Previous entry here.
age: 21
Well this is the second time I have posted on here. I have not tried to get pregnant or anything yet. I am trying to work on myself first, to give my babies the best place to grow. I was so inspired by all the comments I received that i thought i should post again and give a little more detail about what happened to me and what more i found out. I met a guy at my high school when i was 16 almost 17 and he was 18 i believe. He was just some guy that paid attention to me. I was a stupid teenager. He tried telling me things like he would treat me like a queen and buy me anything I wanted…well all he really wanted was one thing. He took me and my friend to one of his friends apartment. Being naive i took two shots thinking it wouldn’t be anything and next thing i know i can barely read the time on the clock and i’m in a room with him over me. I only remember bits and pieces after that and my life hasn’t been the same since. As for the whole want to be unattractive with weight, it doesn’t matter even though im still the same size i still get looked at in that way. I also found out i have hashimotos disease and hypothyroidism. My endocrinologist said that my hashimotos is probably what caused the pcos and hypothyroidism. Im on meds and im trying to exercise and eat healthy. I am also engaged. Im very happy he tells me all the time what a beautiful person i am. i just want you all to know that even though negative things can affect our way in negative ways they can also bring amazingly good things with them. I feel so very lucky to have gone through everything i have because if i wouldn’t have i wouldn’t be the person i am today and i love her.

I also have PCOS and I work out and eat right in order to keep myself as healthy as possible. So far it has worked for me, I don’t have many of the symptoms of PCOS, mostly sporadic periods. I do notice that I am more regular when I have a good workout routine going. I can’t tell you if it will have the same effect on you (i’m no dr lol), but I can say that there is really no downside to working out and eating well. It can only help :)
Congrats on finding happiness, you deserve it!
with the thyroid thing make sure u do not stop taking it if u get preggo….my thyroid caused me to lose 2 babies before I knew what was causeing it. good luck to u
Good luck! you sound like you will be an amazing mom, getting yourself ready not only phisically but also emotionally to be the best mother you can be, i can only say your children will be very lucky to have you :D
good luck in the future with your family. . hope you get the answers and medical treatment you need to live a healthy life with your husband!