my son was born at 7 lbs 9 oz on may 4th, 2007 and after a looooooong 9 months, every minute was worth it :) before getting pregnant i weighed about 125 lbs at 5 foot 5. during my pregnancy, i got up ti 169 lbs and now weigh about 152 lbs. im hoping to get back to my pre-preggo weight but im not holding my breath. there are many aspect of my body i dont like anymore (most of them) but before my little one, i had no hips, which i do now. as much as everything sags and jiggles when i walk naked, its still all worth it. we created a life!! what an amazing feeling. before pregnancy i was comfortable with my body after being with my boyfriend for 2 yrs and i knew i was beautiful to him and thats all that mattered. i even showed it off every now and then! im sure it will be a long time before i ever let anyone besides myself or my boyfriend see my body but im ok with that. 8 wks after his birth, im just enjoying him and havent done much as far as exercise yet. i still dont have my energy back because i hemmoraged after delivering him and lost a lot of blood. the pics ive included are of me at 24 weeks pregnant, 30 weeks pregnant, and just shy of 38 wks pregnant. the next 3 are my body 8 wks post partum (stretch marks and all, which i didnt get until about 35-36 wks preggo) and then my gorgeous little man, owen douglas at 8 wks old. glad to know im not the only one with a post baby belly that has become more of a jelly belly !

OH MY GOODNESS, your son is the CUTEST thing on earth!!! (along with my two boys of course, lol ) Seriously, he is soooo adorable. And you look gorgeous too. I am so happy to say that I now adore stretch marks, they are wonderful reminders of the miracle we took part in…I show mine proudly in my bikinni with total confidence. Congrats on the unbelievably cute little guy, they don’t come THAT cute so often! Walk in that new body with pride, your a beautiful Mama, of a beautiful boy!
That is one of the most adorable children I have ever seen. He is soooooo cute.
That is one cute kid! And I too enjoyed my new hips after I gave birth. I felt like Marylin, and I va-vooomed accordingly. Cool ink too!
Your baby IS adorable!!! And you actually look really good, especially for only 8 weeks pp!!! Your stretchmarks will lighten and fade into silvery tiger stripes that are no more than a badge of honour, a reminder of the awesome job your body did housing your little angel. Don’t be too worried about how you look this early on, your body will continue to change and firm up again as it recovers from this huge thing i has done for you. I’m betting you will look amazing in a year’s time! :) Be kind to yourself, you’re still gorgeous!!!
The good thing is that the stretchmarks fade with time and become much lighter! Your son is so beautiful! It’s worth it every second, isn’t it? :)
Woa, we are like twins! My belly looked just like yours, and I swear I had the same jeans, and black pants(simular anyways), and our bellies postpartom too.