I have always been insecure of my body ever since my teen years. I come from a family that have the “hourglass” shape. I was always told to hide things, that only my husband should see. Shortly after I got married, my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child. At 205lbs, I became even more insecure with the way I looked. I peaked 217lbs during my 23 week of pregnancy, and every now and then I take a good look at my body. My hips are wider, because I am carrying mainly on my hips and my belly has stretch marks. It wasn’t until I had a conversation with my mother that I realized, I love my round pregnant belly…stretch marks and all! My mother could feel ashamed about me showing it but I just don’t care anymore. I am growing my son and I’ll take every change that comes along with my body. He is worth it in the end.

You have every right to be proud of your belly!
I think you look beautiful! The last picture’s adorable.
Oh my gosh, you are adorable and I love your post. We are definitely NOT our mothers, nor do we have to carry their insecurities. I absolutely LOVE that last picture!!! Good luck
Awwwwww, you are so pretty and have NOTHING to be ashamed about. Good luck!
You are beautiful! You should be so proud of the women you are. Here’s wishing you a wonderful pregnancy, and a joyous life with your husband and baby.
I love that last picture! And BRAVO!! to you for feeling comfortable enough in your own skin to show it.
Your pictures are so pretty; you look content and proud. I especially like the last one–so sweet! Congratulations on your pregnancy, and your feelings of pride and contentedness with your body.
You are absolutely gorgeous, and that last pictures is just incredible!!
I love the last picture, with your husband kissing your belly so sincerely. That is such an honest and vulnerable shot, and it’s beautiful.
You are so beautiful–and I especially love the last picture–you should treasure it!
I really love your photos, thanks for posting. There aren’t many of women of color on this site. I don’t know your background, but my best friend’s family is from India. Between American racism and a certain Indian wierdness around sexual matters, I think she got an extra dose of the body blues. I like this site because it helps fight those blues. Good luck with your birth and I wish you peace and happiness. (It looks like you’ve already found love:)!