficult than I had imagined it would be. We developed thrush which remained undiagnosed for three months, and because of the pain, I thought of my nursing relationship more like a punishment. I honestly hated motherhood, hated my relationship, and hated myself. I had wanted this after all the heartache of losing my two daughters, why was I so miserable now?

During the third month, everything changed. I got on medication. I became an avid visitor of this website. I got breastfeeding support. I cannot say I am 100% satisfied with everything about my body (admittingly, I took several pictures for this website, hoping that I could stand or suck in to look better, but I chose to post the first natural pictures that I took) Despite that, I can say that I am truly happy. I am a mother. I LOVE being a mother. I am now nearly 6 months post partem, totally off my medication, and my son is my entire world. It is a shame that it took me this long to stop worrying about every little thing. I am truly saddened that the first two months of my son’s life were wasted while I wallowed in my grief, but I am so thankful that we made it through. I am so much more fulfilled now than I can even express.

One woman commented on another person’s post in this website that this is how we are supposed to look. We aren’t supposed to look like women who haven’t had children. To that woman, I want to say thank you. That single comment changed my entire view. I know that these stretch marks and these curves are a part of me now. For better or worse, they are mine. They ARE my battle scars and battle bumps and battle curves. I still have my days where I am less than thrilled to go walking around in my underwear, but I can say that I am proud to have a mother’s body. I am proud to be a mother.

(The first picture was taken while I was in labor, the next were taken today at 6 months PP)

Happy with her body (Anonymous)

I am now 4.5 months pp. I breastfed my son, and it is the best thing that I have done.
I have strech marks on my brests, stomach, and hips…also a few on my legs. I am learning how to accept my body…and after reading everyone elses blogs on here…I love my body.
Thank you to whomever came up with this site, and thank you to all the mothers who tell your story!
pics are pre baby, and 4.5 months pp

Twins – The Aftermath – Update (Anonymous)

Original entry here.

Hi, I wrote my thoughts and feeling back in May 2008 in my original posting “Twins- The Aftermath”. Almost 6 months later, I have tried to loose weight. I Finally compared the pictures and I can see a difference in which makes me PROUD! i have never been proud of my weightloss. THANK you for all you wonderful thoughts and comments. I have grown to ACCEPT my body. My goal is is to save enough money to get a tummy tuck once i have my last child ( i am planning to have one more, but not so sure). I have notice the weight loss but my skin is really sagging,and very flappy. Thank you for the support!

Mum to 3 boys and a girl on the way (Anonymous)

I’ve been a mum since I was 19. I’m only 5’4″ and I’ve never been thin, always struggled with my weight and body image. With my 1st pregnancy I gained over 45lbs. 19 months later I had my 2nd son at home after gaining over 55lbs. I went from a size 10 before babies to a size 16 after two. It took a divorce and 3 years to lose 55lbs and I was back into a size 10. Six years after my 2nd I had my 3rd son. I only gained around 35lbs that time, and after he was born I lost all the baby weight and more after about a year, getting down to a size 6 or 130lbs. Here I am now pregnant with my 1st girl! I’m only 30 weeks and already gained 30lbs. Dr. said I’m on track to gain around 40lbs but he’s not worried about it so I’m trying not to worry. All my stretch marks came from my 1st two pregnancies. You can see they have darkened up during this pregnancy but I’m sure they’ll fade again. I’m not worried about losing weight again, I’ll be breastfeeding and with good diet and exercise I know the weight will go. I do hate to think about the sagging I’ll get. After 3 my belly was just a saggy jelly roll so after 4 who knows what will happen. I am so blessed to have had 3 healthy boys and a healthy pregnancy this 4th time, I’ll happily take the saggy stretch marked belly in return! Thank you for putting this site together, after reading the posts and seeing the pictures here I feel happier than ever to have this body!

Updated here.

Young Mom! (Anonymous)

Hi! This is my story: I got pregnant when I was 17 and 99 pounds, 5 days before having the baby I was 132 pounds and I was only 38 weeks, imagine at week 40!! My son is 2 years and 8 months old. Now my weight is about 103 pounds. I hate my stretch marks! I don’t like wearing a bikini. I have them on my breasts and my butt. I have saggy breasts and belly. I’m only 20! Sometimes I feel sad about it… My hubby doesn’t care! He thinks I’m beautiful, he loves my body… Good for him! I wish I had more confidence to show my body… I don’t like it. It’s so nice to see that I’m not alone! A lot of women are going through this!

11 months postpartum 20 years old (Anonymous)

I am a 20 yr old mother. I couldn’t have imagined that I’d be able to do this well as a mother before I had my son, but I always knew I’d do my best. I doubted that my best would be good enough, but I never knew at the time that it would come so easy when I felt that almost too-strong love I have for my son. I love being a mother and I wouldn’t trade that to have my body back, but this doesn’t change that I want to break down every time I look in the mirror. I always struggled with my weight, except RIGHT before I got pregnant. I finally reached my goal weight, and I was a size 6. From age 13 I had always fluctuated between a size 11 and 13. Then, I gained 80lbs during my pregnancy, and have lost 45 since. I stopped losing weight about seven months ago however, and can’t seem to get it started back up. Now I am left with this and I cant help but wonder how anyone can embrace their bodies when this is what it looks like. I don’t want to insult anyone.. that’s not my reason for posting.. I’m just jealous I guess. I wish I could accept this, and maybe even love it.. I just don’t see how it’s possible. I hate looking in the mirror. Most of the time I really take a good look at my stomach I can’t hold the tears back.

Feeling Depressed About Breasts (Anonymous)

A lot of you women on here come on here being proud of your bodies and what they have done..which I am.. BUT I can’t help being depressed about my breasts. They seem to sag so much more and I’m afraid of what they will look like after I wean. In these pictures I have just finished nursing on the smaller side.. SO, you can see how much saggier they get when they are not full. Before I was pregnant and breastfeeding (this is my second pregnancy but first time bf) my boobs were a full and perky A cup. They were small but I was happy with the way they look. Now they just sag and even my SO mentioned that they are saggy.. :o( Just makes me feel so sad. I feel like I am 24 and shouldn’t look like this yet.

Two boys and trying for one more baby (Anonymous)

I have had two boys that are sixteen months apart. My oldest is three and the baby is almost two. I workout several days a week plus I try to eat as healthy as possible. I am disgusted with my body but I also realize that this body brought two beautiful lives into this world. My husband looks at me with loving eyes and has embraced everything that came with these pregnancies. However, my insecurities and discontent with body is part of my everyday life.

Accepting the “mom” figure (Anonymous)

Before my pregnancy I was 115 lbs and stood at 5’8. When I found out I was pregnant I was scared. I was 17 at the time and my boyfriend and I were having problems. When I saw those two pink lines on the pregnancy test I knew my life would never be the same. I broke up with my boyfriend, transfered to a new school and graduated high school on my 18th birthday (5 months ahead of everyone). Having gained 53 lbs and endured 7 hours of labor, on February 20th 2008 at 5:06 I gave birth to my daughter Haylie. 8 lbs 7 0z and 21 1/2 beautiful inches. I credit her with being my saving grace. Since her birth we have moved out of my parents house to a new town where I attend college for Dental Assisting. Haylie is now almost 8 months old and she’s my pride and joy.
I see my stretch marks and while they bother me I’m so thankful my body was able to nourish and carry a beautiful child to full term. I have accepted my “mom” figure, even the good and bad.
I am now 118 lbs and proud of my body.

2 years pp and finally… (Anonymous)

2 years pp and finally at a “healthy” weight…

I was overweight before my first pregnancy. I all the pregnancy weight plus 20 pounds after that delivery. TWO YEARS after my second delivery I am finally at what is considered “normal” weight for my height. What I should have weighed before conceiving #1. I am generally happy with my body except for my stomach. The faded stretch marks don’t bother me so much. It’s that grossness that hangs over my c-section scar. What’s up with that?