I was always very skinny pre-pregnancy, now I’m thicker but the same weight. Just padded everywhere.
~Age: 18 years old.
~Number of pregnancies and births: One.
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 7 months and almost 3 weeks postpartum

I’m jealous of your bellybutton. Mine got rounder after pregnancy.
I am about 7 months post partum and I’m 17. I have no belly button now XD
Great body. i dont have a belly button.. :( my fatty pouch drags my belly button and makes it look like a line… 8months pp and wokring on it. Hoping one day it’ll be close to yours becuase rite now this is the most horrrible part of my body. by the way, beautiful breast, size and nips!!
I’m 15, was raped and just found out I’m pregnant must be about 1 month along going to the doctors next week:( hope all went well for u xxxx