I was terrified of what could happen to my body when I was pregnant. I was put on bedrest at 27 weeks and was not kind to my body gaining 50 pounds. I have finally lost most of my pregnancy weight now at almost 2 years postpartum and am so thankful that I have relatively bounced back. I worked hard to get back into shape and hope to inspire others that a little hard work can go a long way!
~Age: 26
~Number of pregnancies and births: 1 pregnancy and birth
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: Almost 2
My pictures:
A shot of my belly minutes before my cesarean
I was so glad to see my belly deflate at 2 weeks postpartum
a closeup of how my belly looks now after several months of hard work
from the side
You look great, congrats on getting back in shape! What kind of core exercises do you do? I’ve found that planks work wonders, but love to hear what others found to be effective.
You look great. How far along were you when you had your caesarean?
wow you look great, totally jealous,lol.
wow, your skin is so tight! you look beautiful preggo and now!
You look fab! how did you get your tummy so fit after a c-section?!
Nice work! You look great! I gained a bunch and ended up having a c-section too :( I wasn’t as lucky when it comes to not getting any stretchmarks though!
Go mama, you look great! And the preggo belly is adorable :)
Thanks everyone!
I’m ashamed to say that for the first 15 months post partum I never really exercised and even gained a lot that year. It wasn’t until the light bulb went off at 15 months PP that I decided I needed to get my butt in gear. I used Spark People to track my calories and did a lot of cardio mainly using the treadmill, stationary bikes, and rollerblading.
Genetics are to blame for the tight tummy and no stretch marks I think. I have yet to do a sit up, but need to start that soon!
You look great! C – you can do all the same ab workouts after a C section as before, once you’re well healed of course! Its not damaged forever! The trick is to see your abs you have to lose body fat, its far more about that than about doing pilates unfortunately.
WOW! You looked great pregnant, and now you look even better! Jealous of your genes lol. But then again you have worked hard to get to where you are, so congratulations!
Well done!You look great!