I am a first time mother at 34. I’ve been looking at the entries on this blog since before I became pregnant. It has definitely helped me get a realistic sense of the changes that occur during and after pregnancy. My biggest surprise was the change in my nipples. Pre-pregnancy I had small, almost flat nipples. I was afraid that I would have trouble breastfeeding. I should not have worried. During pregnancy, not only did my breasts grow about 2 cup sizes, I also grew big “outie” nipples. My son has no trouble latching on. I had a relatively easy pregnancy. I thought that I was going to get through it without stretch marks, but around week 38 they started to show up. I was induced 11 days after my due date when I started leaking amniotic fluid, and gave birth 14 hours later. I gained 30 pounds and immediately lost 23. I’m now 11 weeks post partum, breastfeeding and slowly getting back to my pre-baby weight – if not shape. The pictures are at 6 weeks, 40 weeks, 11 weeks post partum, and my little boy nursing.

Your baby is GORGEOUS, and your body looks like it’ll probably bounce right back pretty quickly, too!
Only 11 weeks post partum?? Seriously, you look amazing. You have a rockin’ bod, before and after your beautiful baby.
you look beautiful! it’s amazing how our bodies know just what to do! flat nipples become ready for hungry babies! congrats.
Wow! You’re hardly 3 months postpartum and you look awesome! I love nursing photos so much! Your son is precious!
You look fantastic. It is really amazing what our bodies can do for our babies.
You look fabulous! Your tiny little stretch marks will fade and you wont even be able to see them! I can barely even tell you just had a baby!
I’m so jealous lol.
Amazing how our bodies completely adapt for motherhood :) You look amazing! :)
In your nursing photo your baby looks drunk with love and contentment. Awesome.
I’m 33, going to have my first hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I’ve got the same sort of stretcheroos – or I like to call them Michaela-marks (the name my daughter will be given). Not bad. not bad at all!! I was wondering what mine might look like afterwards, now I’ve got a rough idea.
Did you work out much during your pregnancy? You look great to me!
All the best!
I just wanted to make a quick point from an assumption I am making about these pictures. First, I think you have a beautiful body before, during, and after pregnancy. You have a flat belly, great boobs, and an overall outstanding shape.
The point I want to make is sometimes women wear how they feel. I do it all the time. For istance, in the first pictures you seap sex from your pores. You seem to be going without undies. On the second, you are a glowing pregnant goddess and you are wearing cute and skimpy undies. On the third set you are wearing “granny panties” despite a beautiful post partum body and shape. You are that same woman as the above pictures. Heck, you look the SAME!
Be proud you’re gorgeous! Don’t hide behind “mom clothes,” you are just as sexy, if not more sexy as you were before. Flaunt it!