I love how this website portrays the female body, I got pregnant November 2006. My boyfriend and I were engaged. I was 24 years old, it wasn’t planned but I was excited to be a mom. September 6th 2007 my life changed forever. I was induced and after 10 hours of contractions and only 2cm dilation I was given a c-section. I am now 6 months pp. I have finally lost all the weight and feel grateful to have done so, but I look a lot different. I have developed lovehandles, my breasts are saggy, and my stomach ravaged by stretchmarks and a stretched out belly button from a piercing. I do feel pretty good about my body considering my husband loves my body, but I still do question it. The first few pics are during pregnancy the next are 6 months after pregnancy and with my son, who was sooo worth it!

You have a very cute son. It is great to hear your husband still loves your body. You are very beautiful and look great after the baby!
You look awesome, no joke! You have a beautiful and sexy curvy shape! Your son is so beautiful! He is absolutely precious!!!
Your baby is so cute!
Also, I hope this does not come off as crude but I just thought I would say your ass looks great!
look at your ass!!!! i’m jealous girl!
Very nice bum!!
Girl, you got curves in ALL the right places. I bet guys just follow you around mesmorized by the booty! Not to mention, your breasts are perky for being so large. I KNOW your husband loves that. I don’t think they are “saggy” as you mentioned. Large breasts can’t just sit like an 18 year old’s B cups.
You’re certainly all woman!
Girl your breasts are not sagging almost at all, larger breasts just sit that way. Power on ta ya. Its great you feel good about your body!!!
WO!!! You have nothing to question from me perfect natural curves and nice behind, Pregnacy trulye blessed you.
Thank so much for sharing, its good your happy with your body.