I have had three children, and each time, my body has changed. Most of my stretch marks came with my first and as I had my other two children, I noticed my belly getting saggier and resembling something like a bowlful of jelly. My breasts have gone from DD to F and back again three times, and definitely show the wear and tear of breastfeeding three children.
I am now a single mother, and have found myself wondering who in their right mind would find me attractive? I have gained much weight and my belly sags so much that it overlays the top of my pubic hair. I suppose I have to hope that someone will see me the way other mothers view the female form. I am not the most stunning person in the room, but my body has served its intended purpose. I have nourished, grown, and borne three healthy, amazing children and maybe some day a man will see my body for the life it has given and not for the flaws it has- and even perhaps, he will love me in spite or because of it.
I think your site is amazing and I wish that everyone would see that my scars, stretchmarks, and saggy skin are simply products of the long journey my body has endured.

Your words are so beautiful and so true. Job well done momma.
AMEN! I think I love you!
You look beautiful and those jammies are so cute!!! :D I love what you have written. And you will find that man!
You’re a really good writer. I love your outlook on life. It’s inspiring.
It’s so refreshing to hear from someone who feels this way. It’s true–you have brought life to this world and that is something only we as women can do. A partner who does not see you for who you are and what you’ve done does not deserve you.