This is me 5 months after my baby boy was born. I just do not look the same at all . My breast use to be perky and my stomach was less flabby before. Yet, at the end of the day when I look at my body I know its truly a blessing because I wouldn’t trade him for anything. He is so inspiring. Watching him grow every day is amazing. I love this site and how there are many other women out there that have been and are still going through the body changes. The shape of a mother is a beautiful thing and we need to embrace our new selves and no focus on what society tags as beautiful.

Great words!!!
What is it really that society tages as beautiful?? Compter editing?? I beg to differ!
:-) Yes what society tags as beauty is not real beauty. Enjoy being a mother. Your children are more precious than perky breasts or anything like that.
Theres nothing wrong with looking like a women and not a peice of plastic.
Look at you sporting a hot bikini! You look great!! I cant believe thats 5 months out! Way to go! COngrats on your new bundle! They are so worth it! :)
Im about 8 months right now and have already gained 30+ pounds! i seemed to have gained it everywhere but most noticebly to myself are my thighs. i will be posting pics soon. i think you look amazing and just want to say a big BRAVO to you. this website has been the most comforting thing in the world to me at times when i feel as though i look disgusting. you are sooo right, babies are the only pure joy in this world and if it f*cks our bodies a bit, so be it, totally worth it. i hope to look and feel as wonderful as you do in a few weeks when my little bit gets here. congrats!! way to go mommas!!
I think you look just fine, you look like a woman!