9 Years Ago (Elle)

9 years ago I was 18 years old. I had just finished high school and was happy. My plan never included children. I met him on a warm night in August. I became pregnant a few weeks later. I lost my child at 22 weeks gestation. It was depressing and sad. I was a mess. I thought then that I wanted another child. I conceived my daughter on my 19th birthday. I was 170lbs. I gained 23lbs while I was pregnant and gave birth at 193lbs. I breastfed a short time before I was forced to go back to work. That is when I started gaining weight. I was 270lbs 2 years ago. I looked awful. I felt awful. The stretch marks, the saggy boobs, the flabby belly, I was disgusted with myself. I worked little by little in small ways to change the way I looked. I exercised a little more, ate a little better, went out of my way to walk an extra few feet everywhere I went. Today, I am 217lbs. I am still very much overweight, but I am so much healthier and happier than I was this time last year. I took some photos of myself just to see the difference in front of me. I don’t keep mirrors in the house that reflect below the waist. I am so surprised that I am a large sexy woman. I have a beautiful child that I woudn’t trade for the world and I thought she ruined me. I thought she turned me into a stagnant blob. Thank goodness I was wrong! I couldn’t be more pleased and this just makes me want to try that much harder to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight.

I am a few weeks shy of 27 years old
I have had 2 pregnancies and 1 birth
I am 7 years postpartum
plus sized mom

Happy women are willing to show the truth (Britney)

I got pregnant at a young age so already, at 16 besides the fact of being over whelmed about the pregnancy I got stretch marks about a week before I was to turn 9 months. So devastating I though. I was not prepared because I felt as if I’d done everything right, coco butter, lotions, exercise. I am 5’8″ at the time of delivery I weighed 149 pounds ,which is well with in my bmi. Now I am 23 and married and my husband thinks that my stomach is sexy, but that meant nothing until I though I was. And now I can truly say that I do.

Age: I am 23 years old

Number of pregnancies: I have had 2 pregnancies but only 1 birth

Age of child: my son is 6 years old

After 10 Years I’m Still Not Comfortable (Kay)

I’m 30 years old and had my son when I was 20. I was tiny before I was pregnant (5’2″ and 105lbs) and my belly was pretty small up until I was 7 months pregnant, then I don’t know what happened…maybe the baby turned? My belly POPPED out and I developed horrible stretch marks on the stomach and breasts. I absolutely hated my body and went to a plastic surgeon to see about getting a tummy tuck and breast lift but both he and my family encouraged me to wait because I was so young and will get marks again if I got pregnant…well, 10 years later and still no husband or baby! I feel like I missed out on my 20’s because I never got to wear a bikini or a cute belly baring top or to pierce my navel. I am glad I found this site though, it’s comforting to find others in similar situations. I only started being more confident the past year or so and actually wore a bikini on vacation in Miami last year. I almost cried whilst running full speed into the water before too many people saw me, but the water felt sooooo good on my skin! I’m trying to be more confident and not so concerned with how I look or what others will think, but it’s still very hard…

I spent the last 10 years hiding from the world, but here we go…this is me under all the clothes. . .

Thank you (Anonymous)

I had my first son 21 years ago. I remember being somewhat prepared for what the birth would be like (honestly, not as bad as I expected!) but what completely threw me was looking down at my body during that first post-birth shower. My stomach looked like that of a 90 year old woman! Droopy, saggy, weirdly wrinkled. I was horrified. I burst into tears because I thought I would look like that always and I remember thinking “why didn’t anyone TELL me??”. Of course I eventually bounced back (albeit a little slower with each child) but I sure felt alone at that moment. I think your site is wonderful for new mom’s and moms-to-be. Every mother’s body is something to be celebrated and I want to thank all of you for sharing your stories and pictures.

PS – Postpartum 21 & 25 Years Later (Anonymous)

Previous entry here.

The wonderful comments from all the young mums have really boosted me. I felt good about my body after my babies were born. But hit my later years and now I hate what I see nude in the mirror. I don’t have stretch marks, nor cellulite, so I am lucky, but all those with stretchmarks – they will fade in time – it is early days yet. Just enjoy your babies and also ensure you have a little time for you to be you. Also give yourself time to be not just a mum, but a whole and sexy woman who is her own person. Sometimes you can do little to change your body but keep fit and healthy and make the most of yourself. Thank you to everyone who has commented positively about my body – it has meant a lot to me.

Updated here.

10+ Years Later (V)

I am 28 years old, and had my child when I was 17. When I got pregnant I was 5’6″ and 101 lbs. and barely an A cup. I was never happy with my weight and wanted to weigh more, and wished my breasts were bigger.

Well, I got my wish! I had a beautiful baby boy 3 months before my 18th birthday. And at my heaviest pregnant I was 139 lbs. I had stretch marks on my belly, breasts, thighs, upper arms, everywhere it felt like. They were very deep purple. Those have all gone away or turned into silvery lines, as you see in the pictures. I quickly lost weight, and was back down to 115 easily. But I did not want to be that small.

I’m now 135 lbs and I’m very happy with my body except for my saggy breasts. They hurt my shoulders, I can’t fit in anything sexy, I can barely find a functional bra. I really have a love hate relationship with them. My husband loves me how I am. And they fed my son and will feed future children (we’re trying again now to have another baby).

Part of me wants a breast reduction so badly. But I would never ever do that, unless I start to have bad medical problems. I’m just not that concerned about my looks to have a surgery. It’s not worth the risks.

The pictures are of me now at 28 years old. 10 years 7 months post-partum.

Postpartum – 21 and 25 Years Later (Anonymous)

My babies are now 21 and 25, weighing in at 7lbs 9ozs and 8lb 3ozs. I so wish we had professional nude photos done then, but we would never have thought of it. Pregnancy is such a beautiful state that it should be recorded. I have one nude profile photo of me 2 days before I gave birth to my first, but nothing of my second, when I was absolutely enormous, so I have nothing to compare. I have taken the courage at this stage in my life to have a friend scan my photo and he is going to do me a line drawing, which I hope I shall proudly display on my living room wall. I was lucky, I had no strech marks at all but could not find bras big enough for my huge breasts. I fed for over 6 months and over 8 respectively and got my figure back mostly. These photos are of me now – post partum (!) I don’t think I can still blame my babies for my baby bulge tummy at age 58, but I try to keep fit and take care of myself. I don’t like the look of me naked, but have been told by some who have seen me that I look good. I cannot change my basic body shape so have to learn to accept and not hate it. My advice to you mums and mums to be is to enjoy it all because it goes too fast and you cannot turn the clock back. And even if you do not like how you look naked – still take those photos to look back on. All women are beautiful and sexy through pregnancy we all perceive beauty in different ways. You are all beautiful.



Updated here and here.

10 Years Later (Anonymous)

I gave birth to my first and only child ten years ago- a son named Zachary. He’s awesome. He plays the violin and pokemon and likes Science, but hates hurricanes and tornados, and plays music really loud and runs around the house to it. I love him more than sunshine, moonlight, good coffee, snow days, and all other excellent things in the world. My favorite Zac quote so far is, “Humans are wierd because we try so hard to pretend we’re not animals.” I’ll be 35 this year, and I don’t think I’ll have more kids. Ten years ago, I decided to get pregnant, got pregnant, had the boy, and life’s been a blast with him. But now… see, a friend of mine just found out she was pregnant and she brought me back… day dreaming about my own pregnancy… and I ended up here. I love this site, and I love all of your pictures. If I decide to have another baby this year, consider yourselves partly responsible. Here are my pictures. One of my poochy tummy, some back fat which I earned during pregnancy and will never shed, some silvery stretch marks which are faded but still show up pretty good, and finally, the boy.

Updated here.