I have had two children. Through both pregnancies I could not hardly eat, thus leaving me with little to no weight gain. My first pregnancy was six years ago and i developed alot of stretch marks on my stomach. I already had them on my breasts. With my second one (he is three months now) I didnt get any additional stretch marks. I gained a total of two lbs with my first son (calculated from first ob visit, to birth) and my second I lost three. My second pregnancy I developed a kidney stone in my sixth month. They placed a stent in, that could not be removed until after I delivered. Five days after delivery I went to have surgery to crush the stone and remove the stent. I had been on antibiotics my entire pregnancy because of recurrent urinary infections, thus leaving me waaayy more infected than the Dr.’s thought going into surgery. They crushed the initial problem stone, but could not remove the stent because my body had produced stones on the stent(because it had been in for too long), making it difficult to get the stent out at this facility. To make matters worse, when I awoke in recovery, I knew something was not right, as I had been through this many times…. I developed sepsis, infection had spread through my blood. I went into shock, my bp dropped to 30/12….. I should be dead… After a week and a half in the hospital, I was well enough to come home.. I could not walk more than a few steps because of being out in the hospital for so long… When I came home I still had the stent in and I also had a nephrostomy tube in my back ( a pee bag from my kidney)… I lost 30 lbs in a month and I finally got the stent out. I am trying to live life to the fullest, because I see now that it could be gone in an instant.

Your pregnant belly is absolutely beautiful, I know how it feels when you find your first stretch mark, i nearly cried too, all along i thought oh yeh i have good genes (my mum never got them and had 4 kids!!) and then whaddaya know, 35 weeks out they popped the little lovely lines.. and i went 2 weeks overdue aswell.. so thanks to that i had a fat little 8 pounder wriggling around in there. I’m sorry to hear that you were unwell throughout your pregnancy, and postpartum with your second. what an ordeal, i think its great you have come out of it with the right attitude because life really is very delicate.
May God bless you and heal you, beautiful mother.