Dear Readers,
I’ve been reading this blog for quite a while. I even put link on my private blog to invite everybody I know here. Now I decided to write my own story here. I am 31 now. Till i get married I always thought of myself as an ugly and fat person (in my “best” years I even had 180lb – I am onl 168 cm tall). Then I started my way to getting fitter and ended with weight of 138lb. Until i got pregnant and my body was in total shock. I managed to climb to 180lb again which was a disaster for me. I had a very lively and lovely boy Mateusz. Due to breastfeeding and keeping away from calories I managed to come back to my before pregnancy weight. I was able to wear size 10 again. But we started talking about another kid and i was so scared to gain weight. Fortunately due to “accident” i was pregnant again. It was a hard time for me because just a few months ago I started my new job. Being a pregnant woman with one kid and 40h job is a hard task but I managed to work till the end of 6th month. My weight reached up to monstrous 196lb and i was totally down when thinking about my body. Now after almost 8 months and as a monther of a boy and a girl I can say I am in my size again. My weight is on 140 again and I do not have to keep 3 sizes in my wardrobe anymore. I had a huge belly and now skin does not look very nice but i hope to work on that in future. Maybe when I stop breastfeeding again? I feel stronger when i see other women sharing their stories. It is so stressing to see all models and actress skinny all the time. I wish we were shown their real photos and not photoshop work because for us being pregnant mean losing our curves, our body of a normal woman. I want to love myself but it is difficult when i hear everywhere I am a little too big, i have to lose a little, i should stop eating any sweets, i should i should… I should just love myself and my kids and being a good mom and a woman for my husband – THAT IS ALL I SHOULD DO. Remember that our scars on belly mean we had the most precious thing under our heart and no man will have it, no man will understand our sacrifation – NO MAN!

Thank you for your story!!! Your children are so beautiful!!! Everything is worth it, isn’t it? To have them in your life… to bless every moment! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter and son! And remember that you are beautiful! Every mother is beautiful! That includes you!
Yes, you are right, being a good mother to your children is much more important than worrying about what your stomach looks like.In your picture, it looks like your son is sharing his banana with his little sister.What a nice big brother. Treasure and remember those precious moments.
What a beautiful picture and story. I’m so glad you shared!