Update (Lucia)

Previous entries here and here.

I read this site as often as I can now, I have a very active 9 month old and I try to be out with him as much as posible, and i´ve been meanin to share something with you all.

When I was little I remember asking my mom if a pregnant woman went back to her shape right after the baby came out, and she said yes, right away so I imagined it like when you deflate a ballon, it just goes back. Little did I know it was more complicated that that, then I got pregnant and curious as to what really happens to your body and I came across this site, so I talked to my mom and tried to remind her about that time she had told me that all mommies bodies go back after having their baby, and her response was “I don’t remember, but how did you believe me seeing that I ended up so deformed” deformed, that’s what she thought of herself, to me she was always beautiful and I didn’t know her before I was born so how was I
supposed to tell the difference?

I also remember that she would complain about how fat she was when I was, lets say 5, then we would look at pictures of that time when I was 9 and she´d say “Oh God! I was skinny back there and I couldn’t appreciate it, now I´ve turned into such a cow” And what I have seen in most of these post is something like that, women who were not completely happy with their pre preggo bodies and that would now kill for them, I just have a little advice, if I may.

Woman: enjoy your body AS IT IS, down go moping over what it USED to look like, don’t wait until it is gone to appreciate it, it would be really sad if you took a picture of yourself today and not realizing how beautiful you are until you see it years from now. And this applies to everything really, I apply this mostly to my baby, I try to love every one of his stages because they aint coming back, it gets harder in some ways and easier in others. Also, your fear of how looking bad is not helping, you put yourself under a magnifying glass every time you look at yourself in the mirror, and you assume everyone else sees the same flaws you do, and you give your supportive husband such a hard time cause you don’t believe he doesn’t care about (or sometimes doesn’t even see) your stretch marks or all of those imaginary flaws, that’s a good thing, and heres a secret, most men don’t notice and if they do, chances are they don’t care, I´ve always thought that when you put make up on to look pretty for a husband, boyfriend, men in general the ones who notice it the most are women, now women may notice your flaws, but if someone tells you something you really shouldn’t give a damn, especially if you’ve got one of those rare unsupportive spouses who do, try to put them in their place or see if you can make it without them, I know being a single mom is hard and not a first choice but you
shouldn’t allow them to psychologically abuse you or bully you, is that the kind of thing you want around your kids?

And lastly, as an update, I finally found some stretch marks! I was 5 moths pp and right out of the shower I bent over to wrap my hair up in a towel and there they were, little silver lines that I can only see when there’s direct sunlight and strect my skin, They are way down in my belly so any two pice bathing suit would almost cover them up, also at 8 months pp I found some more higher, near my navel, and it’s the weirdest think, I am totally sure it wasn’t there before, I mean I could see something weird but it seemed to be under my skin, ever happened to one of you? Oh and my breasts get smaller I can feel their share of stretch marks, then after a while if I focus a lot and have very good lighting I can see a couple of them.

Anyways, this post was intended to be much more articulate, but as I mentioned I have a very active baby and I shouldn’t sit here typing any longer because he is begging me to go out. Don’t wait until its too late to appreciate and love your body, try to look at yourself through the adoring eyes of your partner and kids.

Teen Mom (Jessica)

In January of 2010, I had just turned 18 and was just starting to feel really secure with my looks. I had started to loose weight and was very happy with the way things were going. Then I met a boy. One thing led to another and I got pregnant. Before my pregnancy, I weighed around 215 lbs. At the time of delivery, I weighed in at 270! This was very hard for me to handle… I had an all natural delivery and gave birth to a very handsome baby boy. I breastfed my baby for his first 4.5 months. After my milk dried up, my breasts looked so flat and saggy, not to mention nearly two sizes smaller… My body had changed so much, and I didn’t know how to take it. Now I am six months postpartum, and I have lost 20 pounds, but I still look pregnant! Oh and the stretch marks! They are EVERYWHERE. I just want to get back to my pre pregnancy body! I would feel better about myself than I do now!

And to all of you ladies who do share your stories and pictures, I very much appreciate it!

My World Changed When He Entered It (Samantha)

21 years old, 2 1/2 year old son

As a teenager I was always very self conscious of my body. I was constantly striving to maintain that “perfect” look. I was modeling and working hard to break into that extremely difficult world. I never had to work out or diet to stay in shape, I was just naturally thin. 3 months after I turned 18 I found out I was pregnant with my boyfriend of 4 years. I was very excited and thought I would be able to bounce back right after having him. I was wrong. For about a year after my beautiful son, Donte, was born I hated my body and was uncomfortable with myself almost all the time. A minute didn’t go by that I wasn’t trying to think of ways to get back in shape. I was working out, I was eating healthy and still nothing was helping. As time went by I became more and more comfortable with myself and realized that this Mommy body IS my perfect look. Nothing else matters! I brought a funny, gorgeous, smart little boy into this world and I wouldn’t change that for anything. My world no longer revolves around being thin or feeling comfortable in a bikini. I really could NOT care less if I never wear a bikini again. My world now revolves around that baby boy that came from my womb and I embrace every new curve I have gained from him.

Picture 1- 9 months pregnant
Picture 2 and 3- 2 1/2 years postpartum
Picture 3- My adorable son, Donte, being the goober he is <3 [gallery]

Miracles Happen (SCS)

Previous post here.

age 30
number of pregnancies 4 and births 2
age of children 3 ½ and 5 weeks how far pp 5 weeks

First I wanna apologize for the long post, I wanted to say a lot. As everyone says, I love this site. I think I’ve read every entry on it. I posted in 2009 after my first miscarriage. My body has changed since then. In March of 2011 I suffered another miscarriage. It hurt a lot but I finally decided I was very happy with only have one child and I didn’t really want to have anymore. I did however want to know why I was having miscarriages. In June I finally had my appointment and I was very disappointed with the “Doctor” who seen me. My appointment was on a Wednesday and I told the doctor I was a week late for my period. I know my body ever since I started keeping track of my periods I’ve always been 28 days at 10am. Yep I was that predictable. Well, after the miscarriages I was 26 days. So when I told the doctor she blew me off by saying I haven’t had my period because I gained so much weight. I weighed 250lbs when I seen her, I had been stuck at that weight for almost 2 years by then. Well, at least she did do some blood tests only she didn’t test for me to be pregnant. On Friday I got a call saying I had a slow thyroid and that is why I was extremely tired and I gained so much weight and couldn’t lose anything regardless of how much I cute back and ate healthy or exercised. So I went to get the prescription but decided since it was almost the end of the day I would start them on Saturday. Well, Saturday morning I decided to take a pregnancy test, just to see what it said and I was sure surprised. I walked right out of the bathroom and showed my boyfriend. This I wish I would’ve waited because with all my pregnancies I had a really cute way to tell him. He didn’t show any kind of reaction I think mostly due to the worry I would lose this one too. So I called the hospital up to make sure it was ok to still take the medicine and they said yes to keep taking it. That Monday I called my family doctor to make an appointment so they can confirm it and I made an appointment with the obgyn. At the two appointments I was so scared they would tell me sorry but you aren’t pregnant so I cried every time they confirmed it.

every doctors visit from then on, I cried when I heard the babys heartbeat. My first born went to all my doc appoints and was even there to see the ultrasounds. So when I started my pregnancy I was 250lbs, I went down some then didn’t gain any until my 5 month. In total I only gained 8lbs by the time I had the baby. I weighted 258lbs when I went in for the scheduled csection on feb 23, 2011. The csection went well, other than me being extremely sick after due to the meds they had to give me to calm me down after they took the baby out since I couldnt breathe, I had a terrible cold and was breathing through my mouth through the whole operation since my nose was stuffed up and it went dry. I couldnt breathe or even have any spit in my mouth to wet my throat.

at my 2 week appointment when I stepped on the scale I weighted 231lbs. I was so excited to see I had lost so much. I have since got down to 224lbs which is what I am in the pictures below. The pregnancy picture I was probably about 258lbs since it was so close to when I had the baby. I am happy to say I am content with my body. I do want to lose some weight only due to the fact that I cant afford any new clothes and all my other clothes are only a size or two smaller. Im currently in size 18 and some of my nice clothes are size 16 or 14. So that isnt too far to go. However, I guess im content with my body because I’ve been hit with ppd. I cry all the time especially is I don’t get enough sleep, I don’t feel close to my newborn and really don’t want to hold him at all. Plus we are dealing with trying to survive on my boyfriend only having a part time job, but God will get us through this as He always has.

The last thing I want to say is that as I’ve read the different entries on this site it saddens me to see that most of the people who complain about the way they look, I see them and wonder WTH, you look great. And I noticed that a majority of the people who accept themselves are like me larger women. Either way everyone has their own issues thanks to all the media and the pressure to be skinny. Children are a blessing that a lot of woman will never be able to have. They would trade their great body for the chance to carry a baby. Just know regardless of your body, you were blessed and trusted with the greatest gift of all—a beautiful baby.

Young Mom to Two Gifts (Kathryn)

I had my sons close together my oldest will be 2 in June 6/16/09 3:16pm 6 pounds 6 ounces 21 inches long! My pregnancy with him was horrible I was nauseous from 6 weeks up until I delivered at 39w 2d I threw up frequently but really didn’t loose much weight oddly. I had him at 18 I weighed 154 I had been that size since I was 14. Day of delivery I was 167 or 169 at my 6w check up I was 154 but my pants didn’t fit because my fat moved around didn’t really bother me that much. When my oldest was 6 months I found out I was pregnant again!! I was happy that my first born would have a pal to play with. My second pregnancy was wonderful up to 35-36 weeks I was nauseous the normal 8w-12w. I never vomited with him and a wonderful pain free birth and he was born on my 20th birthday Sept 9th 2010. He was 6 pounds 6 ounces 19 inches long 10:51am I actually got to breastfeed him for a week up until we found out that he had a dairy/soy allergy and reflux. I was fine to quit nursing I was in so much pain from it because my milk came in. I recovered from his birth fine and was out driving the next day didn’t even use my pain meds. At my 6 week check up I was 150 something but now I am 173 and have a whole mess of stretch marks they don’t bother me what bothers me is the flabby fat my stomach and thighs are the worst but I don’t diet and I don’t eat healthy and I’m not really active but that’s about to change when I start work in June! I am thinking about buying a Wii fit I heard positive things about it. When it really gets to me I just look at my youngest and he gives me a huge smile and I know he loves me so its worth the extra 23 pounds to have 2 gifts in my life.

Number of pregnancies and births: 2 pregnancies 2 births
The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: my oldest 2 in June youngest 6 1/2 months
I am 6 1/2 months pp

1st one is me at 36 weeks with my second.2nd one is the day my 2nd was born.3rd one is 24 hours after having my first and the last one is my oldest at 21 months

The Rewards of Patience (Amanda)

My husband and I have been together for almost nine years, and married for nearly seven. Having children was one of the first things that we talked about when we first met. I naively assumed that it would be easy, being that both sides of my family are very prolific. How wrong I was.

Our first loss occurred in March of 2004. I wasn’t even sure that I was pregnant. I just knew that I was ten days late (my cycle is like clockwork) and I started bleeding. A visit to the doctor confirmed that I had been about six weeks pregnant.

The second loss occurred nearly a year to the date later. I was late, took a test, got a positive, and started bleeding the next day.

The third loss happened in July of 2005, just four months after the second one. I carried this pregnancy for four days beyond my missed period.

The fourth loss…I got a positive, after trying one time, in September of 2008. Even though I cringed every time I went to the bathroom, expecting blood, there was none. Everything was going great. I heard the heartbeat and saw the baby in several ultrasounds, and I’d never felt better. I was growing and glowing. Then on December 11 (the day after my birthday), we went for our sixteen week checkup. They put the doppler on my belly, and we were excited to hear our baby’s heartbeat. There was nothing but silence in the room. They decided to take me to ultrasound to see what they could find out. As soon as they put the probe on my belly, I knew. I looked at the screen and my baby was there, but so still. I looked at the doctor and said, “My baby’s dead, right?” She apologized and told me that yes, it looked like the baby had quit growing at twelve weeks. I didn’t understand. I couldn’t keep a pregnancy before that…now this one kept going for a month after it should have. They called it a missed miscarriage. I had a D & C the following morning.

Loss number five was the following July. Once again, positive test, and then the bleeding started the next day.

Now the tests started in earnest. Nobody could find anything wrong. The good news was that I could get pregnant, and quite easily at that. We just had to find out how to keep me pregnant. My regular endocrinologist sent me to a reproductive endocrinologist, and they diagnosed me with a luteal phase defect…a progesterone deficiency. That’s IT? Don’t get me wrong, I was happy that the condition was treatable, but seriously, that’s something that should have been caught YEARS previous. Anyway, I was prescribed progesterone suppositories, to be used for the fourteen days following ovulation, and until twelve weeks if I fell pregnant. The low progesterone was making my uterine lining incompetent, and that’s why the fertilized eggs weren’t “sticking,” so to speak. I started the suppositories in November of 2009, and those were supposed to bulk up the uterine lining, making it nice and nutritious for a fertilized egg to stick to. I took an ovulation predictor on March 23, and it was positive. We hoped for the best. All the while, we were in the process of buying our first house. Now, I’m the kind of person who may as well have bought stock in pregnancy tests and ovulation predictors, and I can’t stand to have them laying around, unused. On April 7, we closed on our house. On April 8, I noticed that I had an unused digital test. It was only a day before my period was due, and I hadn’t had any symptoms or anything, but I thought what the heck. Usually, when I’d take a pregnancy test, I’d sit on the floor, hyperventilating and shaking, waiting for the lines to show up or waiting for the word “pregnant” to show up. This time, though, I took my time, finished going to the bathroom, zipped up, and glanced casually at the test sitting on the bathroom counter. There it was…a big fat PREGNANT. Ultrasounds to confirm a gestational sac and, ten days later, a heartbeat, all confirmed that things were fantastic.

I started wearing maternity jeans at seven weeks. I really did start to show that fast. I had many people ask me if I was carrying multiples, and I can’t say that the thought didn’t cross my mind. Our twenty week anatomy scan came and went, with the tech and the doctors remarking how perfect our baby was and how everything was measuring right on schedule. They gave me a due date of December 17…one week after my birthday. And every day, I grew bigger and bigger. Seriously. I was huge. Enormous. I gained 52 pounds, probably because the baby had me eating hot fudge caramel sundaes and drinking gallons of milk every night. (I hate milk, by the way.) Around thirty weeks, I was so big that I was already having trouble breathing. And walking. And getting out of the bath tub. And shaving…everywhere. But my roly poly little baby was kicking and punching away, all day, every day. And all night. I never got morning sickness (though everybody who was around me in the first few months of pregnancy got it for me…including my grandmother, who hadn’t thrown up in fifteen years. My father and my husband were sick, too. It’s called couvade. I thought it was hilarious.) I had no heartburn, no glucose troubles, nothing. As a matter of fact, it was like pregnancy fixed everything for me. I had bad acne before I got pregnant. It completely went away. I had terrible anxiety. During pregnancy, it was gone. And I was the opposite of constipated, which was awesome, because I had always been a once-a-weeker, if I was lucky.

Months went on and I grew and grew. I was afraid, like any pregnant woman, of the body changes that could and would happen. It made me feel ungrateful and horrible, though, when I thought about wearing a two-piece this coming summer, and wondered if I would be able to. I mean, we had struggled with having a baby for the better part of six years. What kind of jerk was I, worrying about what the baby was doing to my body? I should have been focusing on what I was doing to the baby’s body, and that was being its support system, the reason my baby was alive. So I did. But I won’t lie…every day, I asked my husband if I had gotten any stretchmarks on my belly yet. I was sure that it was only a matter of time. After all, someone can’t grow as huge as I did and not have a few battle scars. But I never got any at all, except two on my breasts (which turned into two hundred when I started nursing). I chalk that up to good genetics. Neither my mother nor either of my grandmothers got them on their bellies, so I guess I’m just stretchy.

We planned on a completely natural birth, attended by midwives, but I ended up having to be induced because they suspected he was big and I was a week overdue. I progressed quickly, with no epidural, but when they broke my water and found meconium, the contractions became unbearable and they advised me to get the epidural so they could speed things along. I got to ten centimeters in nine hours, but the baby wouldn’t drop down. The doctor said that she could crank up the pitocin all night, but he probably wasn’t going to get through my skinny little pelvis, so we decided on a C-section just to have it over with. It was Christmas Eve, anyway.

Once I was in surgery and the baby was coming out, I heard cries of “Oh my god, how beautiful!” and “It’s a boy!” They started trying to guess how much he weighed. I heard somebody say “Nine pounds six ounces,” and I laughed out loud. There was no way a baby that big just came out of my body. But the scale told a much more horrifying and impressive number…ten pounds and twelve ounces. Really?? No way!!! That was more of a shock than anything else in this entire experience. As the doctor was stitching me up, she said, “Well, your belly is gone now.”

I’m now 15 weeks and 4 days postpartum. These pictures were taken when I was 10 weeks and 5 days postpartum. The pregnancy photos are of my belly at 39w5d (black sweatpants) and 40w6d (teal tanktop, looking way past rough). I’ve also included a picture of my (not so) little guy, who is everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more. The white background is him at two weeks, there is one of him nursing, and the other is him at 9 weeks. The one in the paisley tank top is me before I got pregnant, and I’ve included a recent one of both of us, taken on March 31.

Believe it or not, I like my scar. You’d think that since it’s a reminder of how botched our birth plan ended up being, that it would signal failure to me. Actually, I think the opposite. I got to experience contractions and hard natural labor, contractions with an epidural, and a surgical birth. I got to experience a little bit of everything in Julian’s birth. My mother isn’t here anymore, but I have a scar just like she did. I came into the world through her belly, and it’s sort of appropriate, I suppose, that her grandson came into the world the day after her birthday (he was born on Christmas Eve, she on the 23rd, the day I was induced) via the same route that her daughter did. I refuse to look at my scar as a sign of failure on my part to not birth my son the way I had planned. He was huge! I don’t think he would have come out vaginally if I had stayed in labor for a week, and certainly not without me needing a few hundred stitches. I’m glad it happened the way it did. I weighed 142 when I got pregnant, and when I delivered, I was close to 200, and probably over it by the time they pumped me full of fluids. I’m back down to 155 now, but honestly, I don’t care if I don’t lose another pound. The weight that has come off (other than nearly twenty pounds of baby, placenta, water, and all that stuff) came off because of the breastfeeding, I think, because I haven’t done anything. It’s too cold to go running, and I don’t want to leave this perfect little creature anyway. It seems like pregnancy has redistributed my extra weight into sexy places that I never had it before. I’ve always had skinny hips, no butt, and no waist. I was always kind of straight up and down. Now I’m curvy. None of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit me yet. My thighs are a little meatier and I still have some extra skin. I don’t have any stretch marks, but my skin certainly stretched, and my pants won’t button over it even if I can manage to get them past my newly acquired thunder thighs. Yeah, as the weather gets warmer, more of the weight will probably drop off, but I’m happy the way I am. My body, this body that I thought would NEVER carry a baby to term, went above and beyond this time. I grew him on the inside and I continue to nourish him on the outside. It turns out that I was pretty good at this baby growing business, after all.

I think that we focus too much on the physical “shape” of a mother. What about the ways in which we transform emotionally? What is our “shape” once the empty areas have been filled in with the senses of accomplishment and pride and unfathomable, bottomless love that come along with having a child? Where there was a dull and aching void, now there is the warm fulfillment of wishes granted, of dreams brought to life. If our bodies have been changed, we should see those changes not only as humble sacrifices, but the same way as we view our emotional experience…to love someone more than you love yourself, your emotions have to go through a tremendous amount of expansion or stretching. Just as our bodies twisted out of the American society’s “ideal” shape, so did our lives, in ways more complicated, hard, and beautiful than I could ever have imagined. And if you’re truly honest with yourself, at the end of the day, what would you rather have? I’ll take the physical reminders that I grew a life inside me every single time as opposed to the emptiness and the sense that something was lacking that filled me before I had my son.

Age 28
6 pregnancies, one birth
15 weeks 4 days pp today, 10 weeks 5 days in the pictures

I have a website with chronological pictures of my belly here.

Birth is a privilege and every scar is a testament of what we’ve been through and it’s made us who we are (Simone)

I went through my first pregnancy comparing my damaged body to all the other women I believed came out of it completely unscathed! It seemed like just about everyone had a washboard unblemished stomach just weeks after giving birth.

It took me a long time to accept my post pregnancy body and to realise it wasn’t nearly as unattractive as I believed it was. In fact, while the father of my boys failed to appreciate my post pregnancy body and our marriage didn’t last, I have gone on to date some stunning (and younger) men who have never had a problem with my post pregnancy stomach! I was recently told by an old (now pregnant) colleague that my ability to attract young hot men was an inspiration to mothers everywhere! I agree. I’m still looking for a man who is the whole package (not just a Personal Trainer or an Ironman – seriously) but quite simply, my post pregnancy body has been no inhibitor. I take excellent care of my body by leading an active and healthy lifestyle and I am grateful every day for the privilege of having my two boys.

I may choose to have a tummy tuck one day, I may not – I simply know it is no longer required for me to feel good about myself, attractive and to be grateful for what I have.

~Age: 36
~Number of pregnancies and births: 2 boys
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: aged 10 and 2

After 4 Babies (Mommyof4)

The photos are of me at 10 weeks postpartum with my 4th child. My weight before I started having kids was about 105-110, and I am just under 5’8”, so I was very thin!

I went back to about 110 after my first two kids in my early 20s. My third and fourth babies were born one right after the other in my early 30s, so I gained a bit more weight and unfortunately kept it. My current weight is 152.

I went down to about 140 after my third, but I usually drop the rest of my weight after I wean, and #3 nursed until I found out I was pregnant with the #4, so my body didn’t get a chance to really bounce back. I’d like to lose at least 30 pounds, and I’m really going to work hard with diet and exercise now that I’m done having babies! I’d like to lose the thighs, as much of the belly as possible, and I’m hoping that after I went and with exercise, the breast situation will improve as well. If not, oh well! Any exercise suggestions would be appreciated as that is probably what I’m most self-conscious about.

I was a working model before and what you see is what I have now, and thanks to this site, I know I’m totally normal, but I do want to try to lose the extra weight for the sake of my heath and to feel better in my own skin!

My stretch marks are light in color because they are from my first pregnancy. I didn’t get any more with subsequent pregnancies.

Weight gain with #1: 80 lbs
#2: 60 lbs
#3 and #4 50 lbs

~Age: early 30s
~Number of pregnancies and births: 6 pregnancies, 4 births
~The age of your children, or how far postpartum you are: 4 children, 10 weeks PP

Chemically, Artificially Me (Anonymous)

Previous entries here and here.


if I were less of me

and more like you

would I be alright?

would you love me more

if I looked like the models in the magazine?

boney flesh, bared on glossy paper, beautiful?

layers of colours, a madeup mask.. hides you..

redefining your idenity

wrapped up in your image

and forgetting that you breathe

your tiny frame

breakable like glass

never thin enough..

the pages

they tell you who you are..

who you should be..

tired of the comparison

“the perfect look”

change this… change that

look like this..

this ever changing standard of beauty

distorted by the consuming vanity

physical scrutiny

you forget that I am real

you forget that I feel

I am not an object

I am not on display

and would it be okay if I were just ‘me’?

apart from the vision you have for me

I fade away

..and only this distorted image remains

who am I?

and what have I become?

chemically, artificially, me

Trying to Adapt to my New Body 4 Months PP (Anonymous)

I have my first baby at the age of 15 and ever since I keep having kids, Now I’m a mother of 6…and even tho sometimes I’m self consius on the way i look I love my body in some ways, every time i have a baby my body get a different shape and form, I have stretch marks in my entire body and cellulite in legs and bum, also my tummy area its very stretch and i have lose skin and saggy boobs, I’m trying to accept myself and be thankful for the 6 blessings god had given me. My husband loves me, right now I’m trying to lose weight and I’m hoping i can look a lil better to wear and bathing suit this summer.

Age 24
Number of kids: 6 and 1 angel
Kids ages 9,8,7,4,3, and 4 months