So here is my story, I became pregnant after a 7 year relationship with my high school sweet heart, he had been faithful all those years, after a couple of days o finding out about my pregnancy my boyfriend started an affair with a coworker of his, that been january last year, in february i started working at his job, as he recommended me to his boss… kind of sarcastic, but considering all the things as happend i think he wanted me to find out about them…
i knew something was going on between them but i was on denial, not because i like to be naive, but because of my baby… i didn´t want anything esle on my head,
i started thinking he didn´t like me in my new body, sex between us was awful, he felt disgusted, like he just wanted to get over it quickly…
after a couple months on this situation i coudn’t take it anymore, i hacked that b*tch´s email and took all the emails my BF sent to her and confronted him, long story gone short, i left, i was disgusted, i asked him to be happy with her, at that time i felt i was an obstacle on his happiness.
I left home and didn’t speak to him in a couple of days, i kept going to work, he didn´t, a week later he resigned, said he couldn’t stand that situation and asked me to resign as well, I was a couple of days now from maternity leave, so i took it early as to work things out.
i found out that he felt disgusted with himself and not with me, he felt dirty,
the whole pregnancy was hell between us, but the day our baby was born everything changed, it felt like nothing else mattered, we fell inlove again for each other, i could tell he hasn’t felt that way for me before.
it’s been hard, i won’t say it hasn’t my trust in him is not the same, but we are living together, our baby is 7 months now, he’s been the best father ever and i still love him, so i could say, he was afraid of us, of having me as the only girl in his life, it was not my fault, it wasn’t because my body change, he loves me now the way i am, with all my strech marks and extra skin, but the best thing is that i love myself, i love my body, my battle scars, eventhoug i will never be the same….
life is never the same with a little gentleman rollin’ around….
~Age: 23
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 / 1
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 7 mths

well he is a loser and you look good, his loss dont stay cause you have a kid with him, he was sleeping with someone else while you carried “both of yours” child. he is a loooooozer, getthe child support and men will say anything soo you take them back!
you will be fine without, your 23….you have nothing to worry about.
aww i love yur picture! thats the only mark i got too was above my bellybutton.. are you and the dad ok now? i hope so!! :) me and my babays dad are still going thru hell together but we are still together and our baby is 2 now.. i think just cuz we know we love each other! stay strong
I love the way you look at what happened.
So many women after being cheated on, feel it was their fault. But you have such a mature and honest outlook. It was your husband who decided to cheat, not you. And you are beautiful.
I’m happy that you 2 are trying to work things out, and I hope they continue to improve. :)
Congratulations on your little bundle.
Horay! I really do wish God continues to bless and protect your relationship, we all as humans are not perfect and we all deverve a second chance and as humans will continue to make mistakes there is no one in this earth worthy of perfection but God, im a firm beleiver that the solution is not finding another partner because you just dont know how that next person will turn out he may take you to a worst relationship, but again everyone is free to see if the grass is greener in the other side of the fence,at your own risk.