This is a timeline of my belly from 7 weeks through 36 weeks, 3 months post partum, and my babies at 6 weeks old. I gave birth, at home, to my three beautiful babies at 37 weeks. Though this pregnancy changed by body forever, I loved every minute of it. Being a mom of triplets (and my great 2 1/2 year old) is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Hi, I’m a mum of 8 month old triplets ( 2 girls, 1 boy). They are absolutely amazing. I gave birth ( c-section) at 36wks + 3 days. No bedrest rest during pregnancy :-), all 4 of us left the hospital after 4 days. They are a handfull but it is definately a lot LESS work then I expected.
Your babies look great. You should be proud.
soo beautiful! you look amazing! and your babies are so gorgeous! you look great after having triplets and to be able to give birth to them at home!! you go hot mama!! you are one lucky woman!
You gave birth to triplets at home! I’m so proud of you! congratulations!
When I was pregnant with my first, I remembered reading/viewing your beautiful movie on I love the accompanying song! You are truly inspirational! I hope all is well with your family. You are simply amazing.
Wow! very brave to have the babies at home and even more amazing is that your tummy went back basially flat after all that!!! I mean no fat on your tummy. I am not sure about eating my own placenta but hey, I respect your views. I wish my tummy was that flat after my babies. I don’t mind having stretch marks but I wish it was as flat as yours!!!!!!!
Well I posted at 3 weeks after my tips were born (see above) and now they are almost a year old and I just submitted 36 weeks of my belly pics, post partum, surgery and post surgery pics because of your bravery. Thanks again for sharing with us all.
Your babies are beautiful and thats is amazing. My dream is to have triplets. For those of you who want to see this picture larger, simply click on the picture and it will redirect you to the next page where this picture will be larger. Stay strong and have fun raising those kids.
hello there…i have triplets as well…and they r now 2 1/2,…and i also had an almost 3 year old when i had the babies…full time job..but worth it…:D..just wanted to say hi..:)
wow, this site has made me feel better about my stomach. Before I had twins I had a perfect stomach nice abs and a top and bottom belly ring. I started getting stretch marks 6 months into the pregnancy. I got the from 3 inches above my belly button all the way down into my pubic hair. They are bad. I thought i was the only one thats stomach looked any where similar to this.
You are a beautiful, AMAZING, mama!! I am so happy to hear that you had a successful empowering Homebirth with your triplets! I just wish everybody knew that it was indeed an option. Good Job Mama they are beautiful!!!
Hey I also posted as CC, I have my triplet pregnancy before and after pictures up and you posted a comment on mine. I was wondering if you would tell me the name of your midwife who I assume did your home birth or did a OB do a house call?? I am studying to become a midwife (apprenticing with a homebirth midwife) and the law is one can’t deliver twins, let alone triplets. I often think of your successful home birth and your brave midwife, and wanted to get ahold of you and ask some questions. Who followed you for prenatal care? You can email me personally if you would like at I am so interested and would love to deliver twins and triplets at home when I become certified! :-) Also, are you in the US or Canada?
Hi. I’ve just given birth 3 weeks ago to triplets and my belly looks exactly the same, though its still darker (I’m asian)! I can’t shake the thought that my tummy skin will never b the same again. But its refreshing to know that I am not alone. Thanks for being so generous with your pictures and experience. It really helps. I was just wondering, how’s your tummy now after 2 years? I am just curious if it remains the same as the picture 3 months post-birth or has it gotten a little firmer? What did you do. Also, I can’t shake the thought too that if i cared for my skin better by applying lotions and oils more regularly, it would have been a little better. I was too tired during the pregnancy to do much.How about you? Did you do the lotions and oils?
Lastly I honor you for your attitude. I wish the same attitude inspite of my tummy. I’m so proud of my children and so happy but when I look down my tummy I feel a bit down. Thank you for leading the way to be proud of my triplet tummy. I hope to get there.
Hope you can email me your answer to Thanks a lot.
Did you know in your mind that you were having triplets before the doctor actually told you? Was this a natural thing, becoming pregnant with triplets? I am pregnant with twins right now and I knew before the doctor told me but, I’m wondering if there is three and one was hiding when we did the ultrasound. I feel like there is more than two but I haven’t had another ultrasound yet at the specialist I’m suppose to go see. Any insight you might have for me would be great. Please email me at I would love to hear from you if you have time
hey i just found out im having triplets and i have 7 children already im a little freaked out some1 email me tell me how to deal with this bs omg if u have triplets or more plz contact me i am going nutso here and im about to be single as well
Hi I’m 28 weeks pregnant with triplets and I was wondering if you breastfed or pumped out the milk and for how long? Also, I’m very excited to my babies, but right now I’m terrified to the thought that my belly will never look the same. Has your belly gotten firmer or would you recomend a tummy tuck? I would also like to thank you for being so brave and posting your pictures online.
Hi everyone – I had twins 13 months ago and am having a tummy tuck next month. I’m so excited but so nervous.I just started a blog basically as my own personal outlet but also to help other people that are in the same position as I am in. If you are interested in following, this is the website
My surgery is December 29, 2009!!!
I think that you look absolutely beautiful!! =)
Hi my name is Amber and im 28 weeks and 5 days pregnant with triplets and no they werent planned i have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and im kinda of scared of how im going to be able to do this or how im going to be able to afford this im also scared of having a c section but my dr said i have no choice plus they are going to be small because right now they are 2 and a half pounds each and ive only gained 25 pounds but im all belley cus i cant stop throwing up. i just cant wait til its time to have them im tired of throwing up im tired of acis reflux i cant sleep i have ligment pains everyday i already had to go to the hospital last week cus of contractions and i lost my mucus plug. if you have any advice please email at Thank you.
Congratulations, I think it’s great you had a homebirth!
Thank you for sharing your amazing story!! You and women like you are trailblazers that enlighten and empower women everywhere.
What a beautiful belly, pre and post babies! Thank you SO much for sharing your experience.
Congratulations on your gorgeous kids.
This is just beautiful!
What an absolute fantastic story! What an inspirational amazing woman to birth triplets at home – you are totally awesome woman, awesome!
Wow, amazing story and photos, congratulations! So impressive and awesome that you got to homebirth. :D
Wow! Katy, I can’t believe it! You are an inspiration, that’s for sure!
Beautiful pictures!!! Thank you for sharing. :-)
How absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your pics and story. Beautiful babies too :)
I am in awe of your story! Thank you for sharing! You are a beautiful woman!
Amazing. Wonderful photos and what gorgeous babies you got out of it!!!
Congratulations for your beautiful babies!!! Very brave momma…I am pregnant with triplets GGG 22 weeks and I am 5’2” and was 110 pounds I have gained 20 pounds just like you on my belly I still have a lot to grow.., you are a real pioner for all of us the future triplet mothers.
Congratulations. I have just found out I am carrying triplets(natural conception). I thought I was going crazy cause I was all ready showing at 8 weeks. I was thinking I was done my first trimester. Thank you for posting your pics. You help me realize, I am not crazy. lol. Your little ones are soo precious.
I am excited and scared but seeing so many people online post their stories, I know all will be well.
Wow, what a story! What beautiful little miracles:) Im preg with spontaneous triplets @ 13 wks. How were you able to give birth vaginally? Did you have ultrasounds to confirm that all babies were in the correct position, and that there were no serious medical complications preventing a vaginal delivery? Just curious — I really do not want a c-section! My dr is unwilling to even discuss the possibility vaginal bdelivery… So if you have any suggestions, or if you had the same difficulties, I would really appreciate your insight! Thank you
Hey Kathryn! Your babies are beautiful and kudos to you for making such healthy bubs. Just thought you might be interested to know that there is someone on YouTube who is using your picture collage in a video about “their” triplet pregnancy. This person is claiming that they were 18 years old when they had the babies, whom are supposedly named Aiden, Grace, and Meghan. Not sure why anyone would do this, I guess some people just like the attention.
Emily, thanks! It amuses me what people will do for attention. This isn’t the first time and won’t be the last, I’m sure. I should’ve included my bed-head in these photos, I guess. LOL!
We knew baby A was head down, baby B was breech, and baby C was transverse. My care providers were trained in breech deliveries, so I was comfortable delivering breech vaginally. Baby C turned head down as soon as baby B was out, which is what we expected her to do.
I would personally suggest talking to another Dr (from a completely different practice) to get a 2nd, or even a 3rd opinion. I know many other triplet moms that have had vaginal deliveries with their Peri’s and OB’s.
I’m so glad my story has helped out so many people!
I’d be happy to post a follow up belly photo, if interested. My skin doesn’t look any better, no. And creams and oils would not have helped. Skin can only be stretched so far. It’s akin to when very very large people lose a huge amount of weight. Your skin just is not able to pop back down THAT far. I will eventually have a tummy tuck. I wanted to wait until we were finished with children though, which we now are. I just had my fifth baby 2 months ago. :)
We are expecting triplets (due March 1st, 2011) and lately I’ve been wondering just how much more my belly can stretch! Seeing your journey is amazing… congratulations!
I am glad that I stumbled onto this!! I had twins while I was in 10th grade and have felt self-conscious about my body since. My belly looks EXACTLY like the belly in the picture. Suddenly, it’s not so bad. It’s good to know that other women have endured body changes of a permanent nature and are okay with it. I like the idea of my belly just being changed. Before, I always thought of it as “scarred all over.” Thank you so much for posting these pictures!
You’re beautiful. gorgeous. a true woman, in so many ways.
i have triplets too and they are about to be six months on april 30 my belly was big really big and i was wondering how do you deal with your stomach dont get me wrong i love my kids they are all boys and i have a 2 year old she just turn 2, but i get sad because my belly is not the same and lipo is expensive can you tell me how did you deal with your belly please can anybody that has had triplets and congrats:)
did u work out when u were pregant or did u just
never work out at all. if it was me i wouldv’e worked out when when i was pregnant so that way when i have my kids my baby phat would be gone. well by the way your babies are really cute. were you really excited when you found out that you were having triplets? i would be shocked. do they cost a lot of money?
such beautiful depictions of the pregnant woman!
You look amazing at 32 weeks
In the photo of your triplets, the one on the right looks like s/he’s telling the one in the middle “Hey… you got some stuff on your face.” :P
Thank you, we just found out we are expecting triplets, I am 10 weeks. Thank you for sharing you pictures and your wonderful story.
wow congrats lots of love for the babies kisses mmmmmuuuuaaaaa!!!!
omg u r amazing! this story literally brought tears to my eyes! I cry easily these days being pregnant and all! but wow you are truly a woman warrior!
I think you are amazing! Good job lady!
Beautiful babies!!! I think you look great after carrying 3 babies full term. Also 3 weeks after you look like you weren’t even pregnant.
I got stretch marks on my belly and boobs too with my first child which was a boy. He was almost 8 lbs. and had a big head…LOL… I was 85 lbs. when I found out I was pregnant at 9 weeks along. I gained 40 something pounds with my son. So I couldn’t imagine carrying 3 at one time.
Your babies are absolutely precious! I would love to have triplets.Did yours happen naturally or did you have help?
Your babies are so big & healthy. Congrats to go so far. I only went 28 weeks. 70 days in the nicu. I’m glad your birth went so well!!