The pictures say it all! I went on to lose another 10 pounds after the last picture was taken, but then quickly got pregnant again! I’m 5 weeks post partum now and am working on a mommy collage of that pregnancy. I’ll share it in a few weeks! Diet and exercise help, but even training for a marathon didn’t give me the same body I had before having children. But why should I want that body? That body didn’t create the miracle of life, this body did. So if it means that I have to carry a few stretch marks or some “loose” skin, then so be it. I can work hard to lose body fat, but not stretch marks or skin. God made us that way for a purpose. Maybe He’ll explain it to us when we meet Him.

Congrats on getting back in shape :) i know it takes a lot of work! You are one of the lucky ones :)
Nice job; you look great! I like the photo montage too.