My husband and I always knew we wanted a child and when he told me he was ready, I knew I wasn’t. Then pregnant woman were everywhere expecting children of their own. Regaurdless of the fact that we were not in the best financial set up to have a child, we went for it. I have always lived believing that life is too short to deny myself what I truely want. Having lived paycheck to paycheck won’t bother me when I am on my death bed, but being motherless certaintly would. Experiancy pregnancy, birth, and new motherhood has been an amazing learning experience that I truely do celebrate. It was VERY alarming to see what creating life could do to my body! I kept a sense of humor even though now, 16 weeks postpartum, I can’t fit in most of my clothes. I was always one of those scrawny, petite girls that would eat a whole gallon of ice cream in one sitting. For most of my young adult life I was a childish 110lbs with a breast size that wouldn’t even fill an A cup! When I got pregnant I was at a better weight of 120 which made me look less like a 12 year old and more like someone in their early 20’s. I went braless until pregnancy gave me boobs. I was very angry to have to wear a bra! I have since gotten used to my new breasts, my new marks, my new weight. I gained 45lbs during my pregnancy and am now down to around 130lbs! Steadily I approach my pre-pregnancy weight and size, shriking as my son grows. I’m so in love with my little man, that I have little time to lament my changed body. Hey, I have an excuse. At least it wasn’t from being lazy and eating cheeseburgers all day. It was from growing my boy and more than occasioanly indulging in mint cookie ice cream sundaes! Darn pregnancy cravings. This site has been wonderful. Thanks to all the brave and proud women who shared their experiences with us all!

“Having lived paycheck to paycheck won’t bother me when I am on my death bed, but being motherless certaintly would.”
That is a fantastic line and outlook. I appreciate it very much.
As for you, you certainly don’t have the body of a 12 year old anymore! Your body is beauty and curvy and you are all woman.
Love the pic of you with the pregnancy test. :P You look lovely, and your son is adorable- I can tell even from the back view! I love the little fat rolls on his knees- isn’t is funny that we hate on us what we love on them?
You are so gorgeous!!! I love the photo at the end, holding your beautiful child! Congratulations! Isn’t it all worth it? Your photos look like mine. Same story practically!
I am so envious of your breast! I was 105 Lbs with a size A bra but after giving birth to 2 boys, I am 120 Lbs and a Size AA. My youngest is 12, now my size AA is not going to change.