I weighed 130 lbs when I started to have my family! I have to pre-teen sons,8 & 3 year old daughters and (after 3 miscarriages)a baby boy 3 months old. I now weigh about 190. I am trying to loose weight, but I know my belly will always hang like this! This site makes me feel so much better about myself, knowing that I am not alone!

you are beautiful! I would love to have that many children! I was only 100 lbs when I became pregnant for the first time, I am now almost hitting the 200 mark, and have three gorgeous children. Drs said I would never have children because i was anorexic, but with gods help i now have three gorgeous miracles. Looking at your pics makes me realize that that is what my body looks like, and it is still beautiful! Thank you! You look amazing!
JL momtothreebabies@netscape.com