I am 20 years old have a 8 month old, I am 3 months pregnant and have been pregnant 3 times including now. When I was pregnant with my 8 month old son my tummy was huge I am only 4″11 and before I got pregnant only weighed 130. My tummy grew so quickly and big that I started to show at 3 1/2 months. When my son was born he weighed 9lbs 2oz and was 23in long so he was a pretty big baby and really stretched out my stomach. I had a c-section because my uterus is high. Before and while I was pregnant I believed that after I had my baby I would work out and diet and would go back to “normal”. Well, I didn’t! Months past my skin was loose and my tummy still poked out as if I was still pregnant, I had no idea what was going on. I looked it up and talked to my dr. It still has not gone down. I don’t feel comfortable or confident at all. I don’t get ready when I go out anymore. If I have a baby girl this time I think I am done having children and I am thinking of getting a tummy tuck sometime. But, I don’t have the money and don’t know when I will gather up enough money. To me I think that’s the only way I will feel like myself again.
Author: Bonnie (SOAM)
Will I Ever Be Sexy Again? (Anonymous)
Age: 23
Number Of Births: 1
I married the love of my life in May of 2011, and we conceived our baby boy on our honeymoon. At that time I weighed 145 lbs at 5′ 4″. I’d never been a skinny girl, but pretty athletic and active. Over the nine months I carried my baby, I gained 40 pounds. 20 more than I’d hoped for. I had beautiful skin and not a single stretch mark… Until I hit my 35th week. Then they spread like wildfire. I was devastated. I did everything I possibly could to prevent them, cocoa butter, massage, body brushing.. but in the end they took over. I had planned for a home water birth, but after 36 hours of labor, and being stuck at 6 cm dilated for 12 hours, I had to go to the hospital. Got an epidural, then 4 hours later with no progress, led to a c-section. Everything went as well as major abdominal surgury could go.. I recovered well and my boy latched on and breastfed wonderfully. My precious baby is the best thing, by far, that has ever happened to me. But the body that I was left with has been really hard for me to deal with.
My stomach, love handles, thighs, and around my breasts were covered in stretch marks, and I felt saggy, floppy, and unattractive. I’ve cried to my husband many times saying how afraid I am that I’ll never be sexy again. Of course he reassures me that he thinks I’m the most beautiful woman ever, but it’s hard to believe that when I see my reflection in the mirror. I hear everyone say stretch marks are a badge of mother-honor.. but that’s no comfort to me. I want my pretty, flawless skin back, and I know it’ll most likely never happen. My breasts have grown 3 cup sizes and with breastfeeding they’re extremely heavy. They feel like they’re sagging like crazy and that makes it hard to be topless during intimate moments with my husband. My legs and butt used to be very tight and toned, but now when I run they jiggle like jello. I know that if I stick with exercising, the jiggle can be fixed, but I’m so afraid that my mid-section and breasts are a lost cause.
I’m not exactly sure why I’m telling everyone my sob story, but I felt like I could relate to alot of women on this site. I realize that almost every mom has issues with her post-baby body, and I’m no exception. Still, I thought this would be good for me to share my experience and show that difference of what I had, and what I have now. My precious baby boy is the best thing in my life and he’s worth every sacrifice and hardship that I’ve gone through . But I just hope someday I can get my body somewhat back so he can have a pretty, fit, and healthy looking mommy that he’s proud of. I want to be a good example to my babies.
Picture #1: Summer before marriage, weight 145
Picture #2: Belly 5 weeks before birth, right before stretch marks plagued me
Picture #3: 11 weeks after birth
Picture #4: 11 weeks after birth (side)
Picture #5: Stretch Mark Areas
Pregnant when told I never would be. (Paula)
my names Paula and im from essex in the untied kingdom, I am 16 weeks pregnant and my daughter is 26 weeks old, my starting weight was eight stone 3 lbs and in my first pregnancy i gained three stone, through a mixture of things.
I had My daughter by c-section due to having severe and i do mean severe SPD, it ruined my pregnancy, i coudlnt work i couldnt exercise i couldnt even stay the house on my own due to either passing out from gestational diabetes which i didnt know i had and exhaustion from all the painkillers i was being given to help me last as long as i could for my daughter.
I was proud of my figure pre pregnancy i had always been a good size six, (i say good because i was never skeletal i just have a small frame) and had big enough boobs that i never felt out of place in bikinis. Id spent my life being told i would never have children the natural way and had resigned myself to that fact so i liked what i saw in the mirror and that was fine with me.
then I found my partner again after ten years and just five months in to our new relationship we found that i was pregnant… I have never been so shocked as i was that day. however that day was the day i said goodbye to ym wardrobe and my collection of over 100+ shoes (not good) i started only eating what i would have normally but then i was active with work and going out, so when i became pregnant and devloped SPD almostimmidiatly i became unable to exercise or be active so when i ate out of boredom and then i could nothing about burnng it off it all soon piled on. three stone….. three stone i was sick at my final weigh in before the birth… how could i have put all that on? it was serioulsy scary even more so when my daughter came out weighing just 6lbs4oz i wanted to know where hte other wieght was and had to look at myself for eating all that i had…id never been one to eat for the sake of it and it made me sick seeing pictures of me that size i hated it… hated the face fat the huge butt the massive thighs. im lucky that i didnt get any stretch marks and thank all my stars for that lucky twist of fate but it seemedto take me ages to lose it. i couldnt exercise to make it go away and the c-section scar and spd were making life hard thank god i had a perfect baby she made life easy x
then just as i though i was making prgress and fitting some of my clothes i noticed the weight loss stopped again and i had no clue why…i became frustratd and angry at myself and the world and desparatly wanted my old shape back i hatedwht i saw in the mirror and still do even now.
howeverthe eventual reason to my sudden halt in weightloss turned out to be my second pregnancy wich i am in the second trimester of am suffereing already. again my clothes no longer fit my boobs look out of place and im left wondering will I ever be me again or am i simply doomed to be the bigger cuddlier version of my former self? oh pleasehelp me.
this first picture is me before any of my pregnancies,
the second one is of me with two weeks to go in my first pregnancy
i never did lose all of the weight from the first pregnancy i still had a stone to go so now i start this next pregnancy off bigger then ever and i just want to cry
The Beauty Within the “Ugly” (Ashley)
I have never been happy with my body. I have always been chubby but my stomach never hanged over my pants or sagged…now it does. I am only 5’1 and gave birth to a beautiful 9lbs 12oz baby girl! All natural too! It was the most beautiful experience of my life. I love my baby girl more than anything. Some days I HATE my body…other days it isn’t so bad. Clothes don’t fit me right or well. Sometimes I am embarrassed of my body. But I am trying to appreciate it for all the work it has done and the nice home it created for my sweet baby girl. I am only 20 so it is hard to not have a thin, tight tummy! But my tummy has done work! Being pregnant was hard on my body and even after her birth it is still hard but it is all worth it. I know my body will never be perfect or close to perfect but my body served a purpose…it made a life…a beautiful sweet little life. I hate the appearance of it but it served its purpose! I used to have wonderful boobs, now they sag and have an ugly color to them but they feed my little angel. I’m just trying to see the beauty within the “ugly”…
Age: 20
Pregnancies: 1
I am a (almost) 50 year old woman. I have had 6 pregnancies, resulting in 4 live births and 2 very late (mid second trimester) miscarriages. My “babies” are now aged from 19 up to 25.
When I started having my children in the mid-80s I was considered to be slightly overweight (5-9 and 165lbs), after I had my first daughter (1986) I was 5’9 and (185) – try as I might I never lost that weight and was made to feel such a failure because of it. Forget that I was successfully breastfeeding this gorgeous little creature that I had successfully made and given birth to, all that was concentrated on was “getting back to normal” with absolutely no regard that – for me – “normal” would have to be redefined as I was now a mother and had done something amazing.
Let’s fastforward some 7 years and 3 more children (and 1 of those miscarriages) later and I gained another 5lbs with each of the pregnancies. EVERYBODY and I mean everybody was soooo concerned with how I looked – my own Mother was constantly nagging at me to “get back into shape” (forgetting the fact that she NEVER had!). I began to consider myself totally worthless.
I felt an absolute failure, all of my friends seemed to be able to do it and I couldn’t. I guess that started the terrible relationship with food that I have to this day. 20 years down the line and 1 Gastric by-pass later, I’m once again 165 and now I look at myself in the mirror and think “Ok, so not so good naked but GREAT clothed!” lol.
I really think that had I realised 25 years ago that it doesn’t all “go back to ‘normal'” and that I should redefine normal I’d have felt far less pressured.
I think younger women should realise that this is something that has been happening for generations – It’s great that women are becoming more open with each other.
With today’s scattered families, frequently we can’t ask our parents (I live in a different country from my parents) so we have to learn from other women.
I will break the cycle. (KMG)
Age: 32
1 pregnancy, 1 birth
20 month old
I remember being a little girl of nine or ten, after my brother was born, and looking at my mother observing herself in the mirror. She had saggy breasts, a lot of stretchmarks, and a vertical c-section scar. She hated all three, blaming me for her stretchmarks and my brother for her scar and saggy breasts. She had me at seventeen and had my brother eight years later. Neither of us were planned, and I know that her self-image and failure to plan her pregnancies had a dramatic effect on the way I viewed becoming a mother. I met my husband when we were sixteen. I knew I’d marry him, and yet, I refused to have pre-marital sex. My decision wasn’t out of an adherence to religious beliefs but out of fear of getting pregnant. Even after being married, we “doubled up” on birth control methods and thought that we’d be that couple who works and travels instead of having children. My mother seemed to resent everything about ever having children, and I never wanted that for myself…or for a child.
As the years went on, my husband and I discussed wanting grandchilren one day, which of course…would not happen without one critical generation between us. We began to entertain the idea of having children, but at 28, I still wasn’t ready. Slight weight gain had already given me considerable stretchmarks, which terrified me. I was still stuck on not wanting to be like my mother, physically or emotionally. If I was going to have a child, it would be because I REALLY wanted one no matter the cost, inconvenience, risks to my appearance, etc. I continued to put it off.
Finally, at 30, I decided that it was time. I wanted a child more than I wanted any of the superficial things, and I felt fairly confident that I could do what it would take to reduce the physical side effects. I’m 5’2″ and was about 130lbs when I decided to plan my pregnancy. I went off of birth control, started working out, started eating differently, and lost about 15lbs. I felt ready and assumed that it would take a few tries before we would actually conceive because I suffered with Endometriosis for years. It turns out that like my mother, I am a “fertile Myrtle” because I got pregnant on the first try. I put weight on right away, and there was no stopping me. Getting pregnant at the start of the holidays, not getting any morning sickness (none.at.all), and it being too cold to go for walks outside is a good combination for packing on the pounds.
In month 7 or 8, I began to notice the stretchmarks. They started on my lower belly and gradually creeped up toward my belly button. I remember a night of hysterical crying and panic when they began climbing even further up my stomach. They were WORSE than my mother’s. They were up and down and side to side on my belly, they ran up and down on my upper thights, side to side on my butt, and up and down on my lower back. I had extreme joint pain, often waking up with fingers that I couldn’t move or a kneecap that had fallen out of place. I was 199lbs and a week past my due date when I walked into the hospital to be induced (after many weeks of begging/crying in my doctor’s office). I labored for 23 hours, and after an 3 attempts with the vaccuum, I was sent for an emergency c-section. My beautiful 9lb 8oz baby boy was born.
The recovery from a c-section was excrutiatingly painful, but once I was past the first few days, life began to get easier. I always feared that I would struggle with PPD, but I didn’t. I sometimes wonder if I struggled with depression during my pregnancy, but I can say that I have had a reason to find joy in every day since my son has been born. I often look at my body and feel disappointment, but it’s not the self-loathing that my mother had. I refuse to hate my body. I refuse to pass that burden to my son. I weigh 152lbs, down from the 199lbs at pre-birth. My stretch marks are so numerous and intertwined. They often remind me of the lines of tar on a road when they try to repair cracks in the pavement. My breasts are still somewhat full but definitely not perky, and my c-section scar hides under a roll of belly flab. I still look about 5 months pregnant because I am short waisted and retain the majority of my weight in my mid-section. I often get asked when I’m due. I’ve even had women reach out and touch my stomach, saying, “Awwww.” My son is almost 21 months old, so explaining my shape is getting a little more difficult as each month passes. Today was especially hard.
In front of 2 other people, a woman exclaimed, “Ohhhh, you’re pregnant!” She was clearly happy for me, so even though I was embarassed and hurt, I felt sorry for her. When I told her I wasn’t, things got worse:
Me: “No, I just never lost the weight from my pregnancy.”
Her: “Did you gain weight?”
Me: Hesitation
Her: “Or is something wrong? Are you bloated? You’re really not pregnant?”
Me: “No, I just didn’t lose the weight.”
Her: “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. I feel bad for asking.”
Me: Gave her and out and changed the subject.
Yes, in true “woman-fashion,” I didn’t want to make someone else feel bad for making me feel bad. I walked out to the car, where my husband waited, and sat quietly. When I felt like I could tell him what happened without crying, I did, and he was comforting. When we got home, I analyzed my profile in the mirror, agreeing that I look pregnant. I spoke about it to my husband and showed him my stomach as he fed my son dinner.
It’s too easy to repeat a cycle, isn’t it? I remember being a little girl, watching my mother analyze herself in the mirror, expressing her self-loathing. Tonight, I stood in front of my son in the dining room and analyzed/critcized my stomach. Thankfully, he’s too young to comprehend, and I didn’t blame my insecurities on having him. However, one day, he will be old enough to comprehend. He will put “cause and effect” together, even if I don’t come out and say things like, “You gave me these stretchmarks that I hate.” I can do better. I can be better.
Yes, I think I look 5 months pregnant, and yes, I have an infinite number of stretchmarks. BUT, I was able to plan my pregnancy with the support of my husband. I was able to conceive on the first try. I was able to avoid morning sickness. I was able to survive an emotional rollercoaster with the most supportive friends and co-workers. I was able to hold a healthy child after his birth. I was able to bend my fingers again and go jogging. I hate it when someone asks me if or assumes that I am pregnant. I.hate.it. But I will not hate my body. I will not hate my stretchmarks. I will not hate what has been the result of such an incredible blessing in my life.
When I see stories on this site with heading descriptors like, “3 Pregnancies, 2 Births,” I feel the weight of that. Nothing sits as heavy as that. No questions or incorrect assumptions weigh that much. No thick waistlines or countless stretchmarks can compare to the thought of my story saying, “1 Pregnancy, 0 Births.” When I see the stories of women who struggle with what pregnancy has done to their bodies, I feel relief. I’m not the only one. When I see the stories of women who feel empowered by the changes in their bodies, I feel inspired, hopeful. I feel camaraderie. Thank you to every one of you who shares your story. Each and every person has legitimate (and none too trivial) concerns that another mother may find comfort in. I have certainly found comfort in knowing that as mothers we can be both the strongest and the most vulnerable beings and that in either state, we are not alone. My story offers no answers or advice, and sadly it offers no pictures. I am grateful for this outlet and hope to take some pictures soon.
Uphill Battle (Jade)
-Age- 18
-Pregnancy’s- 1 and -Birth’s- 1
-Children Age- almost 2yrs
I was only 15 when i concieved my little boy, zander. I had him June 1st of 2010 at 12.51pm. he weighed 8lb 14 oz and 21 1/2inches long. I have had a hard time dealing with the way i look. i know it could be alot worse but from where i was before having my son to now is a big change. at 15 pre-pregnancy i was 5’5″ 95lbs and a 34DD. my body was so perfect in my mind. my boobs where so perfect and perky, my nipples where the right size and shape. my tummy was supper flat, i was a dancer and had a dancer belly. now my sides have strectch marks, which u cannot really see in the picture, and truely they arent to bad compared to others but for me i worry so much about them. I hate almost everything about me and i know i shouldnt but i do. my fiance is kind of supportive. i know he thinks he loves me but i know i love him more than he loves me. but last october he did cheat on me. so i worry about his mind set it also made me feel so ugly and not good enough. we have been togethere for 4years now hes 4years older than me making him 22yrs old. sometimes i feel stuck because i want my son to have a daddy in his life but i dont know if me and him are right for each other. i have a fear of being alone and i dont know if someone is going to want me for the fact of the way i look and i have a child. now im rambeling haha. but thankyou for reading this and i love this site it has made me feel better and less alone
well the one picture is of my son Zander
my belly as of today 2years after birth(weighing 105lbs and a 34D)
me at 9 months pregnant
My Struggle (Anonymous)
20 years old. 1 pregnancy, 1 birth.
I have struggled with my weight for years. My sister was always the tiny/petite one and I was always the chunky tomboy. At 15, my manager at American Eagle introduced me to adderall..I could take it and work hard all day without eating anything. I was losing weight and starting to feel good about myself for the first time in my whole life! In the summer of ’09 I was approached to model for Hollister..I started working there and befriended one of the managers right away! We bonded over our adderall use and it quickly turned into a stupid competition on who could lose more weight and look better in super low rise jeans and tiny tank tops. I was around 135lbs and a size 4 when I started working there and by the summer of 2010 I was 118lbs and a size 0 which was VERY thin for my 5ft 9in frame. On December 6th, two days before my 19th birthday…I found out I was pregnant! I stopped taking adderall immediately and started taking care of myself. My tiny sister had a 2 year old and was pregnant with her second child at the time, she had no stretch marks and went home from the hospital in her skinny jeans so, I was hoping I would get lucky like that too! At almost 30 weeks my very round belly started to itch CONSTANTLY and that’s when I noticed my stretch marks for the first time. I couldn’t stop crying..my husband tried to act like he didn’t see them and told me not to worry about it. I was almost 200lbs when I gave birth to our 7lb 14oz baby boy…my doctor never had any concern about my weight because of my build (I asked at every visit!) I was still hoping to shrink back down to normal when we got home but it didn’t happen..I was still huge and I had stretch marks on my stomach, sides, thighs, and legs. My sister kept telling me it wasn’t a big deal and I was depressed for no reason but hearing that from someone with two kids and no stretch marks just pissed me off more. A few girls that I went to school with had babies a couple of weeks after my son was born and it seemed like I was the only one with stretch marks…they were all back to their normal sizes just days after birth and I was still struggling.
My son is almost 10 months old now, I weigh about 145lbs and my stretch marks and saggy stomach still bother me every day. I truly believe that this little blonde haired blue eyed boy saved my life because if he hadn’t come along when he did, I wouldn’t have changed my unhealthy and very destructive lifestyle. This site made me realize that I’m not alone and I really enjoyed reading all of the inspirational stories. One day, I hope to be proud of my body and what it has endured.
Summer of 2010
9 months post
9 months post
My handsome boy.
Still Struggling, but Starting to Accept It (Autumn)
Age:21 almost 22
Previous Post here.
Pregancies: 2, Births: 2 Boys.
Hi My name Autumn and This is my Second Post, Its been Alil over 2 years since I last posted. Theres alot to update on My last post was in October 2010, I was 8 months pp with my first son, A month later in Nov 2010 I found out I was pregnant with my second son. They both were VIA c-Section, Hunter was 9’5 Kaige was 8’8 So I had big babies. Since My last post iv been through a birth of a second son, Weight up and down, Loosing our house on christmas day, and Moving back in with my mom, Loosing jobs and Getting new ones, I will admit i dont feel as bad as I did in my last post About my body, I know It created life and that My Man is not going anywhere, Hes been there for me through thick and Thin and was there for both the boys birth and is there and is such a good father. I gave birth to my second son In auguest 2011 So as of right now I am 21 months PP with my Second Son, Since the birth Of my second son I have Lost About 50 something pounds and now am down to 124 pounds, I was 108 when i got pregnant with my first one. But my body still isnt in pre baby shape. I just wish i didnt have the pooch because it hangs over my c section, I think its because I had big babies and Had a c section. Thanks for listening.
The pictures are me 21 months pp
Bikini Season (Monica)
14 months postpartum
Mother of 3 year old and 14 month old
I came across this site after the birth of my first child. I was going through postpartum depression and it felt like everyone was pointing out my new mommy body and weight. This site made me feel so much better but still I couldn’t except my self. Being pregnant with my son I was 75 lbs larger (200 lbs) than I was before becoming a mommy. Even though he was a ten pounder it looked looked I hadnt lost any weight after the birth. Summer came and even though I live next to the beach, I went once in an athletic cover it all swim suit. That bathing suit was almost to my knees. Time went by and my husband went on deployment. My husband loves my body but I’ve always been ashamed around him. Once he was gone I realized I had to do something. I ran around my house, used workout videos, and ate right and for the first time since becoming a mom I felt fabulous. I didn’t lose all the weight, the stretch marks are still here but I am beautiful. I’m more beautiful than before. I just needed to love accept the body that I have and that carried my children. This year I’m showing the world that I am beautiful on the beach. Hope everyone has a fabulous bikini season.