I may not be beautiful anymore, but my son is (Anonymous)

I’ll admit, it’s hard to look in the mirror these days. I use to be beautiful. I was vain too… I liked the way people treated me because of it. These days, I feel frumpy. I feel like an alien in my own body. Sex with my husband is not what it use to be. It’s hard to be sexy when you don’t feel like you are! I’m embarrassed for him to see me naked. I think that god took away my beauty to give it to my son. He’s perfect. He’s healthy, strong, and absolutely amazing. I think I am a selfish mom because I wish I still felt that way about myself :( shouldn’t a perfect baby feel worth it? I wish it felt worth it like everyone says. But it doesn’t :(

9 Weeks PP With 2nd Baby (Anonymous)

I’m 24 years old and have given birth to two handsome little boys by C-section. I had my first son in early 2007 and just had my 2nd this past November. My kids are my entire world and I love them them to pieces. The result of my pregnacies and left me stretched, buldged and beauty marked all over. It’s not something I call “beautiful” but I am proud of my Mommy body in all it’s glory. My husband tells me I’m beautiful every day and his desire for me hasn’t changed at all. I do hope some day to be able to have a tummy tuck. I need to lose about 20 lbs. to get back my original weight but I know that will not put me back to where I started before my 1st pregnancy. Maybe someday…. The first picture is of me on my honeymoon, the 2nd is of me pregnant with my 2nd son around 25 weeks, the others are me just over 9 weeks PP.

Did I mention I finally have hips? (Yolande)

I was 19 years old and in the middle of my third year of college. My life was, on track, but I was miserable. Then an anvil fell from the sky and landed on my head…actually the birth control failed, and perhaps if I had been paying more attention to my studies, instead of my boyfriend’s (now husband) boxer briefs, I would have been graduating in a few months.

But so far motherhood has been an experience I would not give up for anything in this world.

The first image that came to my mind as that little stick, whom I had just assaulted with my hot piss, told me that I could just kiss my youth goodbye because I was PREGNANT…was my mother’s belly: very soft to the touch, riddled with at least a hundred strechmarks starting from her sternum and going down.

I did not want that belly. Granted my mom had brought forth four children to this world, and I was carrying (thank ye god) just one, but there was no way in hell I was about to give up my ‘youth’ without a fight.

So my first purchase was a Jar of cocoa butter. And every day I made sure to just about coat my entire belly in that goey, scented mess, hoping, no, praying my skin would hold on tight.

I knew I was fighting a losing fight, since genetics are rather unforgiving, but I figured there was just a slight, slight chance, that I might not end up gaining a hundred pounds, just as she had with her two last pregnancies, but thankfully that choice wasn’t left to ‘genetics’, no, I doubt it was. That was the icky, picky stomach’s priority. Which meant I spent the first four months of my pregnancy vomiting until dry heaves left my throat raw.

No food could please. No smell was welcomed. I had lost 20 pounds by the end of my first trimester and did not gain those back until the eighth month mark when the doctor basically gave me no other alternative. I must admit, part of me was rather vainly admiring my lack of a weight gain, at first.

I figured my diet of prenatal vitamins, ramen noodles and apple sauce was the only thing I could stomach, and there was no point forcing myself to eat things I was just going to vomit back out.

But I soon started worrying about my daughter, and whether she was gaining enough weight was more important to me than looking svelte. Unfortunately, for the longest time I just could not find any interest in food. Even after the vomiting abated, I was still nauseous the rest of the pregnancy. A UTI and bacterial infection did nothing to improve my appetite. And stress definitely played a big part in the fact that at the 8 month mark, I weighted 147 pounds…which was exactly what I weighted when I got pregnant.

However, the last month I ate the only things I could stomach X 4. Lilo was born the morning after her due date, weighting in at 6 pounds 12 oz, and was healthy. Three months later, she’s 14 pounds heavy and I’ve stopped counting her rolls. I myself have not discouraged myself from stuffing my face full and have gained 15 pounds since giving birth. I figured that since I’m breastfeeding, I’m really doing her and I a flavor by taking double portions. And really, I loooove my new figure. Really. I spent my high school years trying to diet and starve away thighs that would never ever go away. It’s about time I start having a healthy relationship with food.

As for the stretchmarks, I was lucky this time around. Not a single one appeared. But I know I’m not out of danger just yet. Genetics, you sneaky little bastards. I know you’re just waiting for the second or third pregnancy to spring on my poor poor skin. I have to live with the work you did on my poor buttocks during puberty.

But I’ll be waiting.
With my giant jar of Cocoa Butter.

I won this round. Who cares if I’m perhaps fighting a losing battle. I plan on winning the next round as well!

Six Months After Second Cesarean (Anonymous)

I am back to pre-pregnancy weight but in better shape so yes it’s possible – even after a cesarean. I gained about 45 pounds each time. Afterwards I stuck to a 1400 calorie a day diet, 2X a week weight training, and 2X a week mat pilates at a local gym during lunch (went back to work after 6 weeks). Still have a light linea negra that will hopefully be gone by the summer…

Pic 1 – pre-pregnancy age 20 Pic 2 – 9 months pregnant age 27 Pic 3 – post both babies age 32

Thankful for this site (Anonymous)

My son will be turning a year old next month. I had promised myself that I would have lost all the weight and returned to my “normal” self by this time. And that hasn’t happened. I have always struggled with self-esteem issues. I have never felt attractive. Until I was pregnant. I felt like I was the most luscious creature in the world. And now that my stomach is a little bit floppy and my breasts hang a little lower, I look at my son and I have no regrets. I carried and delivered a healthy, vibrant baby boy. Now I nourish him with my milk. What can be more wonderful than that? Thank you to everyone that posts their story. We are all beautiful in our own ways. And our children love us no matter how saggy our breasts become! The first picture is on our honeymoon, 6 months before I conceived. The second is when I was 8 months pregnant. The third is 11 months postpartum.

6 Weeks Postpartum (Jessica)

My name is Jessica, and i had a beautiful son 6 weeks ago today. Having a child has been the most fullfilling event to ever happen in my life. Before becoming pregnant me and my boyfriend of 4 years got married, and we never planned on having kids, only dogs! Six months after our wedding i found out i was pregnant and to both of our suprise we were both very excited. I was very scared because i suffered from anorexia and was underweight and feared gaining weight. I knew i was going to have to so that my baby could be happy and healthy. I ended up gaining 35 pounds by the end of my pregnancy. I was very sick the last 8 weeks, and was unable to keep anything down including my vitamins, water and any kind of food. I didn’t gain any weight in the 8 weeks and was very worried for my childs health. I was induced on November 26th, 2 days before my due date because my blood pressure had been skyrocketing and the doctors were worried about my baby and I’s safety. My son, Hayden, was born at 3:46pm on November 28, 2008 after 44 hours of labor and 3 hours 6 minutes of pushing. It was a vacumn assisted delivery due to the fact that his cord was wrapped around his neck and shoulders. I wasn’t allowed to see him right away and it felt like hours before i heard his first cry. I was put on magnesium during my labor and delivery and since it had been passed through him he was very lethargic and they took him right away and i was unable to see him for 8 hours. That was the toughest thing, i watched A Baby Story religiously during my pregnancy and just thought that would be how my delivery would have went. I would go through it all over again because the outcome was all worth it. I’m still working on recovering from my eating disorder, but it is so difficult with a body that have changed and the extra skin that i now have. Everyday is a struggle in that department. I still have an extra 22lbs of weight on me, but i can live with that for now. Here are some photos of me before i was pregnant, 38 weeks pregnant and 5/6 weeks postpartum

Time for a start for health (Ashley)

Hello my name is Ashley. I gave birth to my first child my daughter Riley on October 20 2008. I am 26 years old and 5’7 and currently 188 pounds. Days before finding out I was pregnant I was around 148 pounds and actually getting comments from everyone that I looked like I was losing weight. I worked as an office manager for two cosmetic dental practices and was so busy I rarely had time to eat during the day thus began loosing weight. I never once experienced morning sickness just an instant hunger and for the first time in my life craved nothing but sugar. I never ate sugar before becoming pregnant. With my new job I had just stopped working out for about 6 months before becoming pregnant due to working 12 hour days. Long story short I gained a lot of weight this pregnancy and my baby was only 6 pounds 11 ounces. My heaviest weight which was taken at my due date October 17 2008 was 205 pounds. I was induced on October 20 2008. Its now 2 months 15 days and time to start training for health physically outward and inward and mentally.

Will I ever be confidant again?? (Anonymous)

Hi im 21yrs old. well let me tell you a little bit about my story, me and my husband got married 3yrs ago i was studying and he was working as a truck driver after 2yrs on the pill we decide that we wanted to have a baby i was about to graduate so i stop the pill on 5/2007 and where trying with no luck i got so depress that i drop off from school, i after 7months finally decide to go to a gynecologist, she gave me a calendar and told me to follow my ovulation dates and gave me 3 months to try that. It worked i got pregnant the month after we were so exited. My pregnancy was great i didn’t gain any weight and my baby girl was in perfect condition then the eight month came along i started having more appetite gaining 2 to 3 pounds a week it was horrible my body started stretching everywhere. At 37 I start to have hight blood pressure and i was going to the hospital everyday my due date was November 27 but i wanted to have her the 11th on my bday but the 16th came along i started having contractions at 1am i was 38 weeks, my water brake at 9am i was dropping so slowly that i spend the hole day with contractions i didn’t wanted to have an epidural so i felt everything i got the 9cm at 5:15pm and thats when i started pushing FINALLY!!! while i was pushing i felt my skin stretching and burning my baby girl was born at 5:53pm so i had her pretty fast. She tear me and i got 5 stitches but i was all better in 4 days. Now my daughter is a month and i LOVE her so much shes my life, but i see my body and i feel horrible i cry everyday when i see my self in the mirror even my face is fat, and its not only the skin or the stretch marks its the back damage that i got from my breast and belly. will my body get better or will it stay like this. I’m waiting on my gynecologist to give me the permission to exercise. I’m happy to see that im not alone in this. my husband says that he doesn’t care but i think that if let myself be like this and i don’t do anything he will find someone that looks better but i mainly do it for me i want to feel happy with my body like i used to. I’m attaching a picture of how i used to be,my 7 months, 38 weeks and one month pp.

Mum at 16, Learning to love my new body (Anonymous)

I Fell Pregnant Febuary 2008, at the age of 15. I never once considered abortion or adoption, I decided too keep my baby once i found out. The father had mixed emotions but is now a proud father, I gave birth too a beautiful baby girl 5 days after my 16th on the 17th nov 08. She was an emergency c-section baby due too her doing her first poop “Meconium” In my stomach, Her heart rate was dropping with every contraction. And i was way too tense. I Thought i got away with no stretch marks until i hit 34 weeks.. And suddenly they appeared. I Must admit i dont have that many. And im quite pleased with how i look now (1 month after), I am amazed with the shape of my body, How smililar it looks, The stretch marks do put me down a bit, But im getting over it.. Here are some of my pictures.

belly (Anonymous)

i was 19 when i had my little boy. my body has changed and im trying to accept it. im almost at my pre-pregnany weight but my stomach is still mushy and i have soo many stretchmarks all over the place it makes it hard to love. i do however love my son and i wouldnt trade him for anything. if it means that ill have a mushy stomach and a road map on my butt the rest of my life then im just fine with that.