I have had two boys that are sixteen months apart. My oldest is three and the baby is almost two. I workout several days a week plus I try to eat as healthy as possible. I am disgusted with my body but I also realize that this body brought two beautiful lives into this world. My husband looks at me with loving eyes and has embraced everything that came with these pregnancies. However, my insecurities and discontent with body is part of my everyday life.

You look great! My daughters are 16 months apart too and I am no where near in shape like you are. I too feel so ugly and am not comfortable at all with my body but hopefully I can get in shape before I try for the 3rd baby. Your body looks great … just remember that you brought life into this world.
I think you look pretty darn good. Your breasts are high and your skin is nice and smooth. And your boys are adorable!! Give yourself a break.
We have the same story. Two sons, 16 months apart oldest 3 in September, Baby 2 in February. Just found out we are expecting number 3. I can’t imagine what mark this child will leave on my body. You do look great. Most of us are never going to be who we were before children. We need to love our new body and all that it can accomplish. Your boys are beautiful, good luck with number 3!