Before I got pregnant, I had a pretty decent body — not great, just average. Since giving birth to my son 6 weeks ago, I am struggling to adjust to my new, “mom’s” body. I guess I got away luckier than some — while I have tons and tons of stretchmarks on my chest, some on hips and inner thighs, I only got one on my stomach in the entire pregnancy. I gained 21 lb during my pregnancy and have already lost the weight, and then some. I don’t really have any problem with my tummy, even though it’s still softer than it was before… I know that will change with time. I am, however, having a hard time dealing with my breasts. I’m only 23 years old, and before having my son, my breasts were a large B/small C, and very perky. Now they’ve gone up to a D, and in my worst moments, I can’t help but feel like they are ugly, pendulous udders sitting on my chest. It doesn’t help that they’ve got a stretch mark ‘bra’, or that they are covered with very visible blue veins (I am very pale, and breastfeeding constantly) all over. I hate getting sweaty under my breasts; that never happened before! In my best moments, I feel so proud that I am able to nourish my beautiful son with my own body, and that he has already gone up to over 11 lb in just 6 weeks (he was born at 8 lb 6 oz) on my breastmilk, alone. I guess when it gets down to it, I will learn to cope with my body. It will always be different, and thankfully, my husband says he finds me even sexier than before I got pregnant. My struggle now is to find myself as sexy in a new role — not just as a young woman, but as a mother.

GOD your sooooo lucky 6 WEEKSSSSSSS I cant believe it your body is beautiful your tummy and your breasts are lovely I had a baby 7 months ago and I have been going to the gym for 4 months and my boobs just shrunk and I hate it I need to do a boob job now! trust me you dont even look like you had a baby! Big boobs are better than none at all!
I disagree, I don’t think big boobs are better than none at all. I think that is offensive to small breasted women.
You look great for only 6 weeks pp. :)
Your breasts will get smaller I promise! I had the same feelings about mine, but as soon as your body regulates the milk and only starts producing hwat your son needs they will shrink down a bit. I found mine to be very heavy especailly since being used to being a small B and ballooning up to a DD. But it will get better. Your tummy looks fantastic…especially for only 6 weeks after! Plus…your little one is adorable.
You look gorgeous darling – and believe your husband when he tells you he finds you sexy !
Anthony, do you have a lot of experience as a small breasted woman ? Say something positive or not at all please.
I think Anthony was saying it doesn’t matter the size of the breast – they are all lovely. At least that’s how I took it.
as a very small breasted woman who recently stopped breastfeeding and watched as her medium C’s shrank back to tiny A’s, i have to agree with Lucy. i hate my stupid little boobs.
you have a freaking adorable body!! you look great!
what? this lady gave birth? doesn’t look like it..
I agree with Bonnie on what anthony said..
very nice bod..
love it
i wish i was that lucky!