I found out I was pregnant just days before my 18th birthday. A senior in high school, I was 5’7″, 125 lbs. and comfortable in my body. My now-husband was just starting his first year of college, 5 hours away. Despite his frequent visits, my pregnancy was a long and lonely one. I was able to finish all my credits before I reached my third trimester, but being a pregnant high schooler still wasn’t easy. I sank into a depression and found consolation in various fried and/or sugary foods. I lost count of the pounds gained after 70. My daughter arrived just two weeks before my graduation ceremony and three months later I married my high school sweetheart. I love my husband and I love my daughter. Everyday I thank God just because they’re a part of my life. However, I look at my body and feel almost ashamed. My belly is riddled with lines and wrinkles. My hips are far wider than they were, adding even more emphasis to my flat butt. My husband adamantly insists that I am still beautiful (bless his heart), but I find it hard to see myself in that way. The thought of ever wearing a bikini again slightly horrifies me. I wish I could refer to my scars as “honor badges”, but I look down and all I see is a discolored and creviced belly. I hope to someday come to terms with my new body. I don’t expect to be slinking around in a bikini ever, but I’d like to at least feel beautiful for my husband, because that’s what he deserves. Soooo….I am posting these pictures here so I can hopefully achieve that goal. P.S. I’d like to mention that I am totally in awe of the other women posting on this website. They are my heroes.

I think you look amazing!You are way too hard on yourself!You have a flat stomach and great curves!
You are tiny!! Your stretch marks will fade even more than they already have with time. Husbands find confidence more sexy than a perfect body any day:)
You have great proportions, and we can see your HIP bones! You’d look awesome in a bikini. By summer, the lines will fade :)
I agree!! You are way too hard on yourself! Listen to your husband! You have a killer body and you should be proud!! You have a gorgeous womans body!
you look fantastic and more importantly you seem very smart and well grounded. try to enjoy your body, you really do look amazing!
I am in the exact same boat that you are in at 7 months postpartum. You are beautiful, and I like you, hope that I someday realize this.
Wow! You look great and have bounced back beautifully, I’d love to look that skinny. Stretchmarks fade, they’ll be barely noticeable before you know it :)
Honey you look amazing!!! You are soooo skinny and in a year or so you won’t be able to see the stretch marks, I promise you.
Oh my goodness! You look great! I read your post and was expecting a completely different set of pictures. And I’m making my husband look at this site and he thoroughly agrees that you look terrific.
You look amazing!
You have a fabulous body and those stretch marks will fade. I have not given birth, and I am jealous of your body.
I really hope I look like that after my first baby.
(Totally adorable lingerie, btw.)
You look absolutely amazing?! And you have the best boobs ever. I’m so jealous.
You look beautiful! I had my daughter a few days after I turned 18, so I understand how hard it is to lose that perfect teenager body. Those stretch marks will fade and your gorgeous stomach and hips will remain.
Girl, you are so skinny and your hips are so sexy!!