This is a timeline of my belly from 7 weeks through 36 weeks, 3 months post partum, and my babies at 6 weeks old. I gave birth, at home, to my three beautiful babies at 37 weeks. Though this pregnancy changed by body forever, I loved every minute of it. Being a mom of triplets (and my great 2 1/2 year old) is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Can we see the pictures on a bigger scale?
Yes bigger scale please Bonnie
How awesome, I am so giddy to hear of you homebirthing those babies!! You are beautiful~
Hbac mama
I’d love to see a bigger pic of this! But WOW! Good for you for letting them go as long as they wanted to cook and having a successful home birth :)
wow, that is really amazing.
your babies are beautiful!
beautiful! Congrats on birthing THREE babies at home…what an accomplishment! the pictures are small (I third the motion to show them larger scale) your body looks just amazing and perfect. And those 3 gems….beautiful.
This is the largest copy of the picture that I have! I will see if I can contact the mom for a larger copy.
I would like much to see these photographs in larger format.
Is this possible?
yeah please have her send you some big ones! :) wow home birth for 3, very awesome!
OK, updated now, and added another one :)
GORGEOUS!!!! you are an amazing home birth mama… thank you so much for these!
Absolutely amazing. You are a birth goddess to the nth degree. What sweet, precious babes. I (heart) homebirth!
I am amazed that you had three babies at a home birth! As a doula in training I would love to hear the birth story! Amazing, and obviously so worth it!
wow, that is even more amazing on a larger scale.
your body looks FANTASTIC in the 3 month post partum photos.
Wow! How amazing! thanks for sharing the ‘story’ of your body. I am slowly working up the courage to do it too. You look wonderful!
WOW! Absolutely amazing and beautiful.
As I was looking at the pictures, I tried to gauge the point at which you would have to start telling people “No, I’m not going to pop!” hehe
Omg, those pictures are beautiful..yes,even the post-partum ones =D. I recently became a mother and was sooo upset about how my body looks, this website made me realize i’m just like every other mom, we are all beautiful. And your triplets, oh my gosh, soooo cute. Congrats!
I love the big pic. Amazing. Thanks for the other ones. They are awesome. Beautiful babies!
Thank you! I have a quick minute so I wanted to share a short summary of the birth.
I had a painless labor up until transition, even then it hardly hurt at all. Pushing was a bit difficult because I was just so stretched that I couldn’t isolate the muscles that well to tell wtf I was doing. Lol. I eventually felt the right thing and was able to continue doing that. Coy was born at 1:26 pm weighing 4 lbs 13 oz.
My body gave me a break and I went and napped with Coy and my older daughter, Dakota. I wasn’t getting any contractions and I was getting restless as the time went by. We tried some homeopathics and my labor started back up around 10:30 pm. I had the urge to push and pushed and pushed and pushed and nothing felt like it was happening. We figured out that Max was presenting footling breech with one leg all funky. We were able to move his leg straight and then he started to move down fine. I pushed until his torso was out up to his nipples and then he stopped coming. His cord was too short for him to be born totally. We had to cut the cord and then very quickly get him born. He was in a bit of shock when he was born, but some rubbing, breastmilk, and oxygen helped him pink up after a while. He was born at 11:16 pm weighing 5 lbs 3 oz. Lily came very quickly afterwards, she was born at 11:32 pm weighing 5 lbs 4 oz. She came so fast that her own daddy missed her birth! I started getting very faint within a couple minutes of her birth and wasn’t really able to hear anyone really well. The midwives gave me a shot of pitocin in my leg and another maybe a minute later. They were telling me to stay awake (all garbled in my head), and I just kept thinking that I just needed to take a nap now. Next thing I remember, I’m laying on the ground with a midwife behind me, one in front of me, one next to me, one talking to one of the paramedics, a paramedic taking my blood pressure, an IV in my arm and another being put in the other one, and a team of firefighters in the living room ogling the babies. I was anemic before the birth and I just lost a bit too much blood for my body to handle all at once. I refused to transfer and I loaded up on placenta and chlorophyll for the next 6 weeks and I felt fine.
All the babies were born in the water and I loved the whole experience. The pph, not so much, but that’s ok. :D
Wow. Amazing that your belly had shrunk back to it’s former size. I couldn’t believe how big a triplet belly can be and that you were so confident in having a homebirth! Good for you. I’m glad it worked out for you and that you loved your pregnancy. So many people complain about the smallest thing and reading your post (which was tooo small – please say more esp. would love to know your birth story or a link to your blog if you have one. No where in your post did you say anything negative about your body and I’m so happy for you. There is so much to focus on esp your little darlings than scrutinizing every thing about our bodies that wer’re not happy with.
Absolutely amazing. Triplets are a miracle. I didn’t even know human skin could stretch out that much.
Now THAT is amazing!!!!!
Kathryn, thank you so much for posting the story. I’d missed it back when it happened and I love it! (My babies were both born at home, too, although not at the same time LOL)
You are a goddess, in every sense of the word. :)
Thank you very much! It is really impressive! I believe that me, in the long term (40 weeks, one baby) I was like it to 25 or 26 weeks maximum… It is completely unreal… The human body it is made extremely!!
I have just read that they were born at the house!! Wow!!! It is very very rare I imagine! In any case, here, in Quebec (Canada) that is!!! Which are their first names? They are splendid!!
my blog link is
The babies are Coy, Max, and Lily.
I’m in the process of writing a total birth story, but I probably won’t have it exactly how I want for a while yet. I’ll probably post it on my blog when it’s done.
What do you mean by “loaded up on placenta”?
Placenta has tons of good hormones and nutrients and so I believe she means she ate it to help her body cope with the blood loss. In some cases placenta can stop hemohrrage. Here’s a link for more info.
Hi! your babies are beautiful, im pretty sure that everything was worthed just for the reward of having them in your life.
I just had my first child a baby girl, and even when i know that my life couldn’t be better i feel bad for having my breast dropped and my belly full of stretch marks.
i think that giving birth to a child is marvelous and noble so i just dont get why instead of being rewarded by nature, becoming more beutiful or just keeping the body whe had we get droppy breastand flacid bellys, i just dont get it.
anyway maybe birth is the reason for tummy tuck, but is still not fair because its a surgery its not like just working out and getting it back.
i don’t wanna be a top model, i just wish to have the shape i had before my baby….
Yep. I took a few pieces raw and dried and encapsuled the rest to take over the next month. I’ve still got a small mason jar full of dried and ground placenta.
Neida, not all cultures feel this post partum body is ugly. It’s all in the eye of the beholder (and what we are conditioned to love growing up) what is ugly. Perhaps Nature believed stretchmarks are beautiful.
I would love to hear the birth story on this one!!!
thank you for sharing your birth story. sorry to hear of the pph, but it sounds like your midwives acted quickly & you came thru it ok, and your sweet babies did, too! more info on the benefits of placenta encapsulation (i had it done, too) can be found here
Thank you so much for sharing these pics and your amazing birth story! You are one incredible mama! :)
I didn’t realize that this was you! One of the PP said it all—You *are* a goddess. So lovely!! Congratulations, Kathryn. I didn’t realize that this was you! One of the PP said it all—You *are* a goddess. So lovely!! Congratulations, Kathryn. <3
Wow! Simply amazing!
You are truly an amazing and beautiful woman!
This is AMAZING!
You have beautiful triplets too : )
thats so great?
do you have a blog about your pregnancy?
oh my god girl! u were huge as!! u did a great job, well done your babies were beautiful! mwa!
wow.. amazing pics and congrats on the babies
your babies look amazing … and think of the fact that i have never said that in my life …
maybe my paternal instincts are acting up …
Oh my goodness. You are beautiful and so are your babies. The human body is an amazing thing and so are you.
How lovely, thanks for posting these.
I too have triplets, and my body has been ‘marked’ by the babies;) I am amazed you birthed your babies at home!!!
wow you are truely amazing! Gorgeous baby belly. I’m off to look at your blog now :)
I really hope I’m not having triplets, because that looks really uncomfortable!!! but i can’t wait to start showing!
I am pregnant with triplets right now. I am 15 weeks along. I am alredy getting big. I am really scared!! Plus my whole life I have been known for my abs! I know taht loosing them is a price I may pay to have my babies but I am worried. Can a tummy tuck fix that stuff on the belly? Are there thing syou can do to prevent it from happening? How is it having all three of them at home? Please tell me it is easier than you had worried about hwile you where prego!! LOL
Hello there!
My name is Belle and I am currently 9 weeks along with triplets myself. These are our first children and we couldn’t be more elated and more scared! :) I currently live in Doha, Qatar (but am an American) so we don’t have the same access to birthing options they have in the states. My biggest question is what did you do to carry them to term? I’m working with a Dr. here and one in the states and they both have indicated I will need to cut down working and then eventually go on bedrest – is that what you did? Also, while a home birth would not fit my personality, I had always wanted to work with a midwife or doula and they don’t really have that here.
The Dr’s have sort of said they think I will definitely need a C-section which I am not entirely jazzed about, but I also would hate the prospect of delivering 1 or 2 and then ending up needing a c-section anyway for the 2nd or 3rd. I’d appreciate your thoughts on that if you have time or desire. :)
Your pictures are wonderful and your children are precious! Thanks so much for sharing! :)
~Belle Vukovich Kenoyer
to see a bigger pic just click on the pic and itll load to another page and you can see a bigger one
I just had my triplets three weeks ago at 36 weeks via c-section, and we all got to leave the hospital together.
Thank you SO SO SO much for being brave enough to post your after triplet belly pic!!!!! Really, thank you. Mine looks the same way although I am still losing the pounds I had to gain for the babies. You give me hope that I can at least get into my old jeans again.