I found out I was pregnant for the first time on Christmas day 06′. What I didnt know was that the following Feb. I was going to find out that at 20years old I was going to have triplets!! I couldnt believe it when we saw them for the first time! I never took fertility drugs and yet I got blessed with something that some women never have a chance to experience and that was a full family! I was pretty excited and very nervous at the same time, being that this is the first time I had ever been pregnant. The pregnancy has gone very well so far and my babies will be here in about 2 months…Ive been really scared about what I will look like when its all done and how the surgery will be. Ive never been in the hospital for me. So far I dont have any stretch marks which is surprising considering how big I am! I guess it helps that i was overwieght a few years ago and already had a few on mt thighs and hips and butt. So I guess im kinda reusing them. Seeing everyone on here and how comfortable they are with themselves has been a life saver because right before i got pregnant was when i was actually starting to like the way i looked and then i was worried that i would never like my body again. Now that ive seen all you wonderful mothers I dont care anymore, im doing something extraordianry and bringing three babies into the world. Deffinately something i never thought i would do! I knew i wanted children but i kinda had it planned out having one at a time! But things work out the way they are supposed to and apprently i was supposed to have these babies! I couldnt be happier because my babies are all freternal and they show how different they are everyday! Im having two girls and a boy. I cant wait to see them and be able to hold them with out there being skin and muscle in between us. I hope these pictures give someone an idea about how big you get in such a short amount of time! there is another mother on here that had triplets and in her pictures she got bigger than me!

Updated here!
Wow! What a surprise! Wait until the last few weeks of pregnancy, it’s amazing how fast one grows as she nears her due date! You look great! Take lots of pictures!!!
You look amazing!! WOW, way to go mama, three wonderful babies, what an unbeliveable blessing!! I pray everything goes perfect for you!
Wow! You look amazing. It’s amazing you’ve stayed pregnant so long with three inside of you. I wish you all the best, with your up coming C-section and being a mother to 3 babies!!!
wow triplets without fertility drugs!! thats amazing! you look great!
that is amazing! all of it from the circumstance to your beautiful belly and glow.
The tattoo looks fantastic right there on your nice round belly!
wow!! that is so cool!! wishin’ you the best…good luck!