This month’s French version of Elle magazine features several celebrities photographed without makeup or photoshopping. And guess what? They are still beautiful. It’s a different kind of beauty, one that shows the imperfections in their skin, but a more important beauty for the world to see. Granted, they are still professionally lit and dressed and hairdressed, but, hey, it’s a start. Check it out.
Celebrity Beautiful
Kate Winslet on Real Bodies
Reader Ashley sent me this link today. I knew I liked Kate Winslet, but man, what an awesome lady. Check it out, it’s everything this site is about and more!
Angelina Jolie

I have seen this stunningly peaceful photograph of Angelina all over the net recently, but had not gotten around to reading the article until a reader prompted me. I found this beautiful quote within,
‘I’m with a man who’s evolved enough to look at my body and see it as more beautiful, because of the journey it has taken and what it has created,’ she says.
‘He genuinely sees it that way. So I genuinely feel even sexier.’
Thanks, Christina, for the link!
Minnie Driver – “Podgy and fat” and completely awesome.
A reader sent me this article a few weeks ago now and I’ve only just now gotten to read it. How refreshing! Thank you, Minnie Driver!
I think it must be very hard to be a celebrity mom these days. If we feel watched after our babies are born, I can only imagine how they feel with tabloids stalking them for any chance to bring them down a peg. I hope Minnie’s words are heard by other moms – celebrity and not – and I hope they follow suit, it’s a trend we can use!
And thank you, Melissa, for the heads-up!
More Celebrity Stretch Marks
A reader sent me this link and I think that, despite the negative point of view of the website, it’s a really positive thing for us. Check it out and thanks to Danielle!
Lisa Marie Presley
Reader Skye sent this link to me of Lisa Marie’s stretchmarks. Thanks!
Supermodel Belly
Just got this link from reader Claire regarding Cindy Crawford’s very own baby belly. Thank you, Cindy, my hat’s off you you, beautiful lady!