christmas 2005 i gave my husband news that would change both of our lives forever. we were going to have a baby. ever since i can remember i have wanted to be a mother and couldnt have been more excited to know that i finally would be. since i gain weight easily in my belly i started to show pretty quickly but was excited to be mark free. until the seventh month that is. seven months into my pregnancy i went to bed mark free and woke up looking like i was attacked by someone kind of wild beast and had marks all over my body. i knew that i would more then likely have a few marks on my stomach and hips, but the marks covered my entire body. my thighs and butt and my breasts as well as my stomach and hips. i swear i must have been the unluckiest pregnant woman in the world. throughout my entire pregnancy i put on over 100 pounds and lost so much confidence in myself. so….as of tomorrow my son will be 16 months old and i have yet to lose the weight and my body stretchmarks are still healing. though im sure it has effected him as well, my husband is so supportive and it has definately helped me stay up!! you know whats funny…i am happier and more confident now then i was before i got pregnant with my son. life couldnt be better!! =) so i just want to say thank you so much for creating this site to help other women like myself not feel so bad about the changing made to our bodies during pregnancy. thank you!!!

You are both absolutely beautiful! Be proud, as every line and every mark is a beautiful reminder of your son.
You look beautiful! And trust me that you’re not the only one who looks like they were attacked by a wild beast! You should see my butt! Rofl… but I’m glad for it. It reminds me of the fact that I carried my daughter for 9 wonderful months!
honey you are beautiful!
You and your son are truly beautiful!!!
You are gorgeous, and so is that little one! (Those dimples!!!!)
when my kids were younger they were convinced I had been attacked by a tiger, because of all my stretchmarks.
Love the picture of the two of you! It makes the stretchies all worthwhile.
i know exactly what you are saying. i feel so much more beautiful since i had my daughter. even though now i am mark covered and saggy and 60 pounds overweight. i still love my body more.
you are beautiful!!! inside and out!!!
You look like you’re shaped a lot like me. Its so nice to see other women that have the same kind of body that I have. You are absolutely gorgeous, and so is your little boy. :)
thank you all soooo much i aprreciate all the comments and compliments they mean a LOT to me. thanks again!!
Thanks for your pics and this site in general.
You and your son are beautiful, as are all the mothers and babies on the site :)
I’m not a mother myself, and it’s actually really wonderful to see, honestly, what a real woman’s body looks like after childbirth.
I am so fortunate to see how great you all can feel and look with all these changes in your body.
That way if/when I have children, I will embrace the change in my body, rather than being surprised or worried that something is wrong with me for being different from the airbrushed bull we see on TV and in magazines…
Thanks everyone :)
You and your son are GORGEOUS. Wow.
you look absolutly amazing!
i have stretchmarks just like yours, they cover my tummy, arms, legs and breasts, but i look at them as a reminder of how my wonderful son entered the world. i love being a mum and the new body that came with it.
its so refreshing to see real women and there post baby bods!
you and your son are beautiful!
You are beautiful!!!!!! No doubt about it. inside AND out, you’re gorgeous. Thank you for letting us see!
Your body looks like mine – but what’s even funnier, your little one looks soooooo much like my youngest girl, the same colouring, the same dimpled smile, it’s uncanny!!!!! You’re both gorgeous, thank you for sharing!!!
you are beautiful, and your baby is adorable !
You have a very beautiful face!!! I would not worry so much about not having a perfectly flat stomach! You are still beautiful!! You dont have to be size 8 to be beautiful!!!