2 pregnancy boys aged 4 and 2years 6 months.
Previous post here.
After alot of hard work ive lost a further 10lbs and currently weight 128lbs i wish i was 100% happy with the way i looked but i would still love to loose another 14lbs and tone up more before summer. All mums know that having kids and being a full time mum does not leave alot of “me” time. I speak to alot of mums and they all wish they had more time to work out and tone up.
I have finally got a routine where i can fit in a work out and i really feel great for it. I have been to rock bottom about the way my stomach has changed since having children and gone through so many emotions. I am an expert on tummy tuck procedures so much so that i could probably preform one in my living room .lol and read about every magical cream or diet on the planet. I have learned during the past year though that you need to work extra hard to get what you want so with my zumba,sits ups and cardio i hope i am on my way to a “normal” stomach. Its getting there i guess. I am very proud of myself i have lost over 50lbs since my second child do any other mums out there feel like they will never be happy no matter what they do? much love xxxx

Wow wow wow just WOW. You look HOT. Your tummy might not be as firm as pre-babies (moment of silence please) but dang girl you are one sexy mama. And you wanna lose another 14 lbs? what for? I’m 5’6″ and was 114 lbs when I got pregnant. Almost 9 months PP I’m 120 lbs and am so much happier at this weight. My size xs clothes fit. I don’t poke my husband with bones. I feel healthier. I don’t get those “she must be anorexic” looks. You look beautiful and healthy, I hope that was a typo and you meant 4 lbs. I only wish I had such a flat tummy, but I’m happy with the state of my body because 1. I am a mother. 2. I am a woman. 3. My husband loves my body. 4. When on occasion i do feel in the dumps about my body I remember that physical changes begin with mental changes. 5. What babies don’t take care of , age will take care of so I might as well enjoy life while I am young and not get hung up on my “impefections”.
Hey! We weight the same, but you look a bit better than I do. I still have quite a bit of chub on my hips and belly. Im technically underweight, but certainly dont feel like I am. I think you look great! I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will never have my pre-pregnancy body back. I gained 58 lbs with my first child, and I am covered in stretch marks. They are all over my belly, my thighs, and bottom. I’ve done the nutrition, I’ve done P90X, I’ve now gone to pant based eating, and I started to bloat a bit too. I feel terrible when I sit down, my flabby belly hangs over my pants and it grosses me out. Im at a loss. I cant get rid of the extra chub, even if I got a tummy tuck my stomach would still have stretch marks on it, along with a big long nasty scar. I totally hear you, it can be hard to love yourself. I have my ups and downs. Some days I look in the mirror and think “what am I complaining about, I look fine” other days I want to cry. It’s a constant struggle, but I do my best to love myself, and am going to do round 2 of P90X and hope to start feeling a little better again. Good luck on your journey!
Claire! You look amazing!!! I looked at your first picture and you’ve really toned up! I see no chub. Just baby skin. It happens to the best of us :) You know what? Love your tummy. It might change more with more exercise, but it might not. Love you for you because you’re the perfect you!!!!
You look great! Keep up the good work and good attitude!!
You look amazing. Im 26 and have a 3 1/2 yr old and a 15 mth old. Im 5’8 1/2 and currently weigh 190. Before kids i was 150. I gained 70 lbs with my first (diagnosed gestational diabetes and preecplampsia) and 50 lbs with my second (no health issues during pregnancy). I had two sections. Feb 12 my hubby bought me an elliptical and i have been working out. Im hoping to reach my goal of 150. Your pic is sooo inspiring.
I think 14 is too much. You look womanly and fit!