Pregnancy and Postpartum Belly Photos (Anonymous)

I gained 33 pounds during my pregnancy and have lost almost all of it at 8 weeks post partum. I still have what looks like a 4 or 5 month pregnant belly (and don’t fit into my pre-pregnancy pants), with a dark linea negra and stretch marks around and under my belly button and on my hips… I’m still getting used to my new body and hope that the linea negra fades and that with exercise the belly continues to get smaller. I had a c-section (14 staples) and am pleased with how the incision is healing.

5 Months PP with Hypothyroidism (Anonymous)

I had my daughter 3 months before I turned 21. She is the first for both me and my husband. I was 250 before i got pregnant. I was 274 the day i had her and dropped back to 250 the day she was born. I thought i looked pretty good 1 week post partum. Over the next few weeks… months.. I kept gaining weight. I couldnt figure out why because I was breastfeeding and eating the same as before i got pregnant… Actually better because there was no money for going out to eat. They did multiple tests and discovered i had hypothyroidism. In the 5 months since i had my daughter i gained 60 pounds and weighed 310 pounds. I am completely disgusted with myself and the way my body looks. I’ve looked at all of the other moms and it makes me feel like im not alone but it certainly doesnt make me feel better about me. Now that im on medication for the hypothyroidism i lost 14 pounds in a week not doing anything differently. Im not even breastfeeding anymore. Its obvious that its going to take time and obvious that the meds are working. I just have to learn to accept myself for the way i am now with the hope that one day i’ll get to where i WANT to be! the first 2 pictures are a few months before i got pregnant. The second 2 are the day before i gave birth. the fifth is one week post partum. the next few are from today at 5 and a half months Post partum… Front and side views both normal and when i suck it in.. I’ve also got the saggy boobs which also have bright red stretchies on them. the last is my sweet daughter who is certainly worth it all :)

4 days pp (May)

I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant and turned 20 before I had him. I am engaged to the most amazing person I’ve ever known, and although the pregnancy was unplanned he was thrilled with the news; because after five years of trying to win my heart, he not only finally had me, but was about to start a family with who he calls the girl of his dreams. I cannot say that I was as thrilled at first – I was devestated. But that all quickly changed and although my pregnancy was less than wonderful, when times were hard I just had to hold my belly in my hands and feel my baby boy roll around and kick and punch and squirm – all of which he did 24/7 and it was the main (and sometimes only) joy I got out of being pregnant. I didn’t want to be induced and my doctor insisted, but after a week past my due date I reluctantly agreed, me and Anthony prayed for weeks about the possibility of an induction, so I was in ways prepared. It went surprisingly well, and I very comfortably and calmly gave birth to my BEAUTIFUL 7 lb. 7 oz. baby boy, 21 inches tall and looks just like his dad. I was able to go home 24 hours after he was born, no complications with him or me. He is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, next in line with his father coming into my life. I just had him 4 days ago and despite friends with babies saying coming home from the hospital would be hell on earth, I have found it beautifully easy, mainly because I have a good attitude about it I suppose. I am breastfeeding him and my milk came in well, he is a wonderful baby and gives me no trouble [yet] :) I have very little pain and can move around great, I can even exercise although I guess I probably shouldn’t. I’m 5’9″ and I was 130lbs in a size 2. when I got pregnant with him, ballooned up to 169lbs and a size 7 in regular jeans (i never did buy maternity jeans as none that I found were anywhere near long enough!) by the day before the induction. I ate so well, very healthy as I did before I got pregnant and actually alot less than people would have probably advised but I just wasn’t that hungry during pregnancy, I exercised every single day walking and pilates but I still gained the weight. I was really worried and still am about what I will look like. But my mom snapped back down to a size 2 even after me and my twin brothers so maybe I’ll be fine. I got some stretch marks on my left hip and on the inside of my left thigh despite my efforts against them, but the little ones on my stomach didn’t appear til after I gave birth. I’m now 4 days postpartum and I’ve lost only 13 lbs. and that really disappoints me. These pics are of me about a month before I got pregnant, me at 9 months pregnant, me today and then my beautiful little boy, Cecil.






Updated here.

Tiny Dancer (Anonymous)

I spent years learning to dance and perform. Ballet, jazz and modern dance as a child and as I got older training alongside some of the best known circus performance artists at a specialized gym. I always wanted to be a model but at barely 5’1 I found work but not in the fashion industry. Working as a dancer and pt adult model left me with a very vanity driven sense of worth. If I were thin, toned and tanned I wouldn’t have a care in the world. I was miserable spending 8 hours a night working in a hustler club to support such a frivolous lifestyle. Six years in the industry left me tired and in need of a new life. On august 28 2007 I sobbed in my bathroom over my third positive pregnancy test. I was 23 years old and I was divorcing my junky musician husband. I had been drinking a lot, and obviously not taking enough precaution. Months later I have reached 38 weeks. I wont tell you I love my expanding body. I appreciate its ability to modify, adapt and produce human life. There isn’t a night that I don’t dream of fluidly moving my weightless form in one-way or another. This baby is the light at the end of my tunnel. Without it I would have never slowed down enough to find the man of my dreams, he would never have had the chance to show me what a little unconditional love could do. I look forward to the birth of our little boy/girl. To spread my new wings. Teach them and guide them in everything I myself fell short of. But most of all I cant wait to hold my little one in my arms and dance.

Updated here.

This is me before and after my baby (Anonymous)

Hey everybody. I would like to say that i love this site, i go on it atleast once a day. I got pregnant at the age of 18 and delivered my 8 pound and 2 oz baby boy Dec 17 2006. Before i got pregnant i weighed 105 and i gained 35 pounds during my pregnancy. I lost 22 pounds since my baby was born. This is me before my pregnancy and 7 months after he was born.

Updated here.


I’ve been meaning to submit to Shape of A Mother – what a fantastic project! I’ve done some writing about body image for mothers through my work as a henna artist and several people have recommended this project to me. I would be honored to participate.

Three children – pregnant from April 2003 to June 2005 (with a couple months between each) – two full-term births – tandem nursing still 2.5 years later. My body has been through SO much, nearly as much as my heart and mind. I like to think of my stretch marks as “natural tattoos”, and to try to celebrate them as intentional marks that represent my inner strength and journey. This has helped a little, but even more powerful for me has been body art. I did my first henna design on my own stretch marks (henna is a temporary plant stain that has been used for at least 4,000 years as body art). I wanted to celebrate them overtly, to really SEE them and trace their lines. It helped so much to transform my self-hatred and non-acceptance into admiration. I still struggle, and will continue to perform this body art every year around the time I gave birth. Someday I’ll put on a crop top or a bikini and show the world!

I didn’t take a photo of that first design, but it inspired me to begin a henna body art service just for mothers ( I wanted to be able to share the power I discovered with women during their own transformations. I wanted them to feel beautiful, special, pampered, and honored. I will not post my clients bellies here without their consent, but they have given their permission to have their images on my site.

Since beginning my henna body art I’ve done henna on my own breastfeeding breasts and found just as much power in that experience (perhaps even a bit more). Not only that but my little nurslings appreciated it as well (“Look, momma’s nummies have ff-owers!”).

Henna is a critical tool in my journey to accepting my changed body. Not only is it an opportunity to do something specifically for me and relax and lay back for a while, it’s an ancient tradition that connects me with thousands of years of women who have passed through this same transformation. Henna is a little sloppy, imperfect, organic, and beautifully unique. It is not crisp and tight the way ink tattoos are, and it doesn’t have the associations with young, toned bodies. It gradually fades over several days, leaving a lasting reminder that my body IS beautiful in its own way.

May each of you find your path to acceptance.