
(originally sumbitted 7/9/07)

My name is Amanda. I want to share my brief story and pictures to everyone.

I became pregnant January of 2006 at the ripe age of eighteen years old. My ex boyfriend and I were very in love, but well you know how that story goes. Needless to say he isn’t in our life anymore, and it really is for the best.

My daughter Sofia Marie was born on October 17, 2006. I was barely nineteen when she was born. She is almost nine months old now. I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. In three months she will be a year old!

I was very thin when I became pregnant. I probably weighed about 115 pounds at 5ft 6in. I gained about fifty-seven pounds over those nine months. I have lost a lot of weight but not enough for me to be completely satisfied. I weigh in right now at 130 pounds. I wouldn’t mind losing another fifteen to twenty pounds. I have struggled with eating disorders and issues with my weight for many years. I struggle daily with my weight and size. I know it is something that I will probably struggle with for a while. I also dance ballet quite intensely so its hard not to look at the emaciated girls that surround me daily and compare myself to them. I remind myself that they haven’t given birth. It still doesn’t make it hurt any less.

As for the strech mark department I got off fairly easy. My stomach doesn’t have any. The ones on my breasts were really bad, but they have faded now. I have a few on my inner thighs.

This was me in my four pack glory. I will never have that definition ever again

Shortly before my daughter was born…

This is about eight months post partum.

5 thoughts on “Amanda

  • Monday, September 10, 2007 at 4:25 am

    You look incredible before, during and after pregnancy, don`t worry about those last pound, they will come off! I have got a question to all mothers: Are there any of you who got stretch marks during groth spurt (puberty)and didn`t get any (new)during pregnancy? Is there any hope :-)?
    Thank you!

  • Monday, September 10, 2007 at 1:09 pm

    Dont worry you WILL get your abs back. I am sure. Have you tried the Tupler Technique for strengthening your abs? It is supposed to help but I haven’t started them because I am still pregnant. LOL. :) But you will get them back I have faith in you! Good Luck.

  • Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 9:58 am

    “Ila: Are there any of you who got stretch marks during groth spurt (puberty)and didn`t get any (new)during pregnancy? Is there any hope :-)?”

    Due to puberty I ended up with stretch marks on my thighs and butt. I did however make it through pregnancy with not one single stretch mark (without the help of lotions/creams etc)!

  • Saturday, September 15, 2007 at 8:55 pm

    I got stretch marks during puberty and did not get any stretch marks while pregnant with my two daughters. There is hope!

  • Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at 6:10 pm

    haha – I was wondering about the puberty stretch marks too!!

    I think the stretch marks I have from puberty are sexy as hell – but I would like to think that they are not a guarantee that I’ll get plenty more.

    Just like to keep the door open, you know…

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