This is a timeline of my belly from 7 weeks through 36 weeks, 3 months post partum, and my babies at 6 weeks old. I gave birth, at home, to my three beautiful babies at 37 weeks. Though this pregnancy changed by body forever, I loved every minute of it. Being a mom of triplets (and my great 2 1/2 year old) is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

just wow!
(and congrats)
I love your postpartum picture with your hands in your pockets all sexy and stuff. So awesome. Just awesome. Most people just cannot see what kind of sexiness is behind that confidence! You are the most beautiful woman I have ever! Well, all women, but you know it!
I admire u. I’m quite nervous I’m 39 and pregnant with triplets. I’m currently 8.5 weeks we’ve seen all of their heartbeats We have not seen the specialist yet but my doctor did say it would better for us if we went to 2. Not going to happen. My husband and I wanted a baby really bad and I feel God has a plan and I’m not reducing at all. We previously went thru a miscarriage which was devastating. I am quite nervous about money and stuff and I am the bread winner I really want to be home with my children just not sure how this is all going to play out. Praying for the best
Amazing :-) I feel so happy for you and your wonderful family :-) I pray you all have happy and healthy futures :-)
I’m pregnant to my 2nd singleton and it’s really hard to get a home birth here in UK (the midwives can be such bullies sometimes) but my nan was midwife and taught me what she could when I was younger so I’m able to tell the bully-midwives who’s in charge of this pregnancy and back it up with confidence and facts (thanks nan!).
I don’t know what will happen when Dday comes (last time was a 3 & 1/2 day labour with transfer to hospital for last half day) but I’m praying for a home water birth. If I was having multiples I’d still pray the same (I just probably wouldn’t tell the midwives until Dday “hi, it’s me, labours started… You can come to mine…” I’ve read their policies, they have plans in place for last minute homebirths on the NHS, they just don’t like mums knowing about it lol).
Well done again :-) and congrats to everyone reading who is or has had a baby or more :-) we are all such lucky, lucky people :-)
Am a mother of triplets all girls but am a little concern to why my munchkins tummies are so big
Alot of times multiples are in different positions so a c section would be the best option at times. Congrates to u thou save a safe delivery
Lucky indeed i would do it all over again except leaving them in the nursery that was nerve wrecking but we ve over n thats the greatest of all
My tummy still looks huge had my triplets five months ago it makes me feel depress at times thanks for sharing ur pictures they make me feel like i can loose the weight off that area
Thank you so much for sharing! You are dietnfiely not alone in feeling like you just can’t muster up the effort to put on some decent clothes. Today, I put on makeup, but I let my hair air dry into a big frizz ball, put it up into a ponytail, and pulled my mismatched jammies back on. And went through the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru to get lunch for me and the kids. With my hubby’s flip flops on.
Hi so I’m freaking out I’m 24 almost 25 weeks with triplets and I’m about the size u were at like 15 weeks I have too other children in comprehension I’m about the size I was at 40w my babies weigh about 1 pound and a half but I look so small I don’t understand how all the babies can fit. I’ve been eating more trying to gain weight but I haven’t. Is this normal
I had my triplets 2 months ago, but my tummy is still big. How did you do it?
Omg how amazing u are super mum congrats on your successful triples absolutely the most sweetest looking babies